Today's GOP Not The Party of Lincoln

“After a decade in the Senate, Casey has become an increasingly reliable vote in support of abortion rights — scoring as high as 100 percent on NARAL Pro-Choice America’s vote tally in 2016 and 2017.

His votes add up to a whopping 0 percent pro-life voting record in 2017.

This from a man who claims he is pro-life—even while he promotes Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion operation, which commits more than 320,000 abortions annually.

In fact, today (Friday), Planned Parenthood Advocates of PA tweeted a photo of a rally they were attending in the Pennsylvania state Capitol which prominently featured–guess who?– Senator Casey.”

Or option C. He claims to be pro-life, but the evidence points to the contrary.
Bob Casey on Abortion

From the link above :

Roe v. Wade Should Be Overturned

Democratic Senate Candidate Robert B. Casey Jr., who opposes abortion, believes Roe v. Wade should be overturned. "You can't say you have the position I have and not believe that," Casey said in a recent interview.

Right to Privacy means contraception, not unborn

Casey says he believes the Constitution protects a right to privacy on some matters, such as contraceptive use. But he adds, "it does not trump the rights of the unborn."

^^^^ The cornerstone issue of Roe v. Wade is the right to privacy. This speaks for itself. Sen. Bob Casey of Pennsylvania is pro-life. PERIOD.
You do realize you can be against abortion while still supporting a women’s constitutional right to choose.
Right….Just like I can personally oppose murder in cold blood, but still support the murderer’s right to pull the trigger. Got it
I do disagree.
Democrats turned into the “ anyone but trump cult” and voted as such. You end up with a President that has dementia and is shielded at every turn and a untenable vp. Congratulations.
You are a democrat, I get it. I’m very much a constitutionalist with conservative views. We will probably never agree about this subject. To say that the body politic Democrats aren’t a cult is, to me, intellectually dishonest.
The cult leaders are picked by the cult itself… progressive Democrats and Democratic socialists picked a combination that would appeal to their cult. A white man and a vp women of color.

So no impeachment for Joe over the debacle in Afghanistan where Americans who are guaranteed protection of the United States under the constitution were left to their own devices and billions of dollars of OUR equipment was given to aide and comfort the enemy? I believe that defines treason.
No impeachment for defiling the constitution he swore an oath to defend when he just tried to take away 84 m people’s inalienable rights to be left alone about a vaccine? Inalienable means can’t be removed even if you try to sign them away. Joe has failed his oath several times and continues down that path as do many on the left who wholeheartedly support his disregard for his oath.
That is cult behavior.
It cuts both ways. As I said before any political party ( body politic ) can be considered a cult and I stand by that statement because it’s a fact.
You are trying to sell Biden as a cult leader and it just doesn't fly. Nobody cares about Biden. He doesn't have a following. Nobody respects him. I don't even care for the guy to be honest... and I do like most Democrats.
You are trying to sell Biden as a cult leader and it just doesn't fly. Nobody cares about Biden He doesn't have a following. Nobody respects him. I don't even care for the guy to be honest... and I do like most Democrats.
No one has seriously contended that Biden is a leader. It has been apparent since the campaign began that he is just a puppet. The question has always been just who is pulling the strings
That is but one post... not membership to the entire party.
Try to get campaign funding as a pro life democrat. The PACe will freeze you out. Manchin and Casey can get funding as incumbents. There is no way they would have won nomination for the general election as Democrats today if they were just starting out
Some need to look up the definition of a cult. it is nothing but ad hominem
I've already posted it several times. Here it is again :

CULT : noun .... reverence for a person, ideal, or object, especially as manifested by a body of admirers.

* This definition can be found under

Like I hominem. You fail to address "ideal", which I could claim with your party
Right….Just like I can personally oppose murder in cold blood, but still support the murderer’s right to pull the trigger. Got it
Or one could be against having a gun in their own house yet still support the right of others to own a gun.
I've already posted it several times. Here it is again :

CULT : noun .... reverence for a person, ideal, or object, especially as manifested by a body of admirers.

* This definition can be found under
Notice the OR. A cult does not necessarily have to have reverence to a person for it to be a cult. An ideal can work Just fine. BLM, abortion, vaccines/masks, so called “anti-racism”. Take your pick

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