Today's GOP Not The Party of Lincoln

I disagree with your assertion about Biden's public record making him a racist. That is an extremely biased interpretation, which an overwhelming body of evidence disproves. But I agree with you that much of Trump's popularity derives from resentment of the system you describe.

^^Willful ignorance
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I disagree with your assertion about Biden's public record making him a racist. That is an extremely biased interpretation, which an overwhelming body of evidence disproves. But I agree with you that much of Trump's popularity derives from resentment of the system you describe.
How is it biased if its out there since the 70's or this favorite when talking Obama “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean.” If you allow it, you're part of it.
I disagree with your assertion about Biden's public record making him a racist. That is an extremely biased interpretation, which an overwhelming body of evidence disproves. But I agree with you that much of Trump's popularity derives from resentment of the system you describe.

Bidens words makes him a racist. If Trump would have said anything near what Biden has, there would be calls for his head. Stop with your BS. The GOP is garbage. But the Democratic Party are equally, if not in many ways, even worse.
How is it biased if its out there since the 70's or this favorite when talking Obama “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean.” If you allow it, you're part of it.

Your feelings being hurt by that statement does not disprove it. Yeah, I get that the implication is not cool, but if you look at the historical record of distinguished Black leaders, most would not be regarded as being in the mainstream. They primarily represented people of their own ethnicity, about 12% of the population. Obama was so mainstream that he was twice elected President. Name another Black leader whom you think could have done that. The fact is that there was nobody else who did. Obama possessed rare skill at relating to other people. Kindly be reminded that this thread is not about Democrats.
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Fascism is on the far right side of the ideology spectrum. Who's brainwashed now?

BTW - People refer to the GOP as a cult because of their blind allegiance to all things Trump. It is really the cult of Trump.

Is it really a “far right” ideology if the right believes in smaller government? Unless you are claiming the Nazi party wanted smaller, less intrusive government which is simply incorrect.
I think you’re biting off on the MSM media narratives too much as they continue to push this “Fear Trump” narrative
No, I'm working from the duality of the Republican response to the incursion at the Capital on 1/6/21.

In the immediate aftermath, the responses from Sen. Mitch McConnell, Rep. Kevin McCarthy, Sen. Tom Cotton and Sen. Lindsey Graham included sharp criticisms of then-President Donald's Trump's rhetoric and baseless claims. There was (albeit, briefly) a consensus that Trump had behaved irresponsibly in promoting his theory that Vice President Mike Pence had the unilateral authority to cast aside electoral votes, for the purpose of getting a different set of electors chosen by Republican-controlled state legislatures in swing states that he had lost.

That crazy theory has no merit within the framework of the United States Constitution, and it would be a colossal conflict of interest for the Vice President to wield that much power over his/her own re-election outcome. The VP's name is also on the ballot, after all. Do Republicans want Kamala Harris to have the power to overturn her own re-election defeat in January of 2025? I tend to doubt it, don't you?

The Republican rebuke of Trump didn't last long, however. Once polling showed that Trump's base wasn't budging in their support of him, the criticism of Trump's post-election conduct quickly faded and the cult fell back in line behind its leader. Criticism of Trump was nowhere to be seen on the Republican side yesterday. Not a backbone in sight.

There is a fear of Trump, but it's from the Republican side of the aisle.
Please explain how the GOP wants to overthrow the Constitution and install a fascist dictatorship.
They can’t. In the liberal mind…voters electing a candidate they disapprove of is somehow now „a threat to democracy“. The left has not just jumped the shark now, they are going for the whole ocean.
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No, I'm working from the duality of the Republican response to the incursion at the Capital on 1/6/21.

In the immediate aftermath, the responses from Sen. Mitch McConnell, Rep. Kevin McCarthy, Sen. Tom Cotton and Sen. Lindsey Graham included sharp criticisms of then-President Donald's Trump's rhetoric and baseless claims. There was (albeit, briefly) a consensus that Trump had behaved irresponsibly in promoting his theory that Vice President Mike Pence had the unilateral authority to cast aside electoral votes, for the purpose of getting a different set of electors chosen by Republican-controlled state legislatures.

That crazy theory has no merit within the framework of the United States Constitution, and it would be a colossal conflict of interest for the Vice President to wield that much power over his/her own re-election outcome. The VP's name is also on the ballot, after all. Do Republicans want Kamala Harris to have the power to overturn her own re-election defeat in January of 2025? I tend to doubt it, don't you?

The Republican rebuke of Trump didn't last long, however. Once polling showed that Trump's base wasn't budging in their support of him, the criticism of Trump's post-election conduct quickly faded and the cult fell back in line behind its leader. Criticism of Trump was nowhere to be seen on the Republican side yesterday. Not a backbone in sight.

There is a fear of Trump, but it's from the Republican side of the aisle.
It is not inconsistent to believe that Trump acted irresponsibly (as I believe) and still think that he would have been a better President than the Clown currently in the Oval Office (in the rare occasions when he is not on „vacation“ in Delaware of course). I hope Trump never runs again and I will oppose him vehemently in the primary if he does. But if it eventually comes down to Trump vs Dumberdorf, you better believe I will hold my nose and vote for Trump without hesitation.
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CW doesn’t know what fascism is.

Is it really a “far right” ideology if the right believes in smaller government? Unless you are claiming the Nazi party wanted smaller, less intrusive government which is simply incorrect.

Of course I do and it is a far right ideology. To argue otherwise is absurd. Your argument appears to hinge on the differences between just the run of the mill right wing ideology and fascism. If fascism dovetailed perfectly with mainstream GOP policies then it would not be a far right ideology it would simply be a right wing ideology.

Only the fringes in the Democratic party want true socialism. The mainstream has no interest in government ownership of the means of production. Does that mean socialism is not a far left wing ideology? Of course not.
The fact that they attack all progressive ideologies is a solid start.

Define progressive. Under the Nazi government state sponsored holidays were provided, nationalization of education, seizing of natural resource production, etc. I think you are having difficulty coming to grasp with the fact that the Nazi party has more in common with the Left than Trump
Your feelings being hurt by that statement does not disprove it. Yeah, I get that the implication is not cool, but if you look at the historical record of distinguished Black leaders, most would not be regarded as being in the mainstream. Obama was so mainstream that he was twice elected President. Name another Black leader whom you think could have done that. The fact is that there was nobody else who did. Obama possessed rare skill at relating to other people. Kindly be reminded that this thread is not about Democrats.

How do you know what my feelings? Very telling response though "Yeah, I get that the implication is not cool" followed by a but. Which shows acceptance as that's just Uncle Joe.
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Of course I do and it is a far right ideology. To argue otherwise is absurd. Your argument appears to hinge on the differences between just the run of the mill right wing ideology and fascism. If fascism dovetailed perfectly with mainstream GOP policies then it would not be a far right ideology it would simply be a right wing ideology.

Only the fringes in the Democratic party want true socialism. The mainstream has no interest in government ownership of the means of production. Does that mean socialism is not a far left wing ideology? Of course not.

I am not even sure that’s a defense much less a good one. Your second paragraph is pure lunacy
Is it really a “far right” ideology if the right believes in smaller government? Unless you are claiming the Nazi party wanted smaller, less intrusive government which is simply incorrect.

In effect, "small government" means unregulated corporations.
How do you know what my feelings? Very telling response though "Yeah, I get that the implication is not cool" followed by a but. Which shows acceptance as that's just Uncle Joe.

Your posts express your feelings. Maybe you should start a thread about them. This thread is about the Republican Party. I am going to repeat that, again. This thread is about the Republican Party.
But a majority of Republican U.S. House Representatives voted for the objections, which was the plan hatched by Trump's hirelings to overthrow the election by sending the vote count back to Republican majority state legislatures.
That was the scheme that Donald Trump wanted Mike Pence to be a part of on 1/6/21. That is absolutely the dumbest thing ever.

Obviously, the Biden campaign would have sued if Pence had even tried it, and the case would have quickly reached the Supreme Court. If anyone truly believes that the Supreme Court would have allowed that to work, or that our system of elections should work that way, then they shouldn't be a member of the United States government.
In effect, "small government" means unregulated corporations.

Regulation in of itself isn’t a good thing if those regulations don’t work, it is no longer the early 20th century. Small government means less intrusion, limited taxation, and more freedoms, my question to you is why do you fear freedom and need a chaperone?
Your posts express your feelings. Maybe you should start a thread about them. This thread is about the Republican Party. I am going to repeat that, again. This thread is about the Republican Party.
It's cute you think they're separate
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Regulation in of itself isn’t a good thing if those regulations don’t work, it is no longer the early 20th century. Small government means less intrusion, limited taxation, and more freedoms, my question to you is why do you fear freedom and need a chaperone?

I do not remember saying that I feared freedom and needed a chaperone. Is that something you read on the radio?

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