Today's GOP Not The Party of Lincoln

I've seen this semantic argument many times. My view is that you are confusing the word "fascism" with totalitarianism. The extreme left and right are both totalitarian. But fascism differs from communism. Fascism is an authoritarian government in alliance with corporate power. Communism is an authoritarian government in the name of the proletariat or working class, in opposition to private and corporate business.
That's false. Because the working class was never better off under communism. Communism and fascism both benefited a very small, select group of people only. The goal of both was complete obedience to the government in every aspect of life.

Plus, working class people both supported Mussolini's fascism and Hitler's national socialism. Therefore, all three ideologies gained power with the support of people from different walks of life. All three brought about a centralized, totalitarian government.

How's the working class doing over in Cuba, China, North Korea and Venezuela today?
Really? Mussolini for example openly praised Karl Marx. I think you’re confusing fascism with the people you’ve labeled as fascist

I think you're confusing Mussolini the young man that considered himself and academic and was a member of the Socialist Party with Mussolini the Prime Minister of Italy who founded the Italian Fascist Party.
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We are in 2021 and the Republican Party needs to move towards the future and be the party of common sense and the party for the working people of this country.

Unlike the democrat party who is the party of Marxism. Marxism is an ideology from the 1800s. The democrat party seems to be stuck in the past. And on top of that they are now the party of the rich and the party of corporatism.
No, if the Republican Party wants to move towards to future then they need to adopt libertarian ideals. A party for the “working class” that’s full of right wing populism is doomed to fail.
I don’t disagree with your issues with Trump’s actions. But the thread title seems to proclaim the GOP as a whole are the issue.

Wasn’t it the GOP that certified the election?

No. Republicans in both the House and Senate objected to the vote count. Iirc, most Republican U.S. Senators voted to certify the election. But a majority of Republican U.S. House Representatives voted for the objections, which was the plan hatched by Trump's hirelings to overthrow the election by sending the vote count back to Republican majority state legislatures.
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That's false. Because the working class was never better off under communism. Communism and fascism both benefited a very small, select group of people only. The goal of both was complete obedience to the government in every aspect of life.

Plus, working class people both supported Mussolini's fascism and Hitler's national socialism. Therefore, all three ideologies gained power with the support of people from different walks of life. All three brought about a centralized, totalitarian government.

How's the working class doing over in Cuba, China, North Korea and Venezuela today?

What's the "working class"?
They both advocated for a large, centralized government and their ultimate goal was control of the people under their rule. Both left wing ideologies.

So according to your definition. Since the democrat party is now the party of the rich/corporatism does that mean they are a fascist party?
A characteristic of fascism is control of the government by those who own the means of production. There are other flags too, like extreme nationalism, scapegoating of the 'other', etc. I don't think either party is fascist but we need to ensure neither goes that way. Just because (if) big business favors one party does not make that party fascist.
Just to throw it out there for comparison, socialism is roughly ownership of the means of production by the government.
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That's false. Because the working class was never better off under communism. Communism and fascism both benefited a very small, select group of people only. The goal of both was complete obedience to the government in every aspect of life.

Plus, working class people both supported Mussolini's fascism and Hitler's national socialism. Therefore, all three ideologies gained power with the support of people from different walks of life. All three brought about a centralized, totalitarian government.

How's the working class doing over in Cuba, China, North Korea and Venezuela today?

Maybe you are incapable of understanding the very real distinction between fascism and communism, but my guess is that you are not even trying. If you read my post again, you will find a statement that both fascism and communism are totalitarian. I agree that both governments serve themselves, but there is a great difference in their philosophy and practice. Fascist governments ally themselves with corporations. Communist governments destroy corporations and even small private businesses.
If your views are formed by media teleprompters, using the word fascist/fascism doesn't validate slamming a party as a whole.
If your views are formed by media teleprompters, using the word fascist/fascism doesn't validate slamming a party as a whole.

My views are not products from media broadcasters, but your suggestion certainly is. If the Republican Party does not want to be known as fascist, then it should not have supported a wannabe dictator after his attempted coup(by overthrowing the election). If you support that, then you are a fascist.
How is the Republican Party not a criminal racket, determined to overthrow our Constitution by installing a fascist government?
Do you have any functioning idea what fascism is? This ^^^^^^ does not demonstrate that.

You really should restart your meds.
My views are not products from media broadcasters, but your suggestion certainly is. If the Republican Party does not want to be known as fascist, then it should not have supported a wannabe dictator after his attempted coup(by overthrowing the election). If you support that, then you are a fascist.
My views are not products from media broadcasters, but your suggestion certainly is. If the Republican Party does not want to be known as fascist, then it should not have supported a wannabe dictator after his attempted coup(by overthrowing the election). If you support that, then you are a fascist.
How do you feel about a POTUS ordering the assassination of a US citizen. Not an accidental killing. Not someone who had been sentenced to death by a US court. But an actual assassination. What would you call that?
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It has devolved into a cult. The true conservatives who put country over party are attacked as "RINO's" and targeted with primary challenges. Criticism of Trump isn't tolerated. The GOP is not principled or ideology-based anymore. Policies are becoming increasingly insignificant. It all comes down to a Trump-loving contest for Republicans now. Nobody has integrity, a spine or a conscience.

Yet most every Republican leaning person I know, when we have that discussion, says No way Trump should run again. I think you’re biting off on the MSM media narratives too much as they continue to push this “Fear Trump” narrative…because that’s all they’ve got with the abysmal performance of Joe and Kamala along with the Dem controlled Congress that pursues policy hostile toward the American people. Does Trump have a following? Yes, but I don’t believe the die hards are in the numbers you think.
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How do you feel about a POTUS ordering the assassination of a US citizen. Not an accidental killing. Not someone who had been sentenced to death by a US court. But an actual assassination. What would you call that?

I'm guessing that you are doing what Republicans always do when faced with criticism. You evade it by attacking some Democrat. If that is what you are doing, then you can start a thread on Democrats. This thread is about Republicans.
My views are not products from media broadcasters, but your suggestion certainly is. If the Republican Party does not want to be known as fascist, then it should not have supported a wannabe dictator after his attempted coup(by overthrowing the election). If you support that, then you are a fascist.

Or GOP voted Trump in because many were tired of the system of next person up/entitlement. Again, saying it more doesn’t validate it. Easy to say, watch if you supported Biden and elected him by your definition then you’re a racist based on how you laid it out. Because his history in public office says he is.
My views are not products from media broadcasters, but your suggestion certainly is. If the Republican Party does not want to be known as fascist, then it should not have supported a wannabe dictator after his attempted coup(by overthrowing the election). If you support that, then you are a fascist.
If you believe that was an attempted coup you don't have much going for you?
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I'm guessing that you are doing what Republicans always do when faced with criticism. You evade it by attacking some Democrat. If that is what you are doing, then you can start a thread on Democrats. This thread is about Republicans.

Butism is a bigger factor than fascism among the left.
It also describes DeSantis. Are they not claiming to be on different sides?
I have said many times I don't agree with DeSantis' orders that do not allow the cruise lines to impose vaccine mandates. If that's what they want to do, have at it. I personally won't be spending any money there. It is when it comes to denial of food or health care that it is a problem. If a non essential business wants to impose that crap, go for it. The market will decide.
Or GOP voted Trump in because many were tired of the system of next person up/entitlement. Again, saying it more doesn’t validate it. Easy to say, watch if you supported Biden and elected him by your definition then you’re a racist based on how you laid it out. Because his history in public office says he is.

I disagree with your assertion about Biden's public record making him a racist. That is an extremely biased interpretation, which an overwhelming body of evidence disproves. But I agree with you that much of Trump's popularity derives from resentment of the system you describe.

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