Today's GOP Not The Party of Lincoln

I never even brought up Trump, didn’t vote for him. You continue to prove my point repeating the same tired mantras. You are like a broken record repeating the same bs. I didn’t realize a thread on here was the same as pushing a destructive agenda at the state and national level?
I don't care what you did. My points of contention were not with a "straw man", but rather, with the unquestioned leader of the Republican Party right now, Donald Trump, and with conservatives, collectively speaking, who post to this forum.

... and if you see something which you consider to be "tired", then you should ignore it, instead of replying to it.
I don't care what you did. My points of contention were not with a "straw man", but rather, with the unquestioned leader of the Republican Party right now, Donald Trump, and with conservatives, collectively speaking, who post to this forum.

... and if you see something which you consider to be "tired", then you should ignore it, instead of replying to it.

I generally don’t reply to your posts but you keep doubling and tripling down on stupid
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There were well over 10,000 people in DC at multiple rallies/stages that day. How many ended up on the Capitol grounds? Several hundred? Less than 5% partook in the excessiveness.
We are now up to 725 arrests in connection with the January 6th incursion at the Capitol. Does your 5% estimate, make it okay? There was no reason for it in the 1st place. Contrary to what Trump had claimed, he did not still have a chance to retain the presidency on January 6, 2021. Mike Pence's role that day was strictly a procedural formality. Those rallies were organized based on the lie that Trump could still win.
We are now up to 725 arrests in connection with the January 6th incursion at the Capitol. Does your 5% estimate, make it okay? There was no reason for it in the 1st place. Contrary to what Trump had claimed, he did not still have a chance to retain the presidency on January 6, 2021. Mike Pence's role that day was strictly a procedural formality. Those rallies were organized based on the lie that Trump could still win.

What are u talking about?
I generally don’t reply to your posts but you keep doubling and tripling down on stupid
If all you have to bring to the table is unsupported labeling/name-calling, such as "stupid" ... then you really should just stick to the right-wing echo chamber crowd on here. It's not like you are going to change anyone's mind with such childish posts.
What are u talking about?
Can you read? Good lord.

In the days leading up to January 6, 2021, then-President Donald Trump claimed that he could still win the Presidential Election. Trump claimed that he only needed his Vice President, Mike Pence, to show some "courage" and disregard electoral votes from swing-states which they had lost (such as Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan). Trump's theory proposed that those electoral votes would be sent back to the Republican-controlled state legislatures in those swing-states, who would then hand-pick a different set of electors who would disregard their state's popular vote and instead cast their votes for Trump/Pence. The January 6th rallies were organized around this ridiculous theory.

It was a lie. In reality, the Vice President has no such authority to do that under the United States Constitution.
LOL! Remind me again which party habitually whines about :

(1) Rigged elections (only the ones they lose, of course).

(2) The bias of the "mainstream media."

(3) The bias of big-tech algorithms.
1. Has Stacy conceded?
2. CNN/MSNBC running with “information” that Trump received Wikileaks information before it was released.
3. Twitter admits to pulling Hunter Biden information leading up to the election.
Can you read? Good lord.

In the days leading up to January 6, 2021, then-President Donald Trump claimed that he could still win the Presidential Election. Trump claimed that he only needed his Vice President, Mike Pence, to show some "courage" and disregard electoral votes from swing-states which they had lost (such as Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan). Trump's theory proposed that those electoral votes would be sent back to the Republican-controlled state legislatures in those swing-states, who would then hand-pick a different set of electors who would disregard their state's popular vote and instead cast their votes for Trump/Pence. The January 6th rallies were organized around this ridiculous theory.

It was a lie. In reality, the Vice President has no such authority to do that under the United States Constitution.

You are making leaps of logic. Trump had active lawsuits up until the point of saying what he said. Having Pence not certify is not necessarily unconstitutional...he is tasked to certify.
It would of been no different than say an incumbent Gore seeking a "chad count" IMO. With massive MIB and ballot harvesting.

Now before you start your ramble...I will say it was ugly and unrepresentative of our Republic, but so is impeachment for a "speeding ticket", which you lefties still have not proven a quid pro quo, just as tax evasion. You guys really did the deep end dive in a shallow pool on that one, necessarily aggravating a whole bunch of people.

As to the theory of why the rallies were organized, it was way before Trump made his remarks.
We are now up to 725 arrests in connection with the January 6th incursion at the Capitol. Does your 5% estimate, make it okay? There was no reason for it in the 1st place. Contrary to what Trump had claimed, he did not still have a chance to retain the presidency on January 6, 2021. Mike Pence's role that day was strictly a procedural formality. Those rallies were organized based on the lie that Trump could still win.
Since you brought up the other “protests” is their’s acceptable? I doubt we have 725 arrests cumulatively across dozens of states for events far worse. And I’ll say it now like I said it on Jan 6, 2021 while sitting in my office with co-workers watching unfold; it is (was) an embarrassing day for America. I won’t assign blame to a party because in addition to that being painting broadly, dangerous and intellectually lazy, a party is nothing but a group of individuals; at the end of the day we’re all still responsible and accountable for our own actions. Maybe one day your side will figure the last part out.
Since you brought up the other “protests” is their’s acceptable? I doubt we have 725 arrests cumulatively across dozens of states for events far worse. And I’ll say it now like I said it on Jan 6, 2021 while sitting in my office with co-workers watching unfold; it is (was) an embarrassing day for America. I won’t assign blame to a party because in addition to that being painting broadly, dangerous and intellectually lazy, a party is nothing but a group of individuals; at the end of the day we’re all still responsible and accountable for our own actions. Maybe one day your side will figure the last part out.

Not real sure you are hinting at in your post. All the other protest were and are peaceful.
You are making leaps of logic. Trump had active lawsuits up until the point of saying what he said. Having Pence not certify is not necessarily unconstitutional...he is tasked to certify.
It would of been no different than say an incumbent Gore seeking a "chad count" IMO. With massive MIB and ballot harvesting.

Now before you start your ramble...I will say it was ugly and unrepresentative of our Republic, but so is impeachment for a "speeding ticket", which you lefties still have not proven, just as tax evasion. You guys really did the deep end dive in a shallow pool on that one, necessarily aggravating a whole bunch of people.

As to the theory of why the rallies were organized, it was way before Trump made his remarks.
Leaps in logic? It is cut and dry.

The Supreme Court had declined to hear the most significant case (the one from Texas). The pending suits were all just pies in the sky.

It would have been un-Constitutional for Pence to discriminately cast aside electoral college votes, for the purpose of having a different set of electors hand-picked, by Republican-controlled state legislatures. It would have been completely different, as a conflict of interest, than anything Al Gore did. Lest we forget, Gore presided over the electoral college certification of his own defeat. I can't imagine how Republicans would have reacted if Gore would have refused to call the electoral votes from the state of Florida into roll in January of 2001. Do you honestly think that attempt would have passed muster with the Supreme Court? If so, you are pretty much alone in that belief.
As to the theory of why the rallies were organized, it was way before Trump made his remarks.
Those rallies had the massive attendance that they did, because those crowds of people had been falsely led to believe that Trump could still retain the presidency as of January 6th. The whole point of the Capitol incursion was to disrupt the formal certification of the electoral college vote in the House chamber... and indeed, it did have to be postponed for a few hours because of the riot.
Leaps in logic? It is cut and dry.

The Supreme Court had declined to hear the most significant case (the one from Texas). The pending suits were all just pies in the sky.

It would have been un-Constitutional for Pence to discriminately cast aside electoral college votes, for the purpose of having a different set of electors hand-picked, by Republican-controlled state legislatures. It would have been completely different, as a conflict of interest, than anything Al Gore did. Lest we forget, Gore presided over the electoral college certification of his own defeat. I can't imagine how Republicans would have reacted if Gore would have refused to call the electoral votes from the state of Florida into roll in January of 2001. Do you honestly think that attempt would have passed muster with the Supreme Court? If so, you are pretty much alone in that belief.

Gore lost his appeal at the point of certification.

Don't come in here with righteous indignation , disregarding the tattered remains of Constitutionality. It is nothing but power politics and word play, left to a SCOTUS that may or may not be at timeframe of ones particular ideology.

So spare me constitutionality as some "just" when one prefers to it as a "living document".
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Gore lost his appeal at the point of certification.

Don't come in here with righteous indignation , disregarding the tattered remains of Constitutionality. It is nothing but power politics and word play, left to a SCOTUS that may or may not be at timeframe of ones particular ideology.

So spare me constitutionality as some "just" when one prefers to it as a "living document".
@BowlBrother85 is a CULT member of the Democratic Party!!!
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If all you have to bring to the table is unsupported labeling/name-calling, such as "stupid" ... then you really should just stick to the right-wing echo chamber crowd on here. It's not like you are going to change anyone's mind with such childish posts.

God himself couldn’t change your mind and your posts speak for themselves. Disagreeing with you doesn’t make oneself “right wing”
Gore lost his appeal at the point of certification.

Don't come in here with righteous indignation , disregarding the tattered remains of Constitutionality. It is nothing but power politics and word play, left to a SCOTUS that may or may not be at timeframe of ones particular ideology.

So spare me constitutionality as some "just" when one prefers to it as a "living document".
Gore lost the appeal just as the electoral college was meeting in December of 2000... and then Gore conceded.

In turn, the Supreme Court threw out the Texas law suit challenging election results in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin on December 11th. The electoral college then met to vote on December 14th. That is when Trump should have conceded, as Gore did... but it went on for another 3 weeks instead.
Gore lost the appeal just as the electoral college was meeting in December of 2000... and then Gore conceded.

In turn, the Supreme Court threw out the Texas law suit challenging election results in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin on December 11th. The electoral college then met to vote on December 14th. That is when Trump should have conceded, as Gore did... but it went on for another 3 weeks instead.
So challenging the results is ok if they stop challenging when you say it’s time..? Fact of the matter is it is the dems who challenge results when they lose and again you project project project…
Yes. For taking the meeting at Trump Tower on June 9, 2016 with Natalia Veselnitskaya and other operatives of the Russian government. "Dirt-digging on a political opponent" takes on additional meaning when the dirt is being provided by a foreign government. Per the Federal Election Commission, it is illegal for an American political campaign to receive "something of value" from a foreign government. It may not be new, but it is still a crime. That meeting had to be investigated. We have been over this a hundred times already.
Remember when Ted Kennedy met with the Soviets to strategize on defeating Reagan? I do!

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