Today's GOP Not The Party of Lincoln

They both do a great job of owning the libs. Not sure how they would govern the country though.

This seems wrong to me, because they are both so egregiously obtuse that they make living with some of the more uncentered liberals look tolerable by comparison. They tried to overthrow the U.S. Constitution, by refusing to accept legally certified elections which withstood repeated scrutiny. Even Trump's suck-up Attorney General stated that the Justice Department found no fraud that would affect the outcome of the Election. They are acceptable only to people who hate our country, and thank God, most Americans aren't like them.
Much much better than this current disaster of a presidency we have now.
same approach is how we got Biden. It's laughable to me that Trump supporters act confused that he's so universally hated. He's so ****** Biden won
In theory, any party can be called a cult.
That is not true.

Not every party holds the unconditional support and defense of just one person, as a litmus test for membership. That is what the Republican Party has right now. Donald Trump is an especially petty and vindictive person. At the moment, the rest of the Republican Party is bending to Donald Trump's will and moving to expel anyone who failed to participate in Trump's scheme of retaining the presidency, even if that meant taking action in direct violation of their oaths of office and the United States Constitution, such as Georgia Governor Brian Kemp and the Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.

The Republican Party was not a cult in 1974. Party leaders such as Tennessee's own Senator Howard Baker, asked tough questions of members of Richard Nixon's Administration during the Watergate hearings. They made sure the principal figures were held accountable. Had Richard Nixon not resigned, he would have been removed from office with a bi-partisan conviction in the United States Senate. No reprisals were ever taken against Sen. Howard Baker for his opposition to President Richard Nixon's misconduct, concerning the break-in at the Democratic Party headquarters of the Watergate Hotel in June of 1972, and the cover-up, authorized by Richard Nixon himself, that ensued.

The Republican Party desperately needs a Senator with the backbone of Howard Baker right now, and they do not have one. That is why the Republican Party is a cult.
That is not true.

Not every party holds the unconditional support and defense of just one person, as a litmus test for membership. That is what the Republican Party has right now. Donald Trump is an especially petty and vindictive person. At the moment, the rest of the Republican Party is bending to Donald Trump's will and moving to expel anyone who failed to participate in Trump's scheme of retaining the presidency, even if that meant taking action in direct violation of their oaths of office and the United States Constitution, such as Georgia Governor Brian Kemp and the Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.

The Republican Party was not a cult in 1974. Party leaders such as Tennessee's own Senator Howard Baker, asked tough questions of members of Richard Nixon's Administration during the Watergate hearings. They made sure the principal figures were held accountable. Had Richard Nixon not resigned, he would have been removed from office with a bi-partisan conviction in the United States Senate. No reprisals were ever taken against Sen. Howard Baker for his opposition to President Richard Nixon's misconduct, concerning the break-in at the Democratic Party headquarters of the Watergate Hotel in June of 1972, and the cover-up, authorized by Richard Nixon himself, that ensued.

The Republican Party desperately needs a Senator with the backbone of Howard Baker right now, and they do not have one. That is why the Republican Party is a cult.
If having a backbone was a requirement for congress we might need 50 new senators and 435 new representatives. They all in some way contribute to pork, lobbying interests and their own financial gain.
We have several senators and representatives that have spent their entire career being spineless.
There have been multiple coverups in gov about their own behavior on both sides. Glad you haven’t changed your tune that only the Republican Party should be held accountable. The Democrats and democratic socialists that have been elected are just as guilty.
If having a backbone was a requirement for congress we might need 50 new senators and 435 new representatives. They all in some way contribute to pork, lobbying interests and their own financial gain.
We have several senators and representatives that have spent their entire career being spineless.
There have been multiple coverups in gov about their own behavior on both sides. Glad you haven’t changed your tune that only the Republican Party should be held accountable. The Democrats and democratic socialists that have been elected are just as guilty.
Everyone should be held accountable for misconduct. My "tune" is that only the Republican Party can be accurately described as a cult. Republican subservience to Donald Trump's vindictive nature has taken control over the entire party platform in 2022.
Everyone should be held accountable for misconduct. My "tune" is that only the Republican Party can be accurately described as a cult. Republican subservience to Donald Trump's vindictive nature has taken control over the entire party platform in 2022.
So the other cult elected Biden?
So the other cult elected Biden?
The Democratic Party does not meet the definition of a cult. Unlike the Republican Party, there isn't a litmus test for membership which involves the unconditional support and defense of just one specific person or ideal. If you disagree with that assessment, then please explain who/what the singular figure of Democratic Party devotion would be? Because it sure as hell isn't Joe Biden. Nobody respects him.
The Democratic Party does not meet the definition of a cult. Unlike the Republican Party, there isn't a litmus test for membership which involves the unconditional support and defense of just one specific person or ideal. If you disagree with that assessment, then please explain who/what the singular figure of Democratic Party devotion would be?
I do disagree.
Democrats turned into the “ anyone but trump cult” and voted as such. You end up with a President that has dementia and is shielded at every turn and a untenable vp. Congratulations.
You are a democrat, I get it. I’m very much a constitutionalist with conservative views. We will probably never agree about this subject. To say that the body politic Democrats aren’t a cult is, to me, intellectually dishonest.
The cult leaders are picked by the cult itself… progressive Democrats and Democratic socialists picked a combination that would appeal to their cult. A white man and a vp women of color.

So no impeachment for Joe over the debacle in Afghanistan where Americans who are guaranteed protection of the United States under the constitution were left to their own devices and billions of dollars of OUR equipment was given to aide and comfort the enemy? I believe that defines treason.
No impeachment for defiling the constitution he swore an oath to defend when he just tried to take away 84 m people’s inalienable rights to be left alone about a vaccine? Inalienable means can’t be removed even if you try to sign them away. Joe has failed his oath several times and continues down that path as do many on the left who wholeheartedly support his disregard for his oath.
That is cult behavior.
It cuts both ways. As I said before any political party ( body politic ) can be considered a cult and I stand by that statement because it’s a fact.
The Democratic Party does not meet the definition of a cult. Unlike the Republican Party, there isn't a litmus test for membership which involves the unconditional support and defense of just one specific person or ideal. If you disagree with that assessment, then please explain who/what the singular figure of Democratic Party devotion would be? Because it sure as hell isn't Joe Biden. Nobody respects him.
Democrat litmus test? Try ABORTION. Find me ONE prominent national Democrat who is pro life. I’ll wait……..
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Democrat litmus test? Try ABORTION. Find me ONE prominent national Democrat who is pro life. I’ll wait……..
Daniel Lipinski used to be. Even if he is now it's probably not one of his campaign issues.

Look how democrats have treated Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema for not towing the party line. They even followed and harassed Sinema in the bathroom. Protested outside Manchin's houseboat. And look how they treated Tulsi. To the point that Tulsi wants nothing to do with the party at the moment.
Daniel Lipinski used to be. Even if he is now it's probably not one of his campaign issues.

Look how democrats have treated Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema for not towing the party line. They even followed and harassed Sinema in the bathroom. Protested outside Manchin's houseboat. And look how they treated Tulsi. To the point that Tulsi wants nothing to do with the party at the moment.
Yes. The very definition of a CULT. And in the case of the Democrats, it is a suicide cult. They are actively trying to kill their own society just because it doesn’t meet their warped vision of perfection.
Daniel Lipinski used to be. Even if he is now it's probably not one of his campaign issues.

Look how democrats have treated Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema for not towing the party line. They even followed and harassed Sinema in the bathroom. Protested outside Manchin's houseboat. And look how they treated Tulsi. To the point that Tulsi wants nothing to do with the party at the moment.

I don’t think anyone seriously believes the Dems are this reasonable group of people with a variety of ideas they respectfully debate among each other.

Orange man bad! That’s their motto and what holds them together.
Democrat litmus test? Try ABORTION. Find me ONE prominent national Democrat who is pro life. I’ll wait……..
I'm not sure what you mean with the qualifying agent "national"? It seems like you might be trying to reduce the pool of potential possibilities to an unreasonably low number. However, I will see your request for ONE prominent Democrat who is pro life, and I will raise you with ONE MORE.

(1) Joe Manchin (D) Senator - West Virginia

(2) Bob Casey (D) Senator - Pennsylvania

You should know who Sen. Joe Manchin is. He has been in the news a lot lately. If you don't know who Sen. Bob Casey is, that's your problem. He is a valid answer to your request. Sen. Bob Casey has been in the United States Senate since 2007, and he is well-respected as a moderate.
Daniel Lipinski used to be. Even if he is now it's probably not one of his campaign issues.

Look how democrats have treated Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema for not towing the party line. They even followed and harassed Sinema in the bathroom. Protested outside Manchin's houseboat. And look how they treated Tulsi. To the point that Tulsi wants nothing to do with the party at the moment.
Try Sen. Bob Casey (D) of Pennsylvania. He is not only pro-life, he has even publicly called for Roe v. Wade to be overturned. Sen. Bob Casey has been in the United States Senate since January of 2007. He is a popular member of the Democratic caucus. He is never challenged in the Democratic Party Primary in Pennsylvania, because there is no litmus test on abortion in the Democratic Party.

That is because, unlike their Republican Party counterparts, the Democratic Party is NOT a cult.

I'll wait for you and @OrangeTsar to move the goal posts now that you have Googled "Sen. Bob Casey Pro Life?" LOL!!!!
A cult needs a leader. The GOP has to bow to trump or their party members demand they need voted out. When has Biden demanded Manchin be voted out for opposing him? When has demanded that he be removed from the energy committee?

When have democrats attended rallies in numbers like trump followers do? How many Biden flags do you see? The democrats are anti cult.

A cult needs a leader. The dems have none.
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Yes. The very definition of a CULT. And in the case of the Democrats, it is a suicide cult. They are actively trying to kill their own society just because it doesn’t meet their warped vision of perfection.
I'm still waiting for you to move the goal posts on Sen. Bob Casey. You know you have to do it. You can't let me have the last word like this. LOL.

... and yes, Sen. Bob Casey (D) from Pennsylvania, has even publicly called for Roe v. Wade to be overturned, and I can easily prove it too.
A cult needs a leader. The GOP has to bow to trump or their party members demand they need voted out. When has Biden demanded Manchin be voted out for opposing him? When has demanded that he be removed from the energy committee?

When have democrats attended rallies in numbers like trump followers do? How many Biden flags do you see? The democrats are anti cult.

A cult needs a leader. The dems have none.

And wait for it.... they will move the goal posts on Sen. Bob Casey of Pennsylvania. He will either not be "prominent" enough, or he won't be "national" enough. It's coming!

And wait for it.... they will move the goal posts on Sen. Bob Casey of Pennsylvania. He will either not be "prominent" enough, or he won't be "national" enough. It's coming!

“After a decade in the Senate, Casey has become an increasingly reliable vote in support of abortion rights — scoring as high as 100 percent on NARAL Pro-Choice America’s vote tally in 2016 and 2017.

His votes add up to a whopping 0 percent pro-life voting record in 2017.

This from a man who claims he is pro-life—even while he promotes Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion operation, which commits more than 320,000 abortions annually.

In fact, today (Friday), Planned Parenthood Advocates of PA tweeted a photo of a rally they were attending in the Pennsylvania state Capitol which prominently featured–guess who?– Senator Casey.”

Or option C. He claims to be pro-life, but the evidence points to the contrary.
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I'm still waiting for you to move the goal posts on Sen. Bob Casey. You know you have to do it. You can't let me have the last word like this. LOL.

... and yes, Sen. Bob Casey (D) from Pennsylvania, has even publicly called for Roe v. Wade to be overturned, and I can easily prove it too.
Nope, I will agree that I was unaware there are clearly two nationally prominent Democrats brave enough to commit clear heresy in the death cult. Good for them! Of course Manchin is clearly a brave one. I would actually contribute money to his campaign
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“After a decade in the Senate, Casey has become an increasingly reliable vote in support of abortion rights — scoring as high as 100 percent on NARAL Pro-Choice America’s vote tally in 2016 and 2017.

His votes add up to a whopping 0 percent pro-life voting record in 2017.

This from a man who claims he is pro-life—even while he promotes Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion operation, which commits more than 320,000 abortions annually.

In fact, today (Friday), Planned Parenthood Advocates of PA tweeted a photo of a rally they were attending in the Pennsylvania state Capitol which prominently featured–guess who?– Senator Casey.”

Or option C. He claims to be pro-life, but the evidence points to the contrary.

You do realize you can be against abortion while still supporting a women’s constitutional right to choose.

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