Today's GOP Not The Party of Lincoln

Trump has done all he possibly can to undermine the public's faith (Trump negative #147) in the election process, and he has succeeded with many, but luckily they are almost exclusively trumpers and the Q type.
A lot of the Public lost faith in the election process way back in 1960 when Mayor Daley of Chicago dumped voting machines into Lake Michigan to ensure JFK’s win over Nixon. But do go in about how election controversy and doubt never clouded the political skies before 2020.
A lot of the Public lost faith in the election process way back in 1960 when Mayor Daley of Chicago dumped voting machines into Lake Michigan to ensure JFK’s win over Nixon. But do go in about how election controversy and doubt never clouded the political skies before 2020.
Changes nothing about what Trump attempted to do.
So challenging the results is ok if they stop challenging when you say it’s time..? Fact of the matter is it is the dems who challenge results when they lose and again you project project project…
Gore was only pressing for the continuation of manual recounts in Dade and Broward Counties. He never said the 2000 Presidential Election results were rigged, even though his opponent's brother was the Governor of the only contested state. Gore stopped once the electoral college had met and voted... which is exactly what any other reasonable person would do. Gore presided over the formal certification of his own defeat, by way of the same procedure that Donald Trump claimed a sitting Vice President could manipulate to his own advantage. There is no comparison between the way Al Gore handled losing, to how Trump handled it.

Fact of the matter, what Trump did is unprecedented in American history. He did much more than challenge results. He tried to use the political influence of his office to retain power after he had lost the election. Projection is your game... not mine.
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Reading this thread cracked me up.

They say that a woman’s clitoris has over 8,000 nerve endings and I’d wager that it’s still not as sensitive as a Democrat VN politics forum posting, Trump hating, Biden voter. The insanity of it never ceases to amaze me, but sometimes you just gotta shake your head and laugh.
There are dozens of articles. Do you need me to look them all up for you? It is common knowledge to most serious observers of politics.
Nope. I just read a couple. Looks like he was trying to show that Russian/US relations were not as bad as what Reagan was portraying with the 'evil empire" comment. Nothing very nefarious looking.
I notice that Democrats almost always reply to criticism by playing the role of victim. There has to be some deep seeded hate in play, otherwise how could anyone explain the fact that someone may not agree with the Democrat view?. Very few will ever say, "yes, we have this problem and need to do something about it." Most Democrats attack the few who do speak honestly, by calling them racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, white supremacist etc. They are forever willing to think something bad about somebody they do not like and take to social media to cancel that person because that person does not deserve to live. The truth doesn’t matter, just how the truth makes them feel. Of course they fancy themselves as the best people, the moral standard for all of humanity, but in reality they are a death cult that no one should follow.😉

Well yeah, victimhood is a major theme in both parties, and you've just confirmed my post. Republicans seem to always respond to criticism with evasion, by diverting attention to criticism of Democrats or a Democrat. This reply from volsinc does not answer my post. It steals my wording while directing attention away from Republicans, to criticize Democrats -- exactly as I said. Everyone can see that he responded to my post by plagiarizing it. Republicans live by ghetto rules. If it can be stolen, they think they are supposed to steal it. Then of course, they lie about it and divert attention from what they do by attacking Democrats with any BS which comes to mind. Truth means nothing to them. They're just spit-balling through life.
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Nope. I just read a couple. Looks like he was trying to show that Russian/US relations were not as bad as what Reagan was portraying with the 'evil empire" comment. Nothing very nefarious looking.
Still counts as “collusion”. Dems went crazy when Trump’s transition team did a lot less.
Well yeah, victimhood is a major theme in both parties, and you've just confirmed my post. Republicans seem to always respond to criticism with evasion, by diverting attention to criticism of Democrats or a Democrat. This reply from volsinc does not answer my post. It steals my wording while directing attention away from Republicans, to criticize Democrats -- exactly as I said. Everyone can see that he responded to my post by plagiarizing it.

Well yeah, victimhood is a major theme in the Democrat party, as you just confirmed in your post. Democrats seem to always respond to criticism with evasion, by diverting attention to criticism of Trump, the GOP, and Fox News. This reply from volsmain does not make any sense at all. At no point in his rambling, incoherent post was he even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this forum is now dumber for having read it. I award him no points, and may God have mercy on his soul.
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