Today's GOP Not The Party of Lincoln

I have already covered how there is not a litmus test for abortion within the Democratic Party, as there is a Trump litmus test from within the Republican Party. The inclusion of Bob Casey and Joe Manchin in the Senate makes that clear. Do you have anything else?

And when you say pretentious drivel such as "Surely you jest," the only one coming away looking like a pu$$y is yourself.
If using Casey and Manchin is proof the Dem party isn't a cult couldn't I use Mitch? He has been trashed by Trump and is still the minority leader. There are numerous anti trump republicans in office. Romney as well. Mitch isn't losing his seat and neither will Romney. Found my two so the GOP isn't a cult either now. I mean if two senators is all it takes to disprove cult status.
Has Biden called for his resignation or publicly endorsed an opponent?

Personally, I like congressman who break ranks. It shows conviction

Not sure what that has to do with anything, He probably will if they are up for election this year. Not going to take the time to look
I have already covered how there is not a litmus test for abortion within the Democratic Party, as there is a Trump litmus test from within the Republican Party. The inclusion of Bob Casey and Joe Manchin in the Senate makes that clear. Do you have anything else?

And when you say pretentious drivel such as "Surely you jest," the only one coming away looking like a pu$$y is yourself.

More ad honimen..Nice.
Manchin says hi. Hello Sinema as well...All for a $3T spending bill which supports your cult members views.
They haven't been hit with primary challenges and they won't be, because most Democrats understand that in order to win a general election in their states, the candidates must be moderates. Anyone who ran to the left of those two, couldn't win the general election. Having Manchin and Sinema in those seats is better than having a Republican. It is not their fault that Democrats ran so poorly in other seats they could have carried such as North Carolina.

The bottom line, is that although they have been met with derision, they are not being threatened with expulsion, like Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger are from the Republican Party, just because they wouldn't go along with Trump's Unconstitutional scheme to retain the presidency a year ago.
Not sure what that has to do with anything, He probably will if they are up for election this year. Not going to take the time to look
No, he won't, because Joe Biden understands that no other Democrat could win a general election in the state of West Virginia. Having Joe Manchin in that seat is better than having a Republican in that seat.
They haven't been hit with primary challenges and they won't be, because most Democrats understand that in order to win a general election in their states, the candidates must be moderates. Anyone who ran to the left of those two, couldn't win the general election. Having Manchin and Sinema in those seats is better than having a Republican. It is not their fault that Democrats ran so poorly in other seats they could have carried such as North Carolina.

The bottom line, is that although they have been met with derision, they are not being threatened with expulsion, like Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger are from the Republican Party, just because they wouldn't go along with Trump's Unconstitutional scheme to retain the presidency a year ago.

Just goes to show you how difficult it is to define the modern use of the word "cult", when you spend countless posts trying to clarify it.
Will not call you a cultist, but you are certainly "obsessive" and diagnosed with TDS.
If using Casey and Manchin is proof the Dem party isn't a cult couldn't I use Mitch? He has been trashed by Trump and is still the minority leader. There are numerous anti trump republicans in office. Romney as well. Mitch isn't losing his seat and neither will Romney. Found my two so the GOP isn't a cult either now. I mean if two senators is all it takes to disprove cult status.
Romney hasn't been up for re-election since his votes to convict Trump in the Senate trials. We will see how that goes. I'm not as convinced as you that he won't lose his seat. Mitch McConnell has been critical of Trump at times, but mostly, it is faint and never lasts long. Did McConnell ever vote in favor of conviction? No, he did not.
They haven't been hit with primary challenges and they won't be, because most Democrats understand that in order to win a general election in their states, the candidates must be moderates. Anyone who ran to the left of those two, couldn't win the general election. Having Manchin and Sinema in those seats is better than having a Republican. It is not their fault that Democrats ran so poorly in other seats they could have carried such as North Carolina.

The bottom line, is that although they have been met with derision, they are not being threatened with expulsion, like Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger are from the Republican Party, just because they wouldn't go along with Trump's Unconstitutional scheme to retain the presidency a year ago.
Really? You might want to inform your fellow socialists about that. Sinema isn't even up for reelection until 2024, and the liberals are already targeting her with million-dollar ad buys.



Sinema targeted with $1 million ad buy
Romney hasn't been up for re-election since his votes to convict Trump in the Senate trials. We will see how that goes. I'm not as convinced as you that he won't lose his seat. Mitch McConnell has been critical of Trump at times, but mostly, it is faint and never lasts long. Did McConnell ever vote in favor of conviction? No, he did not.

So the standard of not worshiping at the alter of trump is that you had to vote to convict Trump? That's absurd.
They haven't been hit with primary challenges and they won't be, because most Democrats understand that in order to win a general election in their states, the candidates must be moderates. Anyone who ran to the left of those two, couldn't win the general election. Having Manchin and Sinema in those seats is better than having a Republican. It is not their fault that Democrats ran so poorly in other seats they could have carried such as North Carolina.

The bottom line, is that although they have been met with derision, they are not being threatened with expulsion, like Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger are from the Republican Party, just because they wouldn't go along with Trump's Unconstitutional scheme to retain the presidency a year ago.

Remember as you read this, the completely uninformed BB85 has proclaimed that Sinema won't be facing a primary challenge from the left.


So the standard of not worshiping at the alter of trump is that you had to vote to convict Trump? That's absurd.
In my opinion? As a fellow party leader, Sen. McConnell should have done much more than offer faint criticism of Trump's post-election conduct. While he hasn't been the lapdog that House Minority Leader, Rep. Kevin McCarthy, has been, Sen. McConnell certainly has been very quiet recently on the subject of Trump's role in the January 6th Capitol incursion. Too quiet.
No, he won't, because Joe Biden understands that no other Democrat could win a general election in the state of West Virginia. Having Joe Manchin in that seat is better than having a Republican in that seat.
The bigger reason that Manchin won't face a primary challenge is that while Manchin is highly popular in the state of West Virginia, Joe Biden sports a 78% disapproval rating in West Virginia. Just how the hell would Joe go about trying to endorse a primary challenger for Manchin? Being seen in the same room as Joe Biden would be political suicide in West Virginia.

The bigger reason that Manchin won't face a primary challenge is that while Manchin is highly popular in the state of West Virginia, Joe Biden sports a 78% disapproval rating in West Virginia. Just how the hell would Joe go about trying to endorse a primary challenger for Manchin? Being seen in the same room as Joe Biden would be political suicide in West Virginia.

I agree with you 100%. Biden has zero leverage with Manchin. Biden can't threaten him with $hit.
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In my opinion? As a fellow party leader, Sen. McConnell should have done much more than offer faint criticism of Trump's post-election conduct. While he hasn't been the lapdog that House Minority Leader, Rep. Kevin McCarthy, has been, Sen. McConnell certainly has been very quiet recently on the subject of Trump's role in the January 6th Capitol incursion. Too quiet.
If it's worshiping at the Trump alter, then him denouncing you should be enough for the rest of the party to turn their back on you. Trump has shat all over Mitch. Yet he's still party leader. Your math isn't adding up.
If using Casey and Manchin is proof the Dem party isn't a cult couldn't I use Mitch? He has been trashed by Trump and is still the minority leader. There are numerous anti trump republicans in office. Romney as well. Mitch isn't losing his seat and neither will Romney. Found my two so the GOP isn't a cult either now. I mean if two senators is all it takes to disprove cult status.
Well played
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If it's worshiping at the Trump alter, then him denouncing you should be enough for the rest of the party to turn their back on you. Trump has shat all over Mitch. Yet he's still party leader. Your math isn't adding up.
I'm not sure if you have a point there or not.... I will revisit this post later. Football is about to start, and it's time for me to drink.

This was fun, guys. Thanks!
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I brought this up earlier and never saw any response..........

You guys say you want fighters and people who won't back down yet only elect candidates who will not only refuse to fight, but willingly kneel down to trump.
Any fighter left office or was run out of the party.
Name one prominent republican who has the respect of the party who is standing up to Trump.
...........that's the list of fighters and people who will not back down.

Litmus test keeps getting tossed around about Trump/Republicans but not being mentioned Biden’s overhaul of stances to get elected.
I have explained this many times.

With the Republican Party, there is currently a singular litmus test for inclusion, and that is the unconditional support and defense of Donald Trump. There is no such litmus test for Democrats. You even had to add an (s) on to ideal - yes, I see what you did there, because there isn't a singular ideal which defines the agenda of the entire Democratic Party itself.

Also, a "cult" will always have a clear and present leader. That leader is usually self-appointed, but not always. This leader has sometimes ascended to their position by way of brute force, intimidation or corruption... and in rare cases, it can also happen by way of democracy - as was the case with Donald Trump and the Republican Party.

These are the most famous cults, and their leaders, with origins in the United States of America over the last 60 years :

The Manson Family .... Charles Manson
The People's Temple .... Reverend Jim Jones
The Branch Davidians .... David Koresh (real name Vernon Howell)
Heaven's Gate .... Marshall Applewhite Jr.
The Church of Scientology .... L. Ron Hubbard (succeeded by David Miscavige)
NXiVM .... Keith Raniere
The Republican Party .... Donald Trump

Can you think of a cult which didn't have a clear and present leader at its forefront? Because I can't.

Who would the leader of this Democratic Party cult even be? And don't say Joe Biden. That's just stupid.
Democrats- George Soros the puppet master of the left
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I brought this up earlier and never saw any response..........

You guys say you want fighters and people who won't back down yet only elect candidates who will not only refuse to fight, but willingly kneel down to trump.
Any fighter left office or was run out of the party.
Name one prominent republican who has the respect of the party who is standing up to Trump.
...........that's the list of fighters and people who will not back down.

In the immediate aftermath of January 6th, some prominent Republicans including Sen Ted Cruz, Sen. Lindsey Graham, and House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy, were speaking out against both the rioters and Trump's role in inciting them.

However, when Republican pollsters relayed to them that Trump had not lost any popularity among his voters and that Republicans blamed the media for overhyping the violence at the Capitol.... those men quickly did an about face. When push comes to shove, the only thing which matters is political survival. Cruz, Graham and McCarthy have no spine, no integrity, no principles.... they are feckless cowards..
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In the immediate aftermath of January 6th, some prominent Republicans including Sen Ted Cruz, Sen. Lindsey Graham, and House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy, were speaking out against both the rioters and Trump's role in inciting them.

However, when Republican pollsters relayed to them that Trump had not lost any popularity among his voters and that Republicans blamed the media for overhyping the violence at the Capitol.... those men quickly did an about face. When push comes to shove, the only thing which matters is political survival. Cruz, Graham and McCarthy have no spine, no integrity, no principles.... they are feckless cowards..
No one can name a single person.....that's all the proof needed that it's a cult and 100% the party of Trump.
The hysterical thing is they claim they are looking for people who will fight and stand up for what they believe but are demanding exactly the opposite.

I think the irony is lost on most of them.

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