Transgender athlete wants to burn the us flag

If this is what gets the trumpets to squeel then Joe is most definitely crushing it.
One of my friends committed suicide a few weeks ago, within a week of coming out. I haven't mentioned it here because I'm still mourning his loss along with many other people.

Part of the pain with why he waited so long is because of the mockery he knew his wife and children would face. He was not wrong.

When I read the dehumanization that several members here foist on those made differently by God, I understand why the suicide rate is so high.
Sorry for your loss.
Alternate headline - US citizen wants to exercise free speech

I get that but he is literally going to a game designed for athletes to represent their country.

This is the equivalent of being an ambassador and saying how much you hate the country you are representing.

Yes, his first amendment rights allow it but he/she should be thrown off the team.

It's like a vol player stating he will his vols Jersey after a big win because he hates the team.

It's just low class.
There are many cases of people being doxxed for not participating in the delusion of a trans person when engaging with them. The threat of doxxing isn't literally forcing people to participate in the delusion, but it is practically forcing them.


Maybe do what I do on my social media accounts and just avoid talking about it. This board is literally 99% of my discussion on the topic and where I encounter it the most as a subject. I've lived in big, liberal cities for most of my life.

Maybe those being doxxed shouldn't actively seek it and put themselves in that position.
So basically a trans athlete is allowed to participate with our Olympic team because we are doing our part to be an inclusive country, hypothetically wins a gold medal, while simultaneously compromising competitiveness in women’s athletics, destroying years and years of hard work from women around the world only to burn the flag of the country that has allowed (insert pronoun) to represent our country? That’s not brave or a freedom of speech, that’s being an entitled bitch.
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Maybe do what I do on my social media accounts and just avoid talking about it. This board is literally 99% of my discussion on the topic and where I encounter it the most as a subject. I've lived in big, liberal cities for most of my life.

Maybe those being doxxed shouldn't actively seek it and put themselves in that position.

There have been a lot of instances (in quantity, not proportion) where the "wrong-speak" was done out in the real world and the "offending bigot" was doxxed on social media as a response. I'm not saying it is super likely to happen, but the point is, if you encounter a trans person in the real world, you better play by their crazy rules of speech as a matter of practicality or else you run the risk of getting a twitter mob sent to get you. It is practically forcing people in the real world to participate in their delusions.
Demonstrating to the world that one can express a very heightened form of free speech without having to worry about backlash from the state sounds pretty dangerous for other countries. I bet China, Russia, Iran would cut it off immediately lest their own citizens get the idea.
I doubt it, they would mock that country confident that their threats against athletes and their families would be enough to prohibit such actions.

In theory I don't disagree with your line of thought here, I just know the threat the countries you mention levy against athletes and their families.
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There have been a lot of instances (in quantity, not proportion) where the "wrong-speak" was done out in the real world and the "offending bigot" was doxxed on social media as a response. I'm not saying it is super likely to happen, but the point is, if you encounter a trans person in the real world, you better play by their crazy rules of speech as a matter of practicality or else you run the risk of getting a twitter mob sent to get you. It is practically forcing people in the real world to participate in their delusions.

Sounds like you live in fear of something that will likely never happen to you.

Lot of what ifs in your scenario.

You poor, infringed thing.
One of my friends committed suicide a few weeks ago, within a week of coming out. I haven't mentioned it here because I'm still mourning his loss along with many other people.

Part of the pain with why he waited so long is because of the mockery he knew his wife and children would face. He was not wrong.

When I read the dehumanization that several members here foist on those made differently by God, I understand why the suicide rate is so high.
Sorry about your friend, but it is no one's fault but his own. No one is "dehumanizing" anyone here, mental illness affects those who have it differently
The ole "free will" get out of jail card. Omnipotent and omniscient but never responsible.

Good gig if you can get it.

Tell me, I hear being a homosexual and transgender is a mental illness - is mental illness a choice?

What ? I’m going to wait for you to show me where I said it’s a get out jail free card or an excuse not to be self responsible. You do understand what free will as it relates to the Bible is talking about right ? Maybe we should start there . Free will is you choosing your path and either reaping the rewards of your good choices or suffering the consequences of your bad ones . Come on man .. you are better than that , change your bait out, the top water bait isn’t working .
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Sounds like you live in fear of something that will likely never happen to you.

Lot of what ifs in your scenario.

You poor, infringed thing.

Where did I mention that I'm fearful or infringed? Being appalled by something isn't the same as being afraid or hurt by it somehow.
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Where did I mention that I'm fearful or infringed? Being appalled by something isn't the same as being afraid or hurt by it somehow.

You don't consider being doxxed an infringement?

Good. Me neither.

I just think people should deal with the consequences of expressing their beliefs on a public platform, one way or the other. You think I'm foolish enough to say even an iota of my content here on my actual social media? Hell no. I enjoy my job.
You don't consider being doxxed an infringement?

Good. Me neither.

I just think people should deal with the consequences of expressing their beliefs on a public platform, one way or the other. You think I'm foolish enough to say even an iota of my content here on my actual social media? Hell no. I enjoy my job.

Are you trolling right now? Where did I say doxxing isn't an infringement? I simply said I don't feel fear of being doxxed by a trans person. However, I am appalled that people have been doxxed for the simple act of misgendering someone or failing to use non traditional pronouns out in the real world in a one on one conversation with a trans person. In cases such as this, it is practically (not legally) compelled speech.
Are you trolling right now? Where did I say doxxing isn't an infringement? I simply said I don't feel fear of being doxxed by a trans person. However, I am appalled that people have been doxxed for the simple act of misgendering someone or failing to use non traditional pronouns out in the real world in a one on one conversation with a trans person. In cases such as this, it is practically (not legally) compelled speech.

People are doxxed/lose their jobs over a vast multitude of reasons that don't pertain to their work performance. Misgendering likely ranks towards the bottom of the list.

Quit acting like it's some mass problematic issue. It's not.
People are doxxed/lose their jobs over a vast multitude of reasons that don't pertain to their work performance. Misgendering likely ranks towards the bottom of the list.

Quit acting like it's some mass problematic issue. It's not.

Dude quit trolling! I've literally said multiple times during this exchange that it isn't a mass problematic issue. How many pots have you smoken?
Then why is it worth pissing and moaning about?

JFC dude. You are in peak willfully obtuse form right now. Who is pissing and moaning other than you? You have to mischaracterize every post I've made in this exchange just so that you can attack the straw man with your typical nihilistic arguments.

Do me a favor and quit reading more than the words I type in my posts. You're putting extra hot sauce on everything.
NCAA and IOC just need to have a seperate "Transgender" division.

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