Today's GOP Not The Party of Lincoln

A cult can be to a singular belief rather than a singular person.

Of course you want to dodge an honest discussion.
It can... but that doesn't apply here. What would the singular belief even be?

I'm not dodging anything. If you want to talk about the Democratic Party, then start a new thread, and we will talk about it. This particular thread is specific to the Republican Party, and it says so in the title.
It can... but that doesn't apply here. What would the singular belief even be?

I'm not dodging anything. If you want to talk about the Democratic Party, then start a new thread, and we will talk about it. This particular thread is specific to the Republican Party, and it says so in the title.
That singular belief is loyalty to party above all else. Both sides practice it.
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It can... but that doesn't apply here. What would the singular belief even be?

I'm not dodging anything. If you want to talk about the Democratic Party, then start a new thread, and we will talk about it. This particular thread is specific to the Republican Party, and it says so in the title.

You may need to cuddle with Volmain and hold hands on the beach with your J Crew pant legs rolled up just above your ankles while you walk just above the edge of the tide.
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I wonder where the crematoriums fit in that equation? He was also asexual. I believe that classifies him for the rainbow spectrum
The government can ALWAYS excuse themselves from their own regulations. Ours does that every single day. Almost every workplace regulation or financial requirement is specifically written to exclude Congress. Ask yourself why Congress exempted themselves from Onamacare 😂
Words cannot describe this

Oh yes they can. Republicans typically evade criticism of their Party by diverting attention to some other subject. This thread is about today's Republican Party. I'm a straight line guy. I started this thread, and I'm trying to keep it on topic. You are not the topic. I am not the topic. The Republican Party is the topic.
No, he doesn't. Not every Republican swears fealty to Trump. That's just idiotic.
The Republicans who dare to be critical of Donald Trump (such as Rep. Liz Cheney), or who don't abide by his belief that the 2020 Presidential Election was stolen from him (like Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger)) are met with primary challenges and cast out from inclusion in the party. Rep. Liz Cheney votes straight down the Republican Party line as faithfully as can be done... but she will lose her seat anyway, because she fails the Trump litmus test.

The Republican Party is a cult.
The Republicans who dare to be critical of Trump (such as Rep. Liz Cheney), or who don't abide by his belief that the 2020 Presidential Election was stolen from him (like Gov. Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger)) are met with primary challenges and cast out from inclusion in the party. Rep. Liz Cheney votes straight down the Republican Party line as faithfully as can be done... but she will lose her seat anyway, because she fails the Trump litmus test.

The Republican Party is a cult.
Both parties have factions. Neither side has one clear cut leader. Trump is not the leader of the Republicans; Biden is not the leader of the Democrats. One is the former leader of the country, the other is the current leader of the country, God help us all on both accounts.

Both parties are extremely cultish.
That singular belief is loyalty to party above all else. Both sides practice it.
No, it's not.

Rep. Liz Cheney is loyal to conservative ideals, which are traditional to Republican values. Her voting record is standard issue GOP.

The singular factor (or litmus test) is devotion to Donald Trump - and whatever is best for him. "Rep. Liz Cheney" fails the litmus test, and so she is about to be "Former Rep. Liz Cheney".

That is as cult-ish as it gets.
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No, it's not.

Rep. Liz Cheney is loyal to conservative ideals, which are traditional to Republican values. Her voting record is standard issue GOP.

The singular factor (or litmus test) is devotion to Donald Trump - and whatever is best for him. "Rep. Liz Cheney" fails the litmus test, and so she is about to be "Former Rep. Liz Cheney".

That is as cult-ish as it gets.
You don't think the Dems wish they could replace Joe Manchin? I guarantee you they do.
Oh yes they can. Republicans typically evade criticism of their Party by diverting attention to some other subject. This thread is about today's Republican Party. I'm a straight line guy. I started this thread, and I'm trying to keep it on topic. You are not the topic. I am not the topic. The Republican Party is the topic.

Vol Main said:
Mods, will you please move posts about me to some other thread. This thread is about the Republican Party.

Oh look at that.

A liberal in 2022 trying to dictate who can say what and where.

And when his attempts fail, he asked the moderators running the website to get rid of the speech he doesn’t want to see.

Sound familiar?

Sorry Bro, this isn’t Twitter or Facebook. You will just have to deal with post you don’t like.
Maybe you are incapable of understanding the very real distinction between fascism and communism, but my guess is that you are not even trying. If you read my post again, you will find a statement that both fascism and communism are totalitarian. I agree that both governments serve themselves, but there is a great difference in their philosophy and practice. Fascist governments ally themselves with corporations. Communist governments destroy corporations and even small private businesses.
There is not a great difference in either philosophy. There are many more similarities than differences. You need to do some self-study and independent research on the topics and quit repeating what some professor or teacher taught you in school. Learn to think outside your little box. It might take you awhile to get to that point but it can be done.
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The Republicans who dare to be critical of Donald Trump (such as Rep. Liz Cheney), or who don't abide by his belief that the 2020 Presidential Election was stolen from him (like Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger)) are met with primary challenges and cast out from inclusion in the party. Rep. Liz Cheney votes straight down the Republican Party line as faithfully as can be done... but she will lose her seat anyway, because she fails the Trump litmus test.

The Republican Party is a cult.

You mean the daughter of Warmonger Dick is upset with Trump and those on the left are validating it? It's a curious stance for sure.
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Oh look at that.

A liberal in 2022 trying to dictate who can say what and where.

And when his attempts fail, he asked the moderators running the website to get rid of the speech he doesn’t want to see.

Sound familiar?

Sorry Bro, this isn’t Twitter or Facebook. You will just have to deal with post you don’t like.

Respect is a conservative characteristic. As is kindness. He started the thread and has kindly asked to keep it headed in a specific direction.

The common term for what has happened here is threadjacking. And now people who claim to be conservative but show Vol Main neither respect nor kindness are berating him for asking that his thread not be threadjacked.

Yep, he's obviously the problem
Both parties have factions. Neither side has one clear cut leader. Trump is not the leader of the Republicans; Biden is not the leader of the Democrats. One is the former leader of the country, the other is the current leader of the country, God help us all on both accounts.

Both parties are extremely cultish.
The Republican Party is a cult, with Donald Trump clearly being the focus of devotion.

Conspiracy theories must be believed by Republicans, if they are Trump's theories. Unsubstantiated allegations must be trusted by Republicans, if they best serve Trump's agenda. The law must be dismissed by Republicans, if Trump is the one breaking it.
There is not a great difference in either philosophy. There are many more similarities than differences. You need to do some self-study and independent research on the topics and quit repeating what some professor or teacher taught you in school. Learn to think outside your little box. It might take you awhile to get to that point but it can be done.

common sense still holds more power over teleprompter readings.
You mean the daughter of Warmonger Dick is upset with Trump and those on the left are validating it? It's a curious stance for sure.
Rep. Liz Cheney was a rising star in the Republican Party and still would be, if she had fallen in line with the rest of her Republican brethren and unconditionally supported and defended the actions of Donald Trump. Her objection to Trump is the one and only reason that she has fallen out of favor with the Republican Party.

Republican Party = Cult
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There is not a great difference in either philosophy. There are many more similarities than differences. You need to do some self-study and independent research on the topics and quit repeating what some professor or teacher taught you in school. Learn to think outside your little box. It might take you awhile to get to that point but it can be done.

I am not the subject of this thread. It is about the Republican Party.
Respect is a conservative characteristic. As is kindness. He started the thread and has kindly asked to keep it headed in a specific direction.

The common term for what has happened here is threadjacking. And now people who claim to be conservative but show Vol Main neither respect nor kindness are berating him for asking that his thread not be threadjacked.

Yep, he's obviously the problem

Didn’t you read the OP?

We are all a part of a criminal racket, determined to overthrow our Constitution by installing a fascist dictatorship!
Didn’t you read the OP?

We are all a part of a criminal racket, determined to overthrow our Constitution by installing a fascist dictatorship!

Yes, I would say there is a sizable contingent of the GOP willing to allow that to happen. The trouble is those of us who aren't saying anything about it and pushing for their expulsion.
Rep. Liz Cheney was a rising star in the Republican Party and still would be, if she had fallen in line with the rest of her Republican brethren and unconditionally supported and defended the actions of Donald Trump. Her objection to Trump is the one and only reason that she has fallen out of favor with the Republican Party.

Republican Party = Cult
Rising star by who? She was a nepotist politician.
The only Cult of Trump I see would be from the democrat party. Democrats are still obsessed with the man and can't stop talking about him.

Plus democrats can't seem to formulate any original thought outside what their media and politicians tell them.

Democrat Party = Cult

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