Today's GOP Not The Party of Lincoln

Try to get campaign funding as a pro life democrat. The PACe will freeze you out. Manchin and Casey can get funding as incumbents. There is no way they would have won nomination for the general election as Democrats today if they were just starting out
It's about as much of a litmus test for the dems as "are you a trumper?" is for repubs.
Neither are 100% accurate - but there are many that are trying as hard as they can to make them 100% accuate.
The repub litmus test is far more harmful and dangerous.
Surely you of my head, the abortion activists. Literally dressing themselves up as pussy and marching in the street. Easy peezy
I have already covered how there is not a litmus test for abortion within the Democratic Party, as there is a Trump litmus test from within the Republican Party. The inclusion of Bob Casey and Joe Manchin in the Senate makes that clear. Do you have anything else?

And when you say pretentious drivel such as "Surely you jest," the only one coming away looking like a pu$$y is yourself.
What in the name of Sam Hill does that have to do with the topic at hand 😂
Pretty simple, one could personally view abortion as wrong yet still support a woman's right to choose. I thought that was the discussion. You tried to paint those two positions as incompatible - they're not.
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It's about as much of a litmus test for the dems as "are you a trumper?" is for repubs.
Neither are 100% accurate - but there are many that are trying as hard as they can to make them 100% accuate.
The repub litmus test is far more harmful and dangerous.
There are a sizable number of Conservatives (myself included) who could care less about Donald J Trump. He can retire and never show his face in public again as far as I care. I think many Democrats mistake “anti liberal” for “pro Trump”. The only reason Trump won is because most conservatives saw him as a fighter who wouldn’t back down. We will quickly flock to any less toxic candidate and kick old Donald to the curb quiver than you can say “patriarchy”. I am a DeSantis man myself
I have already covered how there is not a litmus test for abortion within the Democratic Party, as there is a Trump litmus test from within the Republican Party. The inclusion of Bob Casey and Joe Manchin in the Senate makes that clear. Do you have anything else?

Ok I will stay on topic as I stated "party" Your party is full of different cults then. The abortion activists, BLMers, socialists, the woke..on and on. Remember Obama....hmmm hmmm good.

This is easy. Frankly you just throwing thew word out to get a reaction. ie Ad hominem
Ok I will stay on topic as I stated "party" Your party is full of different cults then. The abortion activists, BLMers, socialists, the woke..on and on. Remember Obama....hmmm hmmm good.

This is easy. Frankly you just throwing thew word out to get a reaction. ie Ad hominem
You are describing "factions", which most large organization are comprised of. Those are not "cults".

They can also be described as being "branches", "camps", "contingents", "wings", "cliques" or "sectors".
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There are a sizable number of Conservatives (myself included) who could care less about Donald J Trump. He can retire and never show his face in public again as far as I care. I think many Democrats mistake “anti liberal” for “pro Trump”. The only reason Trump won is because most conservatives saw him as a fighter who wouldn’t back down. We will quickly flock to any less toxic candidate and kick old Donald to the curb quiver than you can say “patriarchy”. I am a DeSantis man myself
Then you should be sickened by the current "are you a trumper?" litmus test for candidates.
You guys say you want fighters and people who won't back down yet only elect candidates who will not only refuse to fight, but willingly kneel down to trump.
Any fighter left office or was run out of the party.
Name one prominent republican who has the respect of the party who is standing up to Trump.
...........that's the list of fighters and people who will not back down.
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Factions can be cults at the same time. They are not mutually exclusive.
That is true. A faction can be a cult, but not all factions are cults. However, the groups that you mentioned up above, are not cults. They are simply "factions" or "camps", which combine with other groups to comprise a large organization - the Democratic Party.
That is true. A faction can be a cult, but not all factions are cults. However, the groups that you mentioned up above, are not cults. They are simply "factions" or "camps", which combine with other groups to comprise a large organization - the Democratic Party.

How are Trumpers cultists then and how is it any different than the "worship" of the Democrats to certain ideals. In fact, Trump told people to get vaxed and and they are accused at the same time as being against the vax.
The original meaning of the term had to do with "religion" and this modern version can be applied to ANYTHING using this modern definition. Ad hominem when you are just opposed to others ideological views. That in itself can be considered a a TDS cult.
That is true. A faction can be a cult, but not all factions are cults. However, the groups that you mentioned up above, are not cults. They are simply "factions" or "camps", which combine with other groups to comprise a large organization - the Democratic Party.
How are Trumpers cultists then and how is it any different than the "worship" of the Democrats to certain ideals. In fact, Trump told people to get vaxed and and they are accused at the same time as being against the vax.
The original meaning of the term had to do with "religion" and this modern version can be applied to ANYTHING using this modern definition. Ad hominem when you are just opposed to others ideological views. That in itself can be considered a a TDS cult.
Politics IS religion for the left now.
My cult is better than your cult and while we sit here arguing about the definition of a cult the cult leaders are taking all our **** and banging our wives.

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There are a sizable number of Conservatives (myself included) who could care less about Donald J Trump. He can retire and never show his face in public again as far as I care. I think many Democrats mistake “anti liberal” for “pro Trump”. The only reason Trump won is because most conservatives saw him as a fighter who wouldn’t back down. We will quickly flock to any less toxic candidate and kick old Donald to the curb quiver than you can say “patriarchy”. I am a DeSantis man myself

GOP actions say otherwise
My cult is better than your cult and while we sit here arguing about the definition of a cult the cult leaders are taking all our **** and banging our wives.


Well the misapplication of meaning of words is in many avenues of what we discuss. Just like pronouns, the meaning of words in the USC, the idea of what is infrastructure, what is considered "systemic racism". This abuse of words has bearing on everything and to be called a member of a "cult" as an ad hominem attack..yes I take issue with it.
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How are Trumpers cultists then and how is it any different than the "worship" of the Democrats to certain ideals. In fact, Trump told people to get vaxed and and they are accused at the same time as being against the vax.
The original meaning of the term had to do with "religion" and this modern version can be applied to ANYTHING using this modern definition. Ad hominem when you are just opposed to others ideological views. That in itself can be considered a a TDS cult.
I have explained this many times.

With the Republican Party, there is currently a singular litmus test for inclusion, and that is the unconditional support and defense of Donald Trump. There is no such litmus test for Democrats. You even had to add an (s) on to ideal - yes, I see what you did there, because there isn't a singular ideal which defines the agenda of the entire Democratic Party itself.

Also, a "cult" will always have a clear and present leader. That leader is usually self-appointed, but not always. This leader has sometimes ascended to their position by way of brute force, intimidation or corruption... and in rare cases, it can also happen by way of democracy - as was the case with Donald Trump and the Republican Party.

These are the most famous cults, and their leaders, with origins in the United States of America over the last 60 years :

The Manson Family .... Charles Manson
The People's Temple .... Reverend Jim Jones
The Branch Davidians .... David Koresh (real name Vernon Howell)
Heaven's Gate .... Marshall Applewhite Jr.
The Church of Scientology .... L. Ron Hubbard (succeeded by David Miscavige)
NXiVM .... Keith Raniere
The Republican Party .... Donald Trump

Can you think of a cult which didn't have a clear and present leader at its forefront? Because I can't.

Who would the leader of this Democratic Party cult even be? And don't say Joe Biden. That's just stupid.
I have explained this many times.

With the Republican Party, there is currently a singular litmus test for inclusion, and that is the unconditional support and defense of Donald Trump. There is no such litmus test for Democrats. You even had to add an (s) on to ideal - yes, I see what you did there, because there isn't a singular ideal which defines the agenda of the entire Democratic Party itself.

Also, a "cult" will always have a clear and present leader. That leader is usually self-appointed, but not always. This leader has sometimes ascended to their position by way of brute force, intimidation or corruption... and in rare cases, it can also happen by way of democracy - as was the case with Donald Trump and the Republican Party.

These are the most famous cults, and their leaders, with origins in the United States of America over the last 60 years :

The Manson Family .... Charles Manson
The People's Temple .... Reverend Jim Jones
The Branch Davidians .... David Koresh (real name Vernon Howell)
Heaven's Gate .... Marshall Applewhite Jr.
The Church of Scientology .... L. Ron Hubbard (succeeded by David Miscavige)
NXiVM .... Keith Raniere

Can you think of a cult which didn't have a clear and present leader at its forefront? Because I can't.

Who would the leader of this Democratic Party cult be? And don't say Joe Biden. That's just stupid.

Manchin says hi. Hello Sinema as well...All for a $3T spending bill which supports your cult members views.
Manchin says hi. Hello Sinema as well...All for a $3T spending bill which supports your cult members views.

Has Biden called for his resignation or publicly endorsed an opponent?

Personally, I like congressman who break ranks. It shows conviction
Central dogmas (planks) of the Democrat cult (platform)
1) Every problem that the world is experiencing is the fault of white people (especially white men)
2) government experts are better at making decisions for you than you are capable of making for yourself
3) if people persist in making different decisions than the experts recommend, then they must be coerced into making the “right” decision
4) What you earn or produce is only made possible because of the contributions of the society as a whole. Therefore you must contribute your “fair share” to the collective.
5) Any person can chose to identify with any race, gender, or other immutable characteristic, no matter what science says
6) if you disagree with 5, you are a racist, bigoted, transphobe
7) abortion on demand with no restriction or limit.

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