Today's GOP Not The Party of Lincoln

You don't think the Dems wish they could replace Joe Manchin? I guarantee you they do.
No, because most Democrats understand that in order to even have a prayer of being elected to the United States Senate in West Virginia, a Democrat must be a moderate. Anyone who ran to the left of Joe Manchin, would lose in the general election. Joe Manchin is (slightly) better than having a Republican in that seat.
Rising star by who? She was a nepotist politician.
I just told you who.

She was definitely a rising star in the Republican Party. Her voting record is straight down the line with Republican Party interests. The one and only reason that her party has turned against her is completely due to her hardline stance against Donald Trump's conduct.
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The only Cult of Trump I see would be from the democrat party. Democrats are still obsessed with the man and can't stop talking about him.

Plus democrats can't seem to formulate any original thought outside what their media and politicians tell them.

Democrat Party = Cult

MSNBC has a nice following
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I just told you who.

She was definitely a rising star in the Republican Party. Her voting record is straight down the line with Republican Party interests. The one and only reason that her party has turned against her is completely due to her hardline stance against Donald Trump's conduct.

Obama was a rising star. Liz being promoted as a rising star is only is a headline shock by publications to the left.
Respect is a conservative characteristic. As is kindness. He started the thread and has kindly asked to keep it headed in a specific direction.

The common term for what has happened here is threadjacking. And now people who claim to be conservative but show Vol Main neither respect nor kindness are berating him for asking that his thread not be threadjacked.

Yep, he's obviously the problem

Oh brother, faux outrage. What do you think he meant by “Republicans aren’t the party of Lincoln”? I am sure he meant to inspire Socratic debate. He threw a hand grenade and ran from it claiming no responsibility
Oh brother, faux outrage. What do you think he meant by “Republicans aren’t the party of Lincoln”? I am sure he meant to inspire Socratic debate. He threw a hand grenade and ran from it claiming no responsibility

The title was intended to lead into discussion of what the Republican Party is now.

No surprise here.


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The only Cult of Trump I see would be from the democrat party. Democrats are still obsessed with the man and can't stop talking about him.

Plus democrats can't seem to formulate any original thought outside what their media and politicians tell them.

Democrat Party = Cult

You guys are still going to rallies for the man. Let's not act like the Trump influence has gone away.
You guys are still going to rallies for the man. Let's not act like the Trump influence has gone away.
I haven't gone to any rallies for him.

Democrats are still buying books about Trump. They have also bought books about both Obamas since they left the White House.
There is not a great difference in either philosophy. There are many more similarities than differences. You need to do some self-study and independent research on the topics and quit repeating what some professor or teacher taught you in school. Learn to think outside your little box. It might take you awhile to get to that point but it can be done.

Found that definition of "working people" or "working class" yet?
Yes, I would say there is a sizable contingent of the GOP willing to allow that to happen. The trouble is those of us who aren't saying anything about it and pushing for their expulsion.

Sizable? Come on you know that's BS.
I haven't gone to any rallies for him.

Democrats are still buying books about Trump. They have also bought books about both Obamas since they left the White House.

buying books about a us prez hardly compares to attending rallies for an ex prez. The trump admiration is culty
buying books about a us prez hardly compares to attending rallies for an ex prez. The trump admiration is culty
Trump obsession is cult like too. Plenty of democrats are still obsessed with him. To the point they cannot stop talking about him or reading books or articles about him.
Obama was a rising star. Liz being promoted as a rising star is only is a headline shock by publications to the left.
Your narrative that Liz Cheney was only a star to Democrats and the media is false, and it is very easily rebutted by established facts.

(1) Rep. Liz Cheney was a Conference Chair in the Republican Party House of Representatives. She was removed from that leadership post last May, just because of her vote to impeach Donald Trump.

(2) Rep. Liz Cheney has never had a close election in the state of Wyoming. 17 points is as close as anyone has ever come to her over the course of 3 election cycles. However, she will be soundly defeated in the 2022 Republican Party Primary, just because of her opposition to Donald Trump's conduct.

2020 General Election

(R) Liz Cheney ................... 68%
(D) Grey Bull ...................... 24%

2020 Republican Party Primary Election

(R) Liz Cheney .................... 73%
(R) Blake Stanley ............... 26%


2018 General Election

(R) Liz Cheney .................... 63%
(D) Greg Hunter ................ 30%

2018 Republican Party Primary Election

(R) Liz Cheney ................... 67%
(R) Rod Miller ..................... 20%


2016 General Election

(R) Liz Cheney .................... 62%
(D) Ryan Greene ............... 30%

2016 Republican Party Primary Election

(R) Liz Cheney .................... 39%
(R) Leland Christensen .... 22%
(R) Tim Stubsen ................. 18%
(R) Darin Smith .................. 16%

It's all about the Trump Litmus Test in the Republican Party right now... and it's strictly pass or fail.

The Republican Party = Cult
The Republican Party is a cult, with Donald Trump clearly being the focus of devotion.

Conspiracy theories must be believed by Republicans, if they are Trump's theories. Unsubstantiated allegations must be trusted by Republicans, if they best serve Trump's agenda. The law must be dismissed by Republicans, if Trump is the one breaking it.
You sound like you're part of a cult.
Your narrative that Liz Cheney was only a star to Democrats and the media is false, and it is very easily rebutted by established facts.

(1) Rep. Liz Cheney was a Conference Chair in the Republican Party House of Representatives. She was removed from that leadership post last May, just because of her vote to impeach Donald Trump.

(2) Rep. Liz Cheney has never had a close election in the state of Wyoming. 17 points is as close as anyone has ever come to her over the course of 3 election cycles. However, she will be soundly defeated in the 2022 Republican Party Primary, just because of her opposition to Donald Trump's conduct.

2020 General Election

(R) Liz Cheney ................... 68%
(D) Grey Bull ...................... 24%

2020 Republican Party Primary Election

(R) Liz Cheney .................... 73%
(R) Blake Stanley ............... 26%


2018 General Election

(R) Liz Cheney .................... 63%
(D) Greg Hunter ................ 30%

2018 Republican Party Primary Election

(R) Liz Cheney ................... 67%
(R) Rod Miller ..................... 20%


2016 General Election

(R) Liz Cheney .................... 62%
(D) Ryan Greene ............... 30%

2016 Republican Party Primary Election

(R) Liz Cheney .................... 39%
(R) Leland Christensen .... 22%
(R) Tim Stubsen ................. 18%
(R) Darin Smith .................. 16%

It's all about the Trump Litmus Test in the Republican Party right now... and it's strictly pass or fail.

The Republican Party = Cult

Her last name got her elected. Didn’t make her a rising star. But thanks for the charts.
Yes, but I have not seen them go to the lengths the Rs to accomplish that goal.
But the threats to act have clearly been there from certain factions of the Democrat Party. Sure, Trumpers are nuts, but the Dems have loons as well.
Again, he has kept himself in the news.
He has, but the left wants him kept in the news. It benefits them to have his lunacy as the face of the Republican Party. Anyone thinking with a shred of common sense knows this and realizes that's why some want to paint him as the "leader" of the Republican Party. Neither side has a singular leader. That's not how this system works. But Dems such as BB will continue to call him the leader because it's the "it" thing to do when rallying election support for the left. It's not "vote against the Republicans", it's "vote against Trump". And we've been seeing it since "vote against Hillary" worked in 2016. Both sides use the same tactics to try and fool voters, and it obviously works, but I'm not going to feed into this false narrative that Trump is the Republican Party. It's as insane as picking a singular Dem, be it Bernie, AOC, Hillary, Biden, or whoever and saying they are the Democratic Party. The entire system is corrupt, not just one side, and the continued argument of "well their side is more corrupt" is just asinine.

Trump absolutely needs to go away, but both sides are keeping him in the spotlight, albeit for totally different reasons.
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Her last name got her elected. Didn’t make her a rising star. But thanks for the charts.
Her position of leadership in the Republican Party House made her a star. She was a Conference Chair, as I just explained. For a House Rep. to have such a lofty status after only 4 years on Capital Hill is unusual. She was a rising star in the Republican Party. There is no denying that.

The only reason she lost that position of party leadership, was her opposition to Donald Trump's conduct. There is no denying that either.
Spoken by someone who clearly could not accurately define what a "cult" is.
I defined a cult for you. It doesn't have to be a devotion to a person, it can be devotion to an idea. Look it up.
I defined a cult for you. It doesn't have to be a devotion to a person, it can be devotion to an idea. Look it up.
Yes, and as I explained, that doesn't apply here. The Republican Party litmus test isn't based on ideology. The Republican Party litmus test is based on Donald Trump.

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