Today's GOP Not The Party of Lincoln

I don't believe that any such thing was "discussed with the Clinton camp"

You really think that - as among other things - MSNBC was running segment after segment floating the idea; a petition gathered 5 million signatures; celebrities were getting behind the last ditch effort - that it was never discussed among campaign operatives as a possibility?

Some Democrats lost their minds in 2000 and 2016. Some Republicans went off the reservation in 2020. It's human nature.
Trump did pretty well with the false narrative that Mueller's report found no collusion and completely exonerated him.
That was a known blatant lie but look at how many trumpers believe it....
looking at you majors
Blatant lie how? Because the result didn’t fit the agenda of the left and had to go with another made up scandal.
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Sen. Graham says he won't support McConnell as Senate leader unless he has 'working relationship' with Trump

This news story appears to be relevant to your post from Sunday afternoon. I made it a point to select a link from a Republican-friendly source as well, in Fox News.

This is a high profile Republican, in Senator Lindsey Graham, firing a warning shot at Republican Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell, to stop criticizing Donald Trump and fall in line with the rest of the Republican Party in "The Cult of Trump," or else Sen. Mitch McConnell could lose his leadership post in the Senate chamber.
It's one Senator. Mitch will be leader. Has been re-elected leader even after he and Trump began hating each other.
Can you cite a Presidential General Election where Democrats attempted to overturn the outcome, AFTER the electoral college had convened to cast their votes? That was the point in December of 2000, when Al Gore conceded defeat. There is no precedent for some of the tactics that Republicans used in their effort to help Trump retain the presidency. They went too far with it.

🥱 yawn
Anyone with faith in the elections process after Nov 2020 has bigger issues.

*raises hand*

Trumps attempts to undermine the process by casting doubt without evidence is like a ghetto jedi mind trick, it only works on the weak minded.
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*raises hand*

Trumps attempts to undermine the process by casting doubt without evidence is like a ghetto jedi mind trick, it only works on the weak minded.
I think Trump tried to take advantage of a broken system. While I believe Biden won, I do not have faith in the election process. I think we need to do a lot more to secure our elections and eliminate public doubt in the process.
We totally are.

We are gonna crown Trump our King, and then we are coming for you!!!

Better find a good hiding spot ;)
Remember when Trump got in office and we re-enslaved all the blacks and killed all the gay kids going to school and started WW3 at the same time (we obviously won)? Left wingers have a knack for predicting things!..
Collusion? For what? At most dirt digging on a political opponent, which is not new, even from foreign sources, Or just ask Adam Schiff
Yes. For taking the meeting at Trump Tower on June 9, 2016 with Natalia Veselnitskaya and other operatives of the Russian government. "Dirt-digging on a political opponent" takes on additional meaning when the dirt is being provided by a foreign government. Per the Federal Election Commission, it is illegal for an American political campaign to receive "something of value" from a foreign government. It may not be new, but it is still a crime. That meeting had to be investigated. We have been over this a hundred times already.
It is ridiculous to claim the entire investigation wasn't an attempt to overturn the election.
Once again, a special counsel investigation, followed by an impeachment is not a mechanism for overturning a presidential election. Even if the impeachment also leads to a conviction in the Senate trial, and the removal from office of the President, that does not install the defeated former candidate to the office of the presidency. The losing candidate from the prior election is nowhere in the line of succession to the presidency. Your argument fails on the merits of common knowledge, to anyone with an entry-level understanding of civics.
Everyone should be held accountable for misconduct. My "tune" is that only the Republican Party can be accurately described as a cult. Republican subservience to Donald Trump's vindictive nature has taken control over the entire party platform in 2022.
Lol…. Touch feely.
Maybe people are sick and tired of the BS liberal agenda
Yes. For taking the meeting at Trump Tower on June 9, 2016 with Natalia Veselnitskaya and other operatives of the Russian government. "Dirt-digging on a political opponent" takes on additional meaning when the dirt is being provided by a foreign government. Per the Federal Election Commission, it is illegal for an American political campaign to receive "something of value" from a foreign government. It may not be new, but it is still a crime. That meeting had to be investigated. We have been over this a hundred times already.
Still desperately hanging on to the failed Russian collusion narrative? You’re as gullible and brainwashed as loother
How is the Republican Party not a criminal racket, determined to overthrow our Constitution by installing a fascist dictatorship?
The GOP is a fraud. Two sides of the same coin. I liken it to profession wrestling. What we see on TV and in the news is simply a show. No matter who gets elected or gains control, the outcome is always the same. Until there's a true revolution in this country and we sweep every single one of those lying bastards out, we have very little chance.
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The GOP is a fraud. Two sides of the same coin. I liken it to profession wrestling. What we see on TV and in the news is simply a show. No matter who gets elected or gains control, the outcome is always the same. Until there's a true revolution in this country and we sweep every single one of those lying bastards out, we have very little chance.

Spot on analogy
Still desperately hanging on to the failed Russian collusion narrative? You’re as gullible and brainwashed as loother
I'm saying that the Mueller investigation was justified by the June 9, 2016 meeting at Trump Tower, and that it can't be accurately described as an attempt to overturn the 2016 Presidential Election. A special counsel investigation, followed by an impeachment and Senate trial is not a mechanism for overturning a presidential election. This is due to the simple fact that the losing candidate in the previous presidential election is nowhere in the line of succession to the presidency.

It is ironic to see a poster who still clings to the failed narrative that Donald Trump was robbed of the 2020 Presidential Election, calling someone else "gullible and brainwashed."
The GOP is a fraud. Two sides of the same coin. I liken it to profession wrestling. What we see on TV and in the news is simply a show. No matter who gets elected or gains control, the outcome is always the same. Until there's a true revolution in this country and we sweep every single one of those lying bastards out, we have very little chance.
The GOP is a cult.
Still desperately hanging on to the failed Russian collusion narrative? You’re as gullible and brainwashed as loother
They know their party is a complete and utter failure. They can't win people over with their ideas so they have to hang on to the fake Russian collusion narrative and their obsession over Trump. All while their leader - Jim Crow Joe - that they voted for continues to try and ruin this country. They even have control of the house and senate. Shows how much of a complete failure their cult is.

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