Train derailment danger being covered up?

At least according to what I heard Norfolk Southern will be getting a 3x bill whatever it costs the EPA to finish the clean up.

The EPA will not and is not paying for the cleanup. That is and has all been on N/S, what N/S will get stuck with is the costs from the EPA. Their travel, lodging, meals, any testing, drinks, hookers, ext. The EPA will (as a show) go much deeper and further than necessary, drag this out much longer and end up being a burden to the residents.

I don't know N/S insurance situation, probably self insured but it's the insurance that will be paying the bills.
The difference is DD is on drugs. Woody was dropped a bunch as a child like sloth from the goonies.

Well, now, what an honor to be lifted to the legendary status of Jack Oswald White.
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The truth of this rule is being twisted.

And besides that, who is in office now? And how long have they been there? Certainly long enough to reinstate a rule, no?
Exactly.. didn’t they like repeal and override 78 different things in the first week.. Biden was bragging about wielding the pen? They seem very uninterested and unconcerned by the people that they have nothing to benefit from… I remember during the Nashville floods a lot of people were very pissed and said the same things about Obama

Interesting considering how many of these institutional banks have gone so woke as of late. NS lawsuits will be piling up soon. If you want to get a good idea of how this will go, watch “Worth” on Netflix. A lifelong friend of mine has a son in wealth management that was with a BIG bank on that list in NYC. Basically told you have to respect and use pronouns or get fired. Got a great offer from another bank/firm and gave them the middle finger on the way out the door.
Interesting considering how many of these institutional banks have gone so woke as of late. NS lawsuits will be piling up soon. If you want to get a good idea of how this will go, watch “Worth” on Netflix. A lifelong friend of mine has a son in wealth management that was with a BIG bank on that list in NYC. Basically told you have to respect and use pronouns or get fired. Got a great offer from another bank/firm and gave them the middle finger on the way out the door.
Don’t forget the ESG requirements
What irony
and drawn out.. they should have taken over oh, two weeks ago.. small spills and incidents a company can handle, this was not small

OH EPA would have been the people in charge but consulting with the federals until pollutants crossed state lines or they asked the federals to step in. Now that this is political the Federals will just get in the way and drag it out.
OH EPA would have been the people in charge but consulting with the federals until pollutants crossed state lines or they asked the federals to step in. Now that this is political the Federals will just get in the way and drag it out.
That’s what my husband said 😂 he also said that people were probably notified and failed to do their jobs because the government is not in a hurry to do anything and moves at the speed of molasses (He deals with these people)
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The irony of these mega IFs is our 401s will pay for it

Maybe not. These fund managers probably sold a lot of their positions in N/S the minute this came across the wire. Even if they haven’t, looking at just the mutual funds that own N/S, most of them only own a very small percentage of N/S relative to the entire fund’s holdings, so there is some insulation there.
That’s what my husband said 😂 he also said that people were probably notified and failed to do their jobs because the government is not in a hurry to do anything and moves at the speed of molasses (He deals with these people)

The focus now will be on saving face, showing how essential the agency is and getting positive press. Not cleaning up the mess.
When burned, vinyl chloride becomes phosgene gas, the infamous German World War I chemical weapon later banned by the Geneva Convention.
A lawsuit filed last week in U.S. District Court against the railroad stated: “Norfolk Southern blew holes in its vinyl chloride cars, and dumped 1,109,400 pounds of cancer-causing vinyl chloride directly into the environment”

Like my old Master Technician (non military to my anecdotal but ex USS nuke) used to say..dilution is the solution.
'I know this menu better than all of you': Trump orders Big Macs for East Palestine first responders (and himself) after delivering 13 pallets of food and Trump Water to families 'betrayed' by Biden after toxic train disaster

Donald Trump told residents of East Palestine they are victims of 'betrayal' by President Biden and the federal government, and said his visit finally sparked them to act during a tour of the toxic train derailment site on Wednesday.

The former president greeted crowds furious at the lack of action from the White House, 19 days after the disaster in Ohio, and brought in thousands of bottles of his own water, cleaning supplies and canned food.

He then stopped at a local McDonald's where he ordered Big Macs for first responders and members of his team, and handed out signed MAGA hats to the customers.

'I know this menu better than you do. I probably know it better than anybody in here,' he told the server and demanded they 'knock it out fast' so he could eat it on the plane.


Trump stands besides a pallet of his branded water in East Palestine. He brought trucks with his own supplies during his visit to the toxic train derailment site


Trump then stopped at a local McDonald's where he ordered Big Macs for first responders and members of his team, and handed out signed MAGA hats to the customers


Donald Trump's typical order at McDonald's consists of two Big Macs, two Filet-of-Fish sandwiches and a chocolate milkshake. Although he claims to skip the bun when he eats fast-food sandwiches, the order comes in at 2,500 calories - about a day's worth for a man his age.

Hundreds of people lined the streets waving MAGA flags and chanting 'no more Joe' to greet Trump after he landed in the community on his renovated Trump Force One jet.

In a speech in the local fire department he praised the response from law enforcement and the 'strength and courage' of the residents, and said: 'You are not forgotten'.

He promised to return if the community didn't get help from the White House and when a reporter asked what message he had for Biden, Trump said: 'Get over here'.


Hundreds of people lined the streets waving MAGA flags and chanting 'no more Joe' to greet Trump after he landed in the community on his renovated Trump Force One jet

Trump brings East Palestine thousands of bottles of his OWN water | Daily Mail Online
When burned, vinyl chloride becomes phosgene gas, the infamous German World War I chemical weapon later banned by the Geneva Convention.
A lawsuit filed last week in U.S. District Court against the railroad stated: “Norfolk Southern blew holes in its vinyl chloride cars, and dumped 1,109,400 pounds of cancer-causing vinyl chloride directly into the environment”

Like my old Master Technician (non military to my anecdotal but ex USS nuke) used to say..dilution is the solution.

Dilution is the solution to pollution. Or fire.
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