Today's GOP Not The Party of Lincoln

Define progressive. Under the Nazi government state sponsored holidays were provided, nationalization of education, seizing of natural resource production, etc. I think you are having difficulty coming to grasp with the fact that the Nazi party has more in common with the Left than Trump

This entire debate reminds me of two brothers I knew growing up. They fought... a lot. When they would fight they would slap each other and push each other. As opposed to punching or wrestling. Their fights had the look of a choreographed dance. They would then begin call each other a pu$$y. As in you're the pu$$y, no you're the pu$$y. My comment to them was always the same... No, you're both pu$$ies.
I didn't call it fascism. I called it a cult. The OP called it fascism. I was only concurring with his disgust for Republicans. I disagreed with his reasoning for disgust.
How is the Democratic Party also not a cult? It wasn't that long ago that AOC and "The Squad" were talking about how they would campaign against any Dems that didn't agree with them. Would it not be fair to say that American politics have devolved into two cults, one side Republican, one side Democrat? Or is this gonna be a one-sided "only the other side is wrong!" conversation?
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How is the Democratic Party also not a cult? It wasn't that long ago that AOC and "The Squad" were talking about how they would campaign against any Dems that didn't agree with them. Would it not be fair to say that American politics have devolved into two cults, one side Republican, one side Democrat? Or is this gonna be a one-sided "only the other side is wrong!" conversation?

Why are you comparing AOC's position in the Democratic Party with Trump's position in the Republican Party? You know very well that AOL is not the leader of her Party and that Trump is the leader of his. I know that Republicans manage criticism of their Party by coming up with some criticism of a Democrat or Democrats. That is not a reply; that is an evasion. This thread is about the Republican Party. Mods will you please move all of this stuff about Democrats to some thread about Democrats? While you're at it, you can move posts about me to a thread about me. I am not the subject of this thread.
Why are you comparing AOC's position in the Democratic Party with Trump's position in the Republican Party? You know very well that AOL is not the leader of her Party and that Trump is the leader of his.
Trump is the leader of a faction in his party. AOC is a leader of a faction in her party. Neither one is the supreme leader of their respective parties. That's just dumb.
This entire debate reminds me of two brothers I knew growing up. They fought... a lot. When they would fight they would slap each other and push each other. As opposed to punching or wrestling. Their fights had the look of a choreographed dance. They would then begin call each other a pu$$y. As in you're the pu$$y, no you're the pu$$y. My comment to them was always the same... No, you're both pu$$ies.

You keep saying that yet you routinely defend one side more frequently than the other. I think you need to spend some time writing your thoughts down in a journal until you find yourself
Trump is the leader of a faction in his party. AOC is a leader of a faction in her party. Neither one is the supreme leader of their respective parties. That's just dumb.

You're lying. No, my saying that is not just dumb. As former President, Trump is the titular head of his Party. Are you the only person who does not know that? Trump leads in polls for the 2024 Presidential nomination, and he continues to act as head of his Party by dictating his positions to other Republicans and primarying candidates who defy his dictates. There is no valid comparison between the two.
Trump is the leader of a faction in his party. AOC is a leader of a faction in her party. Neither one is the supreme leader of their respective parties. That's just dumb.
Trump was the leader of the GOP for 4yrs and still maintains influence. He is and has been way more powerful than AOC
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That was the scheme that Donald Trump wanted Mike Pence to be a part of on 1/6/21. That is absolutely the dumbest thing ever.

Obviously, the Biden campaign would have sued if Pence had even tried it, and the case would have quickly reached the Supreme Court. If anyone truly believes that the Supreme Court would have allowed that to work, or that our system of elections should work that way, then they shouldn't be a member of the United States government.

Your obsession with Trump is unsettling.
Trump was the leader of the GOP for 4yrs and still maintains influence. He is and has been way more powerful than AOC
I didn't say he wasn't, but he's not the Grand Wizard of the Republicans. He does not lead the entire party.
Define progressive. Under the Nazi government state sponsored holidays were provided, nationalization of education, seizing of natural resource production, etc. I think you are having difficulty coming to grasp with the fact that the Nazi party has more in common with the Left than Trump
The Nazi party was also among the first governments in the world to pass sweeping environmental protection laws. Just sayin….
And Hitler was an avowed vegetarian.
How is the Democratic Party also not a cult? It wasn't that long ago that AOC and "The Squad" were talking about how they would campaign against any Dems that didn't agree with them. Would it not be fair to say that American politics have devolved into two cults, one side Republican, one side Democrat? Or is this gonna be a one-sided "only the other side is wrong!" conversation?
1) By definition, a cult involves devotion to one specific person. There is a litmus test that must be passed with only one singular factor required for membership, and that singular factor is always a devout commitment to that one single person. You believe whatever he/she believes, even when that involves conflicting ideals. I don't see anything resembling that from the Democratic side of the aisle.

2) Also, the Democratic Party was not addressed in the title of this thread. "Today's GOP" was. If you would like to discuss the Democratic Party, then you should start a new thread, instead of trying to change the subject of this one.
You're lying. No, my saying that is not just dumb. As former President, Trump is the titular head of his Party. Are you the only person who does not know that? And Trump continues to act as head of his Party by dictating his positions to other Republicans and primarying candidates who defy his dictates. There is no comparison between the two.
I'm not lying. Is Carter still the leader of the Democratic Party? Clinton? Obama? Each party has leadership, but no one person is really "the leader". Trump has a more powerful position than AOC, but there is a comparison between the two. Both have threatened to use their influence to squash voices within their own respective parties. That is a fact.
Trump was the leader of the GOP for 4yrs and still maintains influence. He is and has been way more powerful than AOC
Of course I do and it is a far right ideology. To argue otherwise is absurd. Your argument appears to hinge on the differences between just the run of the mill right wing ideology and fascism. If fascism dovetailed perfectly with mainstream GOP policies then it would not be a far right ideology it would simply be a right wing ideology.

Only the fringes in the Democratic party want true socialism. The mainstream has no interest in government ownership of the means of production. Does that mean socialism is not a far left wing ideology? Of course not.

We are literally witnessing a fascist regime at this moment. So I guess Biden is far right? Maybe only the fringe of liberals want true socialism but most want a much more society built on socialistic ideologies. And where are you seeing all these “far right” people who are wanting fascism?
1) By definition, a cult involves devotion to one specific person. There is a litmus test that must be passed with only one singular factor required for membership, and that singular factor is always a devout commitment to that one single person. You believe whatever he/she believes, even when that involves conflicting ideals. I don't see anything resembling that from the Democratic side of the aisle.

2) Also, the Democratic Party was not addressed in the title of this thread. "Today's GOP" was. If you would like to discuss the Democratic Party, then you should start a new thread, instead of trying to change the subject of this one.
A cult can be to a singular belief rather than a singular person.

Of course you want to dodge an honest discussion.
The Nazi party was also among the first governments in the world to pass sweeping environmental protection laws. Just sayin….
And Hitler was an avowed vegetarian.

I wonder where the crematoriums fit in that equation? He was also asexual. I believe that classifies him for the rainbow spectrum
I'm not lying. Is Carter still the leader of the Democratic Party? Clinton? Obama? Each party has leadership, but no one person is really "the leader". Trump has a more powerful position than AOC, but there is a comparison between the two. Both have threatened to use their influence to squash voices within their own respective parties. That is a fact.

Lookit, I'm sorry but this is too stupid.
Mods, will you please move posts about me to some other thread. This thread is about the Republican Party.

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