Train derailment danger being covered up?

You can't hide from the changing world on your farms.

Not trying to hide from the world. What's happening is the urban dwellers are trying to force one size fits all policies/ideas on rural America. What works or (mostly) doesn't work in urban areas might not work or even be wanted in rural America yet it keeps getting shoved down their throats.

It all goes back to reducing the size, scope and power of the federal government to a point where it doesn't matter to the average American urban or rural.
The level of disdain in both directions is ridiculous but the % of people in urban America who view rural America with disdain is dwarfed by the % of people in rural America who view urban America with disdain.
Yes, it does go both ways, but I don’t think that is accurate 😂 I catch hel!! On FB being from middle Tennessee, even though I’ve lived in Atlanta, Nashville, Birmingham 😂.. I’ve been told to shut up and go back to to the fields 😂 it’s so ridiculous
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This is like the movie White Noise. It came out last year, train derailed, toxins released everywhere etc.
The Democrats are the party all about „protecting the environment“ until it is actually time to „protect the environment“
By which I mean, „protecting the environment“ is a useful guise for real goal of hobbling capitalism and reducing the American standard of living to make us more dependent on government. The environment itself is just a useful prop. (The same way they USE minorities). Power is the only thing the left really cares about (but it is for our own good of course 😉)
Not trying to hide from the world. What's happening is the urban dwellers are trying to force one size fits all policies/ideas on rural America. What works or (mostly) doesn't work in urban areas might not work or even be wanted in rural America yet it keeps getting shoved down their throats.

It all goes back to reducing the size, scope and power of the federal government to a point where it doesn't matter to the average American urban or rural.
One literally- and I mean quite literally- has to be an imbecile to think any one-size-fits-all solution would work in almost any case in almost any place. Even collective-culture societies have major local quirks.
It is a true justification, look we agree on something.
Here's the thing, everyone who views another with disdain feels as if their views are justified. Everyone who is viewed with disdain feels as if that view is unjustified. There has been a lot of time, money, and effort put into convincing people that they are justified in their disdain for others.

I know where those efforts have been most concentrated and successful.
Yes, it does go both ways, but I don’t think that is accurate 😂 I catch hel!! On FB being from middle Tennessee, even though I’ve lived in Atlanta, Nashville, Birmingham 😂.. I’ve been told to shut up and go back to to the fields 😂 it’s so ridiculous
Whoever told you to shut up and go back to the fields is an idiot and should be viewed with disdain.
But we're talking about one in a thousand here - certainly not a representative sample.

Another danger of social media, an extremely small percentage of vocal idiots become mistakenly viewed at the norm.
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Here's the thing, everyone who views another with disdain feels as if their views are justified. Everyone who is viewed with disdain feels as if that view is unjustified. There has been a lot of time, money, and effort put into convincing people that they are justified in their disdain for others.

I know where those efforts have been most concentrated and successful.

of course you do.

Here's an alternative take - the efforts directed at you to come to this assessment have been extraordinarily effective and you don't realize the extent to which you've been brainwashed to cast the blame on the things you blame.
of course you do.

Here's an alternative take - the efforts directed at you to come to this assessment have been extraordinarily effective and you don't realize the extent to which you've been brainwashed to cast the blame on the things you blame.
And there's the dilemma.
Time will increasingly provide a clearer answer. (It's already pretty clear to most)
Here's the thing, everyone who views another with disdain feels as if their views are justified. Everyone who is viewed with disdain feels as if that view is unjustified. There has been a lot of time, money, and effort put into convincing people that they are justified in their disdain for others.

I know where those efforts have been most concentrated and successful.

See there you go trying to lay off any responsibility. This isn't a marketing thing this is real, and believe it or not I do not blame you or those of similar convictions.

You vote for what you think is best for you and your family and I (try) to vote for the candidates that best represent what I think is best. The problem is the people you help elect have entirely too much say in what happens in other parts of the country and visa versa. That is why we will continue to have teh disdain and animosity between us until the federal government can't take my values or yours and force them onto areas that do not have the same.
And there's the dilemma.
Time will increasingly provide a clearer answer. (It's already pretty clear to most)

disagree - I'd say that time could as easily further the efforts to divide on all sides. accordingly it is harder for an individual to make an objective assessment.

further the more sure you are that you are on the "Good Team" the more you perceive the bad actions of the "Bad Team"
disagree - I'd say that time could as easily further the efforts to divide on all sides. accordingly it is harder for an individual to make an objective assessment.

further the more sure you are that you are on the "Good Team" the more you perceive the bad actions of the "Bad Team"

It's all on his continuum.
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See there you go trying to lay off any responsibility. This isn't a marketing thing this is real, and believe it or not I do not blame you or those of similar convictions.

You vote for what you think is best for you and your family and I (try) to vote for the candidates that best represent what I think is best. The problem is the people you help elect have entirely too much say in what happens in other parts of the country and visa versa. That is why we will continue to have teh disdain and animosity between us until the federal government can't take my values or yours and force them onto areas that do not have the same.

Most relevant post of the day.
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well, you live in one of the most special, but targeted areas of the country now. It's ********. There are actually people who know better than us, believe it or not. Trust those who know more. You guys are really, really good at this internet thing tho.
You should look up the white lab coat experiment.
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Here's the thing, everyone who views another with disdain feels as if their views are justified. Everyone who is viewed with disdain feels as if that view is unjustified. There has been a lot of time, money, and effort put into convincing people that they are justified in their disdain for others.

I know where those efforts have been most concentrated and successful.
Gun laws, covid restrictions, environmental/green, racism ad nauseam, general PC/wokeness, big government is good

Even looking at it logically there is going to be more more effort and acceptance in the large population areas. You are getting more bang for your buck and it makes a political difference there. "Changing" 14% of the population would do what?
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Whoever told you to shut up and go back to the fields is an idiot and should be viewed with disdain.
But we're talking about one in a thousand here - certainly not a representative sample.

Another danger of social media, an extremely small percentage of vocal idiots become mistakenly viewed at the norm.
Oh, absolutely.. completely agree.. it was a New Orleans topic lol.. I was saying New Orleans was dangerous now, which it is.. I was just there lol it was fun, but you did hve to watch yourself lol.. all of the comments I got from a lot of people I was the most horrible human alive lol.. the counterattack was rutal America was all ‘meth towns’ and they made assumptions about me from my ‘from’ and lives’ on FB 😂 I just laughed, people make a ton of assumptions.. I used to live two hours from New Orleans lol.. love it, lots of fun, you hve to be aware of your surroundings.. some lady said I couldn’t visit NOLA, I said it was a good thing she was not the gatekeeper lmao
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See there you go trying to lay off any responsibility. This isn't a marketing thing this is real, and believe it or not I do not blame you or those of similar convictions.

You vote for what you think is best for you and your family and I (try) to vote for the candidates that best represent what I think is best. The problem is the people you help elect have entirely too much say in what happens in other parts of the country and visa versa. That is why we will continue to have teh disdain and animosity between us until the federal government can't take my values or yours and force them onto areas that do not have the same.
You are more clueless than I remember; did that just happen over the past few months?
I'm anything but a "what's best for me and my family - all about immediate impact on my wallet" voter.
That sounds exactly like you.
disagree - I'd say that time could as easily further the efforts to divide on all sides. accordingly it is harder for an individual to make an objective assessment.

further the more sure you are that you are on the "Good Team" the more you perceive the bad actions of the "Bad Team"
Oh, there will undoubtedly be continued efforts to divide. What I'm saying is that with time it becomes clearer where those efforts were most concentrated and why.

And I've always been an advocate of merging the sides, not further dividing them.
You are more clueless than I remember; did that just happen over the past few months?
I'm anything but a "what's best for me and my family - all about immediate impact on my wallet" voter.
That sounds exactly like you.

Yes you are a "me and my family voter" whether you want to admit it or not because you vote for candidates that will advance the progressive agenda across America and you think that is good for you and your family. So thank you for reinforcing my point about why there is so much animosity from non urban Americans towards urban Americans.
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