Today's GOP Not The Party of Lincoln

You make fun of Dems and service for that craziness? Holy crap
Biden is senile. Enough said.
Harris is inept. Her greatest skill at this point is her gender/race combo. It’s the only thing she gets credit for because it’s the only thing she’s good at.

So yeah. Donjo vols ticket would be an improvement over our current situation. However, there isn’t much that wouldn’t be an improvement.
Biden is senile. Enough said.
Harris is inept. Her greatest skill at this point is her gender/race combo. It’s the only thing she gets credit for because it’s the only thing she’s good at.

So yeah. Donjo vols ticket would be an improvement over our current situation. However, there isn’t much that wouldn’t be an improvement.
And to think, 80+ million saw Biden as an improvement over Trump.
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Since then Virginia flipped red. New Jersey almost flipped red with Republicans barely campaigning there. People are waking up.
They are not waking up to Trump.
Let it get back to a repub and dem thing.
We need to take trumpism out of the equation.
If anyone and everyone who claimed to support Trump lost. I wouldn't care how many repubs won. We would at least be heading back in the correct direction.
Biden is senile. Enough said.
Harris is inept. Her greatest skill at this point is her gender/race combo. It’s the only thing she gets credit for because it’s the only thing she’s good at.

So yeah. Donjo vols ticket would be an improvement over our current situation. However, there isn’t much that wouldn’t be an improvement.
And that's the main point- we really aren't improving.
Much much better than this current disaster of a presidency we have now.
Ok, then what? It didn't help anything. I'm not sure Owens is truly much of an improvement over anything. She simply repeats talking points the right wants to hear
They are not waking up to Trump.
Let it get back to a repub and dem thing.
We need to take trumpism out of the equation.
If anyone and everyone who claimed to support Trump lost. I wouldn't care how many repubs won. We would at least be heading back in the correct direction.
I’m gonna save this and remind you of it daily when Desantis/Owens are running the country 😉

Fact is, Dems love to say “Anyone but Trump”. But when the next Republican takes office, they will be the most racist,sexist,transphobic person imaginable (according to the left). We will be right back to 24/7 non stop smearing by the MSM.
I’m gonna save this and remind you of it daily when Desantis/Owens are running the country 😉

Fact is, Dems love to say “Anyone but Trump”. But when the next Republican takes office, they will be the most racist,sexist,transphobic person imaginable (according to the left). We will be right back to 24/7 non stop smearing by the MSM.
Are Desantis/Owens anti trump? That is a critical requirement.
For the country. 100%

And I take it the answer must be no, they are not anti-trump.
They both do a great job of owning the libs. Not sure how they would govern the country though.

Personally I think DeSantis/ Boebert would be a better ticket.

Ooh or Clay Travis, that would be fun!
They both do a great job of owning the libs. Not sure how they would govern the country though.

Personally I think DeSantis/ Boebert would be a better ticket.

Ooh or Clay Travis, that would be fun!
Anyone who is anti-trump, that's going to be the primary litmus test going forward.
As long as repubs hitch their wagon to trumpism, they will suck and they will damage the country.
Anyone who is anti-trump, that's going to be the primary litmus test going forward.
As long as repubs hitch their wagon to trumpism, they will suck and they will damage the country.

70 million people voted FOR Trump, not against Biden. Better not run too far from Trump.
Anyone who is anti-trump, that's going to be the primary litmus test going forward.
As long as repubs hitch their wagon to trumpism, they will suck and they will damage the country.
Just curious, have you ever used a piece of litmus paper? If so, which color is which and don't google it.
The Republicans who dare to be critical of Donald Trump (such as Rep. Liz Cheney), or who don't abide by his belief that the 2020 Presidential Election was stolen from him (like Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger)) are met with primary challenges and cast out from inclusion in the party. Rep. Liz Cheney votes straight down the Republican Party line as faithfully as can be done... but she will lose her seat anyway, because she fails the Trump litmus test.

The Republican Party is a cult.

Lol. Liberalism is a mental disorder. The mental gymnastics you and some other use to justify your ridiculous beliefs is astounding. Please stop using the word cult. You obviously don’t know the meaning of the word.
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Ok, then what? It didn't help anything. I'm not sure Owens is truly much of an improvement over anything. She simply repeats talking points the right wants to hear
What talking points has she repeated the past few days?

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