Today's GOP Not The Party of Lincoln

I'm calling bull $hit.


If it is indeed, "well-documented", then you shouldn't have any trouble finding a source to verify it.
You've got Google just like I do and I'm not spouting some goofy conspiracy theory. It was in the news. There was a very real push to get Republican electors to protest and vote for John Kasich.

She was obviously correct.
Correct to start the cascade of false claims against an elected President?
They 100% were. The establishment could not stand that Trump won and started trying to oust him even before inauguration when the tapped his phone lines.
Oh my! Seems illegal and all. The play was to divide and occupy media space with false claims to take the focus away from what was being exposed by Trump in office. Impeachment trials times two knowing how the outcomes would end. Steele dossier and Muller report to keep the base that lost grasping on to hope by the lies their party was pushing.
You've got Google just like I do and I'm not spouting some goofy conspiracy theory. It was in the news. There was a very real push to get Republican electors to protest and vote for John Kasich.
You are full of $hit when you say that it was discussed with Hillary Clinton.
It wasn't just the establishment that could not stand him, it was tens of millions of citizens also.
But they didn't try to overturn the election. They reluctantly accepted that Trump had won. They just wanted to get rid of him if there was any legal way possible.
They wanted to get rid of him by any means legal or illegal. That’s why Hillary PAID for a bogus dossier and had people use it to submit false applications for illegal surveillance of Trump. That is what the Durham investigation is slowly unraveling
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No, that's called having a basic understanding of civics. If a President is removed from office, their opponent in the previous election, is nowhere to be found in the line of succession. Impeachment is not an attempt to overturn the outcome of an election.
It wasn’t an attempt to overturn but the Dems behaved like little petulant bishes after HRC got kicked in her sack! They couldn’t deal with reality which lead to the Russian interference nonsense. All that foolishness created some significant division right from the beginning. One could argue that it was even more damaging than the events that took place in DC 01/06.
You are full of $hit when you say that it was discussed with Hillary Clinton.
It amazes me when people are so tribal that they can't even entertain a thought. I'm not saying she participated in a massive conspiracy. I'm saying that there was a large online petition that asked electors to go rogue in a last ditch effort and it was discussed with the Clinton camp. Michael Moore was offering to pay the state fines for any electors that voted for a candidate other than Trump. The stories and editorials are easy to find.
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It amazes me when people are so tribal that they can't even entertain a thought. I'm not saying she participated in a massive conspiracy. I'm saying that there was a large online petition that asked electors to go rogue in a last ditch effort and it was discussed with the Clinton camp.
Just like I'm not saying she is involved in killing people. I'm just observing many around her die often. Her followers might say it's coincidence.
It amazes me when people are so tribal that they can't even entertain a thought. I'm not saying she participated in a massive conspiracy. I'm saying that there was a large online petition that asked electors to go rogue in a last ditch effort and it was discussed with the Clinton camp.

He is a CULT member of the Democratic Party.
I mean . . . this is comical. Hillary had just won the popular vote and we're supposed to pretend that there weren't discussions with election attorneys about possible avenues to contest the results. No candidate from either party would just roll over like that.
Correct to start the cascade of false claims against an elected President?

Oh my! Seems illegal and all. The play was to divide and occupy media space with false claims to take the focus away from what was being exposed by Trump in office. Impeachment trials times two knowing how the outcomes would end. Steele dossier and Muller report to keep the base that lost grasping on to hope by the lies their party was pushing.
Flood the media with false claims???
That's trumpism 101.
Most of the claims were not false.
They wanted to get rid of him by any means legal or illegal. That’s why Hillary PAID for a bogus dossier and had people use it to submit false applications for illegal surveillance of Trump. That is what the Durham investigation is slowly unraveling
Every candidate researches their opponent.
It amazes me when people are so tribal that they can't even entertain a thought. I'm not saying she participated in a massive conspiracy. I'm saying that there was a large online petition that asked electors to go rogue in a last ditch effort and it was discussed with the Clinton camp. Michael Moore was offering to pay the state fines for any electors that voted for a candidate other than Trump. The stories and editorials are easy to find.
I don't believe that any such thing was "discussed with the Clinton camp" and I don't believe that is in any way comparable to the extremes that Republicans went to in their effort to appease Trump.
It wasn’t an attempt to overturn but the Dems behaved like little petulant bishes after HRC got kicked in her sack! They couldn’t deal with reality which lead to the Russian interference nonsense. All that foolishness created some significant division right from the beginning. One could argue that it was even more damaging than the events that took place in DC 01/06.
It's not the same thing as a sitting President trying to use the power of his office to overturn the outcome of his own re-election defeat. Nothing would be more dangerous to the future of the democratic system of elections in this country, than if such an attempt was to ever succeed.
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Every candidate researches their opponent.
Please, only one candidate has ever illegally co-opted the nation’s entire Federal law enforcement apparatus in their opposition “research”. That is banana republic level corruption.
And there it is! You fell for media manipulation to create hate, division and environment of hate for his term
False assumptions happen.
I use to think you had relevant contributions to conversations.
False assumptions don’t continue with the new cycle even after they are proven to be false assumptions.
Trump did pretty well with the false narrative that Mueller's report found no collusion and completely exonerated him.
That was a known blatant lie but look at how many trumpers believe it....
looking at you majors

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