Today's GOP Not The Party of Lincoln

And you don't refer to your fellow democrats as foolish because you agree with them.

I was also applying the same standards to the democrat party as he was applying to the Republican party. You, him and others don't like it when the tables get turned.

I referred to you as foolish because you attempt to make nonsensical arguments.

And I’m not a democrat
Have you always voted democrat in your 40 years? I’m 44 and correct me if I’m wrong but the party you/I once voted for is fading away. You can look at the 90’s Clinton’s to now to see the party transformation. Bubba Clinton was sent to capture the Southern White male voter. What changed? A yellow dog will always hold out hope that those in power are the good guys without acknowledging their own faults.
The democrat party is the party of the rich and the party of corporatism.
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You are right. It's not hard to see.

(1) Democrats belong to a political party, with liberal policies and a progressive agenda.

(2) Republicans belong to a cult, with the litmus test for membership being unconditional loyalty to Donald Trump. Republicans such as Gov. Brian Kemp of Georgia, and Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, are expelled or threatened with expulsion, when they don't fall in line with an aggressive support for/and a vehement defense of their party leader, Donald Trump.
Hilarious. The entire Dem thought collective is anti-Trump. They can’t think anything beyond that, even a year after he’s been gone. You are living proof. All you post about in the PF is Trump.
No, he didn't.

Trump didn't "drain the swamp." He filled the swamp with self-enriching creatures like Scott Pruitt, Tom Price, Ryan Zinke, Wilbur Ross, Steve Mnuchin, Betsy DeVos and Elaine Chao. While President, Trump also flaunted his nepotism by giving his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, high level posts in the West Wing. Trump didn't expose anyone else's corruption, because he was too busy violating the emolument's clause himself by directing Secret Service Agents tasked with protecting him, to stay at his hotels and trying to steer the G-7 summit to his Doral property in Florida.

Trump didn't "expose media manipulation" either. He practiced media manipulation daily, by treating Fox News like it was his own personal bull horn. There is zero sense of self-awareness to your post.
You mean to say the media didn’t run months about the Steele dossier, the Muller report in hopes of manipulating the audience into a one sided view? To only be let down after the fact but? Again, media manipulation but well played by NBC, MSNBC and CNN.
Hilarious. The entire Dem thought collective is anti-Trump. They can’t think anything beyond that, even a year after he’s been gone. You are living proof. All you post about in the PF is Trump.
That's not true... but when the subject is Trump? I discuss Trump.
Have you always voted democrat in your 40 years? I’m 44 and correct me if I’m wrong but the party you/I once voted for is fading away. You can look at the 90’s Clinton’s to now to see the party transformation. Bubba Clinton was sent to capture the Southern White male voter. What changed? A yellow dog will always hold out hope that those in power are the good guys without acknowledging their own faults.
I've pretty much always voted democrat.
Republicans today have much the same basic views of democrats 30 years ago. Republicans in 30 years will have much the same basic views as democrats today.
Democrats whose views do not change, always eventually feel more aligned with republicans. You can view that as the democrats changing and leaving you behind or you can view it as the republicans finally catching up to your beliefs.
Republicans who do not change are left with no option other than talk of revolution and/or a nut like Trump.
You mean to say the media didn’t run months about the Steele dossier, the Muller report in hopes of manipulating the audience into a one sided view? To only be let down after the fact but? Again, media manipulation but well played by NBC, MSNBC and CNN.
Not when the media was Fox News.... which I'm repeatedly told on here has better ratings than CNN or MSNBC.
No, he didn't.

Trump didn't "drain the swamp." He filled the swamp with self-enriching creatures like Scott Pruitt, Tom Price, Ryan Zinke, Wilbur Ross, Steve Mnuchin, Betsy DeVos and Elaine Chao. While President, Trump also flaunted his nepotism by giving his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, high level posts in the West Wing. Trump didn't expose anyone else's corruption, because he was too busy violating the emolument's clause himself by directing Secret Service Agents tasked with protecting him, to stay at his hotels and trying to steer the G-7 summit to his Doral property in Florida.

Trump didn't "expose media manipulation" either. He practiced media manipulation daily, by treating Fox News like it was his own personal bull horn. There is zero sense of self-awareness to your post.
That’s rich coming from you, the king of zero self awareness.
Not when the media was Fox News.... which I'm repeatedly told on here has better ratings than CNN or MSNBC.
Failed to mention candidate Trump was on early and often with the Today Show. Once he ridiculed/challenged narratives those segments stopped.
Yet to meet a poor Democrat politician. Republican too for unity of the board.
I actually do think there are some decent democrat politicians at the state level. I believe the governor of Louisiana did sign into law a heartbeat bill. Which I believe a significant number of democrats in that state voted for it as well.

There is also the Democrats for Life group. They are probably against abortion more than most Republicans are.
I've pretty much always voted democrat.
Republicans today have much the same basic views of democrats 30 years ago. Republicans in 30 years will have much the same basic views as democrats today.
Democrats whose views do not change, always eventually feel more aligned with republicans. You can view that as the democrats changing and leaving you behind or you can view it as the republicans finally catching up to your beliefs.
Republicans who do not change are left with no option other than talk of revolution and/or a nut like Trump.
I view it differently but don’t devalue that stance as it’s fair. I see the left splitting off with the progressive side using the old democrat platform as a Trojan horse once old guard fades away. Many traditionalist like yourself/likeminded will either go independent or swing more conservative.
Failed to mention candidate Trump was on early and often with the Today Show. Once he ridiculed/challenged narratives those segments stopped.
In reality democrats are more afraid of someone like Ron Desantis and Candace Owens. Trump backed down too much and tried being friendly with the democrat propagandists in the media.
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I actually do think there are some decent democrat politicians at the state level. I believe the governor of Louisiana did sign into law a heartbeat bill. Which I believe a significant number of democrats in that state voted for it as well.

There is also the Democrats for Life group. They are probably against abortion more than most Republicans are.
They are out there. My older side of the family who votes left believe JFK/Carter party is who they envision when talking about their side. Won’t acknowledge the now, but clinging to the past.
In reality democrats are more afraid of someone like Ron Desantis and Candace Owens. Trump backed down too much and tried being friendly with the democrat propagandists in the media.

Candace Owens is a ding bat.

I disagree with much of what desantis does but he’s principled and I can respect that.
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I view it differently but don’t devalue that stance as it’s fair. I see the left splitting off with the progressive side using the old democrat platform as a Trojan horse once old guard fades away. Many traditionalist like yourself/likeminded will either go independent or swing more conservative.
I don't believe there has been an election in the past 30 years where the dems nominated the most progressive/liberal candidate in the primaries. In fact, I would say they have consistently nominated one of the most centrist of the available candidates.
I don't believe there has been an election in the past 30 years where the dems nominated the most progressive/liberal candidate in the primaries. In fact, I would say they have consistently nominated one of the most centrist of the available candidates.
They have told Hillary and Bernie (I) to bow out in the name of “unity” as the spin.
why is saint george floyd being brought up?
My comment is basically mocking what was said about George Floyd. The woman didn’t deserve to die but a nice warning shot was definitely warranted. She was breaking the law and the cop had every right to shoot her
My comment is basically mocking what was said about George Floyd. The woman didn’t deserve to die but a nice warning shot was definitely warranted. She was breaking the law and the cop had every right to shoot her
There’s no such thing as a warning shot. It’s not even legal
Candace Owens is a ding bat.

I disagree with much of what desantis does but he’s principled and I can respect that.
Candace Owens is great.

A ticket that consisted of Desantis as president and Candace as VP would be great. And it would be a nightmare for democrats.
Candace Owens is great.

A ticket that consisted of Desantis as president and Candace as VP would be great. And it would be a nightmare for democrats.
You make fun of Dems and service for that craziness? Holy crap

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