Today's GOP Not The Party of Lincoln

LOL! That is hilarious!

Joe Biden does not inspire anyone. NOBODY is committed to Joe Biden. He was elected president only because he was running against Donald Trump. Democrats did not stand in a unified support of Joe Biden on November 3rd, 2020. They stood in a unified opposition to Donald Trump.

Once again, a cult is not defined by an organized opposition towards someone/something. It is defined by an organized support in favor of someone/something.
You guys called Trump racist his whole presidency. Yet, Democrats went out and voted for a guy in Biden who was mentored by actual racist segregationists like James Eastland and Robert Byrd.

I just explained numerous times democrats support for their political party which is support for an ideology. So in your own words that is organized support in favor of someone/ something. That something being the democrat party. Current leader is Jim Crow Joe. Current opposition for the democrat party is Trump, Fox News, Republicans or anyone who they see opposes the democrat party ideology.

Democrat Party = Cult
You guys called Trump racist his whole presidency. Yet, Democrats went out and voted for a guy in Biden who was mentored by actual racist segregationists like James Eastland and Robert Byrd.

I just explained numerous times democrats support for their political party which is support for an ideology. So in your own words that is organized support in favor of someone/ something. That something being the democrat party. Current leader is Jim Crow Joe. Current opposition for the democrat party is Trump, Fox News, Republicans or anyone who they see opposes the democrat party ideology.

Democrat Party = Cult
What is this ideology? You are talking in circles and not making much sense.
How is the Republican Party not a criminal racket, determined to overthrow our Constitution by installing a fascist dictatorship?

Abe was the first gay POTUS and worst tyrant in American history hence, he would be the perfect Democrat today.
What is this ideology? You are talking in circles and not making much sense.
I just explained it.

What it boils down to is that you can't take criticism of your political party/ideology. And by the very definitions you have given the democrat party can also be classified as a cult.

Therefore. Democrat Party = Cult.
I just explained it.

What it boils down to is that you can't take criticism of your political party/ideology. And by the very definitions you have given the democrat party can also be classified as a cult.

Therefore. Democrat Party = Cult.
You haven't explained what would make the Democratic Party a cult, while also demonstrating a command of what the word "cult" actually means. You have only given a variation of the "I'm rubber and you're glue" 3rd grade-level debating tactic.
You haven't explained what would make the Democratic Party a cult, while also demonstrating a command of what the word "cult" actually means. You have only given a variation of the "I'm rubber and you're glue" 3rd grade-level debating tactic.
I have explained it. You just refuse to admit it because it involves your particular ideology.

Democrat Party = Cult
Self respect?
Human decency?
Things like that.
That’s fair if you’re voting for deacons at church in regards to dignity. Both sides will let you down on human decency if you take a moment a look. Self respect is also filtering the rhetoric and looking around to see if things change after the value of your vote was cast.
LOL! That is hilarious!

Joe Biden does not inspire anyone. NOBODY is committed to Joe Biden. He was elected president only because he was running against Donald Trump. Democrats did not stand in a unified support of Joe Biden on November 3rd, 2020. They stood in a unified opposition to Donald Trump.

Once again, a cult is not defined by an organized opposition towards someone/something. It is defined by an organized support in favor of someone/something.
Couldn’t that be said for Republicans who voted for Trump because he was running against Hillary? Difference is Trump 4 years in politics, Biden just under 50 years. Seems pattern of cult is electing the one continuously.
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How is the Republican Party not a criminal racket, determined to overthrow our Constitution by installing a fascist dictatorship?
Says the guy who supports the party of Biden. You do know the SCOTUS is reviewing Biden’s unconstitutional vaccine mandate right now, correct? He unlawfully bypassed Congress and unilaterally made the decision. Name one thing Trump did that was remotely close to that because Trump wasn’t a tenth of the dictator in 4 years that Biden has been in 1.
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I get it.

"I'm rubber and you're glue," is the best you can do.
It’s not hard to see. All you have to do is watch one of those videos where literally every left news outlet spews the exact same words. It’s not that they’re covering the same story, they’ve been given the talking point, the language to use, and they all do it down the line. One of the hallmarks of a cult is that opposing views aren’t accepted. What do you think is going on now? I’m sure you don’t see that though. I will say this, if anyone is blindly loyal to either side then they are being foolish.
I think dignity went out the window when black fathers started abandoning their families in record rates (they were encouraged by the Dem party to do so through tax reimbursements.)

Self respect followed when generational welfare took hold and working for a living was no longer desirable. Earning a living and self respect are in direct relationship with each other.

Finally Human decency ceased to exist when the drugs poured in and gangs took over the area resulting in the genocide of young black men throughout the 80s and 90s. The murder rates in these communities were simply staggering. And who was in charge of the communities? The mayors and elected officials. Democrats!

That’s what Trump meant by “What do you have to lose?”
Everyone knew what he meant. Luckily enough were smart enough to reject him.
There was still plenty to lose.
Couldn’t that be said for Republicans who voted for Trump because he was running against Hillary? Difference is Trump 4 years in politics, Biden just under 50 years. Seems pattern of cult is electing the one continuously.
The cult is the party who expels members, just because they don't unconditionally support and defend their party's leader.

That is what the Republican Party is doing/trying to do right now to Georgia Governor Brian Kemp and House Representative Liz Cheney. Can you give a comparable example of Democrats doing/trying to do something similar to one of their own members?

.... while keeping in mind, that neither Senator Joe Manchin or Senator Kyrsten Sinema are good examples.

Democrats understand that those two Senators must govern as moderates in order to keep their seats. Neither Sen. Manchin or Sen. Sinema has received, or has been threatened with a primary challenge, unlike what we are currently seeing from Republicans with Georgia Gov. Kemp and Rep. Cheney.
You guys called Trump racist his whole presidency. Yet, Democrats went out and voted for a guy in Biden who was mentored by actual racist segregationists like James Eastland and Robert Byrd.

I just explained numerous times democrats support for their political party which is support for an ideology. So in your own words that is organized support in favor of someone/ something. That something being the democrat party. Current leader is Jim Crow Joe. Current opposition for the democrat party is Trump, Fox News, Republicans or anyone who they see opposes the democrat party ideology.

Democrat Party = Cult

You’re really reaching and making yourself look foolish
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Couldn’t that be said for Republicans who voted for Trump because he was running against Hillary? Difference is Trump 4 years in politics, Biden just under 50 years. Seems pattern of cult is electing the one continuously.
The difference is the number of people (pretty much everyone on the left) who believed Trump was by far and away the worst choice in the repub. primary in 2016.
How many people (especially repubs) thought Biden was the worst choice among the candidates in the dem primary in 2020?

Everyone knew that many people supported Trump simple because he was so hated by those on the left.
Nobody supported Biden because they thought he was the most hated among the right.

It’s not hard to see. All you have to do is watch one of those videos where literally every left news outlet spews the exact same words. It’s not that they’re covering the same story, they’ve been given the talking point, the language to use, and they all do it down the line. One of the hallmarks of a cult is that opposing views aren’t accepted. What do you think is going on now? I’m sure you don’t see that though. I will say this, if anyone is blindly loyal to either side then they are being foolish.
You are right. It's not hard to see.

(1) Democrats belong to a political party, with liberal policies and a progressive agenda.

(2) Republicans belong to a cult, with the litmus test for membership being unconditional loyalty to Donald Trump. Republicans such as Gov. Brian Kemp of Georgia, and Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, are expelled or threatened with expulsion, when they don't fall in line with an aggressive support for/and a vehement defense of their party leader, Donald Trump.
The difference is the number of people (pretty much everyone on the left) who believed Trump was by far and away the worst choice in the repub. primary in 2016.
How many people (especially repubs) thought Biden was the worst choice among the candidates in the dem primary in 2020?

Everyone knew that many people supported Trump simple because he was so hated by those on the left.
Nobody supported Biden because they thought he was the most hated among the right.

That’s maybe where we see the problem. Trump was voted in by my vote based on exposing what many know but can’t question because of the status quo. Status quo was next person up (Hillary) and he stopped that cycle. In doing so, he exposed media manipulation & Washington corruption. You seem like a common sense level headed person, I’m not trying to change anyones opinion but to many in my generation we are tired of the us vs them division talk, when the “us”‘talking is part of “them”. Trumps hate only was presented when he became a threat to changing/exposing what we all were told to believe.
That’s maybe where we see the problem. Trump was voted in by my vote based on exposing what many know but can’t question because of the status quo. Status quo was next person up (Hillary) and he stopped that cycle. In doing so, he exposed media manipulation & Washington corruption. You seem like a common sense level headed person, I’m not trying to change anyones opinion but to many in my generation we are tired of the us vs them division talk, when the “us”‘talking is part of “them”. Trumps hate only was presented when he became a threat to changing/exposing what we all were told to believe.
I don't know what generation you are in, but I'm 61.
And from my perspective, there has never been a presidential candidate that came even remotely close to Trump in playing into the us vs. them division. (maybe Wallace)
Trump (Bannon, Stone) obviously knew how to win many over by playing the us vs. them hatred and divisiveness game.

We obviously just have completely different perspectives. I once thought I would be able to gain some level of understanding of how Trumpism was able to happen in our country, but I've concluded that I can't. The only conclusions I can draw have all been a little sad.
That’s maybe where we see the problem. Trump was voted in by my vote based on exposing what many know but can’t question because of the status quo. Status quo was next person up (Hillary) and he stopped that cycle. In doing so, he exposed media manipulation & Washington corruption. You seem like a common sense level headed person, I’m not trying to change anyones opinion but to many in my generation we are tired of the us vs them division talk, when the “us”‘talking is part of “them”. Trumps hate only was presented when he became a threat to changing/exposing what we all were told to believe.

You guys keep repeating this sad refrain that he was there to expose corruption. Who was charged with corruption? Who was convicted? Instead, every time he was challenged he blamed it on the corrupt fbi, cia, ag (that he appointed) etc. All he did was ratchet up hate for all American institutions under the guise of patriotism.

And he’s collected hundreds of millions from his supporters under the auspices of fair elections, but the money is just lining his pockets.
That’s maybe where we see the problem. Trump was voted in by my vote based on exposing what many know but can’t question because of the status quo. Status quo was next person up (Hillary) and he stopped that cycle. In doing so, he exposed media manipulation & Washington corruption. You seem like a common sense level headed person, I’m not trying to change anyones opinion but to many in my generation we are tired of the us vs them division talk, when the “us”‘talking is part of “them”. Trumps hate only was presented when he became a threat to changing/exposing what we all were told to believe.
No, he didn't.

Trump didn't "drain the swamp." He filled the swamp with self-enriching creatures like Scott Pruitt, Tom Price, Ryan Zinke, Wilbur Ross, Steve Mnuchin, Betsy DeVos and Elaine Chao. While President, Trump also flaunted his nepotism by giving his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, high level posts in the West Wing. Trump didn't expose anyone else's corruption, because he was too busy violating the emolument's clause himself by directing Secret Service Agents tasked with protecting him, to stay at his hotels and trying to steer the G-7 summit to his Doral property in Florida.

Trump didn't "expose media manipulation" either. He practiced media manipulation daily, by treating Fox News like it was his own personal bull horn. There is zero sense of self-awareness to your post.
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You are right. It's not hard to see.

(1) Democrats belong to a political party, with liberal policies and a progressive agenda.

(2) Republicans belong to a cult, with the litmus test for membership being unconditional loyalty to Donald Trump. Republicans such as Gov. Brian Kemp of Georgia, and Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, are expelled or threatened with expulsion, when they don't fall in line with an aggressive support for/and a vehement defense of their party leader, Donald Trump.
LOL, says the guy than NEVER says a negative word about a Dem.
I said it as nicely as I could.
And you don't refer to your fellow democrats as foolish because you agree with them.

I was also applying the same standards to the democrat party as he was applying to the Republican party. You, him and others don't like it when the tables get turned.
I don't know what generation you are in, but I'm 61.
And from my perspective, there has never been a presidential candidate that came even remotely close to Trump in playing into the us vs. them division. (maybe Wallace)
Trump (Bannon, Stone) obviously knew how to win many over by playing the us vs. them hatred and divisiveness game.

We obviously just have completely different perspectives. I once thought I would be able to gain some level of understanding of how Trumpism was able to happen in our country, but I've concluded that I can't. The only conclusions I can draw have all been a little sad.

Have you always voted democrat in your 40 years? I’m 44 and correct me if I’m wrong but the party you/I once voted for is fading away. You can look at the 90’s Clinton’s to now to see the party transformation. Bubba Clinton was sent to capture the Southern White male voter. What changed? A yellow dog will always hold out hope that those in power are the good guys without acknowledging their own faults.

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