Today's GOP Not The Party of Lincoln

Anyone with faith in the elections process after Nov 2020 has bigger issues.
Trump has done all he possibly can to undermine the public's faith (Trump negative #147) in the election process, and he has succeeded with many, but luckily they are almost exclusively trumpers and the Q type.
Trump has done all he possibly can to undermine the public's faith (Trump negative #147) in the election process, and he has succeeded with many, but luckily they are almost exclusively trumpers and the Q type.
This obsession over Trump is going to cost democrats big time in the midterms and in 2024.
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Anyone with faith in the elections process after Nov 2020 has bigger issues.
This is nothing but an expression of sour grapes. Your preferred candidate for president lost. That is all that was wrong with the 2020 election process, from the Republican perspective. Are you complaining about any of the House races that Republicans won during the 2020 election cycle, or how about the close Senate races in Maine, North Carolina, and Iowa that Republicans also won? No, you are only bringing up one you lost, and you never cite any specific cases of fraud in the process.

There is no evidence that widespread fraud occurred, to an extent that would have been necessary to change the outcome of any one swing-state, which Donald Trump lost in the 2020 Presidential General Election. Let alone three additional swing-states which Donald Trump would have needed (in addition to the states that he won) to garner more than 270 electoral college votes, and win the election. This is true in spite of multiple recounts, hand-recounts, audits - including a partisan audit in Maricopa County, Arizona (which revealed a net gain in votes for Joe Biden). Every single conspiracy theory which Republicans like to cite while arguing that the 2020 Presidential Election was unfair to Trump has been thoroughly de-bunked.

Unlike yourself, I actually can cite a specific case of voter fraud, which has been proven in court, and has even led to a felony conviction :

Donald Kirk Hartle, of Nevada, admitted to casting a vote in the name of his dead wife. His vote was for Donald Trump, of course.
The "obsession" with Trump is your own. Quit repeating his election lies... and we will quit talking about him.
Your obsessed with him. You and other democrats keep talking about him. It's a way to deflect from your party's failures.

As a matter of fact this obsession over Trump is going to cost your party big time in the midterms and in 2024.
The "obsession" with Trump is your own. Quit repeating his election lies... and we will quit talking about him.
By the way. I've not mentioned anything about the election itself. I'm simply pointing out that you and other democrats cannot stop obsessing over Trump.

As a matter of fact I've even mentioned that I would prefer people like Desantis or Candace Owens run for president in 2024. But it doesn't matter if Republicans nominate someone else besides Trump. That person would then be enemy #1 in your eyes and you would support whoever the democrats nominate.
Your obsessed with him. You and other democrats keep talking about him. It's a way to deflect from your party's failures.

As a matter of fact this obsession over Trump is going to cost your party big time in the midterms and in 2024.
There is nothing wrong with the Democratic Party, that a Trump Republican Party nomination in 2024 wouldn't cure. Fingers crossed that it happens.
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There is nothing wrong with the Democratic Party, that a Trump Republican Party nomination in 2024 wouldn't cure. Fingers crossed that it happens.
You really can't accept that your party is a failure can you?

Just take a look at areas that democrats control. Chicago, San Francisco, Baltimore, Gary. And now your party has the presidency, house and senate and is still a complete failure. Just like they were a failure when they had complete control during the Carter presidency.

People are also moving from democrat states like California and New York to move to the south. Why? Because your party is a failure.
Trump has done all he possibly can to undermine the public's faith (Trump negative #147) in the election process, and he has succeeded with many, but luckily they are almost exclusively trumpers and the Q type.
The ironic thing, is the Republican Party did very well in the 2020 election cycle. They gained a lot of seats in the House and won some tight Senate races. They really only lost 4 costly elections :

(1) President - Biden over Trump
(2) Georgia Senate - Ossoff over Perdue
(3) Georgia Senate - Warnock over Loeffler
(4) Arizona Senate - Kelly over McSally

Republicans only talk about election integrity when they lose.
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This obsession over Trump is going to cost democrats big time in the midterms and in 2024.

They know it but don't care. Scorched earth. A beat down is going to happen regardless. These are just kamikaze flights at the end of WWII.
By the way. I've not mentioned anything about the election itself. I'm simply pointing out that you and other democrats cannot stop obsessing over Trump.

As a matter of fact I've even mentioned that I would prefer people like Desantis or Candace Owens run for president in 2024. But it doesn't matter if Republicans nominate someone else besides Trump. That person would then be enemy #1 in your eyes and you would support whoever the democrats nominate.

He's on standby with the race card for the next nominee. It replaces ideas.

Just a disappointing about Jan 6 last year is that it gave democrats with no ideas talking points. They have little material to work with. That makes the turn of events so much more ignorant because of that. It distracts, only a little, for horrid governance.
The ironic thing, is the Republican Party did very well in the 2020 election cycle. They gained a lot of seats in the House and won some tight Senate races. They really only lost 4 costly elections :

(1) President - Biden over Trump
(2) Georgia Senate - Ossoff over Perdue
(3) Georgia Senate - Warnock over Loeffler
(4) Arizona Senate - Kelly over McSally

Republicans only talk about election integrity when they lose.
I followed Trafalgar Group last election. They accurately called these elections or they had them basically too close to call. Shane Hazel took votes away from Perdue which caused the runoff. Then you had Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, CJ Pearson and crew telling Republicans to stay home and not vote during the runoff election. So many of them stayed home. I wouldn't expect a repeat of that again. At least in Georgia I wouldn't
This obsession over Trump is going to cost democrats big time in the midterms and in 2024.
As it cost repubs in 2020. Trump is just the gift that keeps on taking.

A good way to end the Trump obsession is to move the republican party away from trumpism.
The ironic thing, is the Republican Party did very well in the 2020 election cycle. They gained a lot of seats in the House and won some tight Senate races. They really only lost 4 costly elections :

(1) President - Biden over Trump
(2) Georgia Senate - Ossoff over Perdue
(3) Georgia Senate - Warnock over Loeffler
(4) Arizona Senate - Kelly over McSally

Republicans only talk about election integrity when they lose.
Excellent point.
As it cost repubs in 2020. Trump is just the gift that keeps on taking.

A good way to end the Trump obsession is to move the republican party away from trumpism.
You are also ignoring current polls. This constant anti- Trump rhetoric is going to cost democrats big time. To the point where it might get Trump elected again.
You are also ignoring current polls. This constant anti- Trump rhetoric is going to cost democrats big time. To the point where it might get Trump elected again.
I just do not view that as a possibility, but if that were to happen, we would certainly be deserving of all that would follow.

Do you hope Trump runs in 24?
I just do not view that as a possibility, but if that were to happen, we would certainly be deserving of all that would follow.

Do you hope Trump runs in 24?
I've said before. I would prefer someone like Ron Desantis or Candace Owens. If you think the media and democrats hated Trump then you haven't seen anything yet. Those two are actually the anti- Trump. The level of hatred they would receive from democrats and their media would be off the charts .
I followed Trafalgar Group last election. They accurately called these elections or they had them basically too close to call. Shane Hazel took votes away from Perdue which caused the runoff. Then you had Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, CJ Pearson and crew telling Republicans to stay home and not vote during the runoff election. So many of them stayed home. I wouldn't expect a repeat of that again. At least in Georgia I wouldn't
That was smart. That really did their party a lot of good.
I've said before. I would prefer someone like Ron Desantis or Candace Owens. If you think the media and democrats hated Trump then you haven't seen anything yet. Those two are actually the anti- Trump. The level of hatred they would receive from democrats and their media would be off the charts .
So you think that someone even more hated than Trump would be a good for the country?
So you think that someone even more hated than Trump would be a good for the country?
They would only be more hated by many democrats and certain media outlets. Which would only show the media and many democrats true colors. In other words it isn't about anyone being anti Trump. It's about complete loyalty to the democrat party that your party would be pushing at that point.
This is nothing but an expression of sour grapes. Your preferred candidate for president lost. That is all that was wrong with the 2020 election process, from the Republican perspective. Are you complaining about any of the House races that Republicans won during the 2020 election cycle, or how about the close Senate races in Maine, North Carolina, and Iowa that Republicans also won? No, you are only bringing up one you lost, and you never cite any specific cases of fraud in the process.

There is no evidence that widespread fraud occurred, to an extent that would have been necessary to change the outcome of any one swing-state, which Donald Trump lost in the 2020 Presidential General Election. Let alone three additional swing-states which Donald Trump would have needed (in addition to the states that he won) to garner more than 270 electoral college votes, and win the election. This is true in spite of multiple recounts, hand-recounts, audits - including a partisan audit in Maricopa County, Arizona (which revealed a net gain in votes for Joe Biden). Every single conspiracy theory which Republicans like to cite while arguing that the 2020 Presidential Election was unfair to Trump has been thoroughly de-bunked.

Unlike yourself, I actually can cite a specific case of voter fraud, which has been proven in court, and has even led to a felony conviction :

Donald Kirk Hartle, of Nevada, admitted to casting a vote in the name of his dead wife. His vote was for Donald Trump, of course.
Nome of those races matter because regardless of whether the R or D won the same person took the office. That’s your blind spot, there is no difference between establishment Rs and Ds.
I'm saying that the Mueller investigation was justified by the June 9, 2016 meeting at Trump Tower, and that it can't be accurately described as an attempt to overturn the 2016 Presidential Election. A special counsel investigation, followed by an impeachment and Senate trial is not a mechanism for overturning a presidential election. This is due to the simple fact that the losing candidate in the previous presidential election is nowhere in the line of succession to the presidency.

It is ironic to see a poster who still clings to the failed narrative that Donald Trump was robbed of the 2020 Presidential Election, calling someone else "gullible and brainwashed."
You’re grasping

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