Today's GOP Not The Party of Lincoln

Well yeah, victimhood is a major theme in the Democrat party, as you just confirmed in your post. Democrats seem to always respond to criticism with evasion, by diverting attention to criticism of Trump, the GOP, and Fox News. This reply from volsmain does not make any sense at all. At no point in his rambling, incoherent post was he even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this forum is now dumber for having read it. I award him no points, and may God have mercy on his soul.
I didn't read it. Him and BB85 tend to have the same, predictable responses in this political forum.
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Well yeah, victimhood is a major theme in the Democrat party, as you just confirmed in your post. Democrats seem to always respond to criticism with evasion, by diverting attention to criticism of Trump, the GOP, and Fox News. This reply from volsmain does not make any sense at all. At no point in his rambling, incoherent post was he even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this forum is now dumber for having read it. I award him no points, and may God have mercy on his soul.

If my writing is so bad, then why are plagiarizing it? Don't you have a couple dozen lies all ready to tell? I guess you've worn them out by now. Poor VOLS INC! He's dumber after reading my post. He's a victim! No, you are a perpetrator. Plagiarism is against the law, and everybody sees you doing it.
If my writing is so bad, then why are plagiarizing it? Don't you have a couple dozen lies all ready to tell? I guess you've worn them out by now. Poor VOLS INC! He's dumber after reading my post. He's a victim!

Finally. Truth!
Well yeah, victimhood is a major theme in both parties, and you've just confirmed my post. Republicans seem to always respond to criticism with evasion, by diverting attention to criticism of Democrats or a Democrat. This reply from volsinc does not answer my post. It steals my wording while directing attention away from Republicans, to criticize Democrats -- exactly as I said. Everyone can see that he responded to my post by plagiarizing it.

Literally nothing you have posted in the pages of this thread is logical or coherent. Your entire premise for the thread is idiotic. Of course political thought has changed over the last 150 years but what you are really arguing is that Republicans are more racist today and your “proof” is Trump. You and millions of others just like you on both sides are the problem not Trump. He is a microcosm of the political climate in this nation. Loyalty to the party over the nation and the other side is evil nonsense is destroying this nation. You justify your beliefs by pointing to the millions of others who agree with you, after all millions of people can’t be wrong? Replacing a clown with a senile moron isn’t a solution, it’s a continuation of the problem but you justify by continuing to deflect to Trump and you will gladly vote for Biden again because you will never admit that your views and the views of millions of others have done more damage to this nation than Trump ever could.
Literally nothing you have posted in the pages of this thread is logical or coherent. Your entire premise for the thread is idiotic. Of course political thought has changed over the last 150 years but what you are really arguing is that Republicans are more racist today and your “proof” is Trump. You and millions of others just like you on both sides are the problem not Trump. He is a microcosm of the political climate in this nation. Loyalty to the party over the nation and the other side is evil nonsense is destroying this nation. You justify your beliefs by pointing to the millions of others who agree with you, after all millions of people can’t be wrong? Replacing a clown with a senile moron isn’t a solution, it’s a continuation of the problem but you justify by continuing to deflect to Trump and you will gladly vote for Biden again because you will never admit that your views and the views of millions of others have done more damage to this nation than Trump ever could.

Your attack on me for loyalty to a party is just your own goto BS, because I am not a member of any party. Why do you ignore the fact that I just criticized both? "you will never admit that your views and the views of millions of others have done more damage to this nation than Trump ever could." This is just another example of diverting from my criticism with an attack on "Democrats," and I am not even a Democrat. Blaming and hating Democrats is your Get Out of Jail Free card, isn't it?
Well yeah, victimhood is a major theme in the Democrat party, as you just confirmed in your post. Democrats seem to always respond to criticism with evasion, by diverting attention to criticism of Trump, the GOP, and Fox News. This reply from volsmain does not make any sense at all. At no point in his rambling, incoherent post was he even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this forum is now dumber for having read it. I award him no points, and may God have mercy on his soul.
No politician embraces victimhood like Donald Trump. He loves it. Whether it's the mainstream media, rigged elections, Twitter or Google... someone is always out to get poor Donald. "It's so unfair," - spoken in that sad tone of his.

For the most part, his supporters follow his lead with that... it's just one annoying nasal whine after another.
No politician embraces victimhood like Donald Trump. He loves it. Whether it's the mainstream media, rigged elections, Twitter or Google... someone is always out to get poor Donald. "It's so unfair," - spoken in that sad tone of his.

For the most part, his supporters follow his lead with that... it's just one annoying nasal whine after another.

You ever consider the alternative that there’s actual validity to some of those?
Your attack on me for loyalty to a party is just your own goto BS, because I am not a member of any party. Why do you ignore the fact that I just criticized both? "you will never admit that your views and the views of millions of others have done more damage to this nation than Trump ever could." This is just another example of diverting from my criticism with an attack on "Democrats," and I am not even a Democrat. Blaming and hating Democrats is your Get Out of Jail Free card, isn't it?

You aren’t a member of the Democrat party?! Sure thing princess that sounds believable
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No politician embraces victimhood like Donald Trump. He loves it. Whether it's the mainstream media, rigged elections, Twitter or Google... someone is always out to get poor Donald. "It's so unfair," - spoken in that sad tone of his.

For the most part, his supporters follow his lead with that... it's just one annoying nasal whine after another.
Project, project, project. What you call “embrace victimhood” most would call not laying down to false accusations and fighting swampers.. Those social media sites are democratic propaganda machines, if you don’t publicly acknowledge that, surely you privately do in your own mind. Or else you’re simply very naïve. Your guys impeached him TWICE for less than what happened in Afghanistan.
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Your attack on me for loyalty to a party is just your own goto BS, because I am not a member of any party. Why do you ignore the fact that I just criticized both? "you will never admit that your views and the views of millions of others have done more damage to this nation than Trump ever could." This is just another example of diverting from my criticism with an attack on "Democrats," and I am not even a Democrat. Blaming and hating Democrats is your Get Out of Jail Free card, isn't it?

Why would anyone think that of you? You poor victim. I’m sure it has nothing to do with your insanely one sided posting
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Can we now add homophobia to the list of reasons democrats like yourself shouldn’t be in charge of things?

Totally something a democrat would do. You are right Vol8188, these democrats are something else. That was just kind of a democrat thing to post, wasn’t it.

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The VolNation version of "Ew! You have cooties!" And about as mature, too.

Have you seen VolMain’s posting history? Let’s not pretend it was unwarranted. You can’t start threads calling republicans fascists and then proclaim you don’t have a side.

“I believe one group is literally fascists, but I’m just a neutral observer without a side”….sure
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I believe the Republican Party is a criminal racket attempting to install a fascist government and overthrow the American constitution

But I’m also an undecided voter. Sometimes I think maybe I should vote for the democrats, other times a coup sounds exciting!

This is what it must be like to be @Vol Main
Have you seen VolMain’s posting history? Let’s not pretend it was unwarranted. You can’t start threads calling republicans fascists and then proclaim you don’t have a side.

“I believe one group is literally fascists, but I’m just a neutral observer without a side”….sure

You're thinking in terms of only two dimensions. He very well may have issues with the Republican Party's division that has kowtowed to Trump's influence (Lindsay Graham isn't doing them any favors with his public sycophant act, but I digress). That doesn't automatically make him a Democrat.

It's human nature to attempt to limit the number of possible labels to as few as possible. We're more evolved than that now and we need to act like it.

Now on to addressing him.
You're thinking in terms of only two dimensions. He very well may have issues with the Republican Party's division that has kowtowed to Trump's influence (Lindsay Graham isn't doing them any favors with his public sycophant act, but I digress). That doesn't automatically make him a Democrat.

It's human nature to attempt to limit the number of possible labels to as few as possible. We're more evolved than that now and we need to act like it.

Now on to addressing him.

Find a single post of his ever admonishing any democrat (unless it’s for not being radical enough) and I’ll go along with you on that. For example I would have no issue with you claiming to be a moderate or that you’re not a member of any party.

But his posting history speaks for itself. You don’t believe super hitler is trying to steal the election and decide you’re just gonna sit on the fence

Edit: Graham has always been one of my least favorites. Him and McCain were trash
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Thanks for taking time away from *edited* long enough to honor me with your generous reply.

Yeah, no. This doesn't fly and shouldn't even be in the running for a response here. It does nothing but escalate and inflame.

There are better ways to disagree. Far better. This is just completely unacceptable.
Find a single post of his ever admonishing any democrat (unless it’s for not being radical enough) and I’ll go along with you on that. For example I would have no issue with you claiming to be a moderate or that you’re not a member of any party.

But his posting history speaks for itself. You don’t believe super hitler is trying to steal the election and decide you’re just gonna sit on the fence

Edit: Graham has always been one of my least favorites. Him and McCain were trash
I think what @AshG maybe arguing, is Volmain could be a Libertarian (doubt it) or an Independent, in the same manner Bernie Sanders is. There is also the Green Party, and other grass roots groups springing up. Or maybe he doesn’t identify with any political group. He’s right in that he may not be a democrat.

However, this level of animosity towards the GOP, usually is found in someone who is a democrat, whether they want to admit it or not.
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However, this level of animosity towards the GOP, usually is found in someone who is a democrat, whether they want to admit it or not.

Or in someone who used to consider themselves Republican and has nostalgia for life before cable news and anger radio. I know I miss those days.
I believe the Republican Party is a criminal racket attempting to install a fascist government and overthrow the American constitution

But I’m also an undecided voter. Sometimes I think maybe I should vote for the democrats, other times a coup sounds exciting!

This is what it must be like to be @Vol Main

Can you say something that is not pathetically stupid?

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