Transgender athlete wants to burn the us flag

That was what he asked , what would you do in that instance . I believe it’s just how you look at things , if you choose to think someone should be speaking to your family members that way ( unprovoked) without consequences, then you will inject yourself into the coversative and make that known and what your expectations are when addressing them . If you chose not to then it’s also just a personal choice .
In what way? That's just some ridiculous hypothetical to produce some gotcha answer. I've been consistent over the years that the ability to walk away is the best thing anyone can do. If I get to a point where I feel my family is threatened then I have options and I live in FL.
In what way? That's just some ridiculous hypothetical to produce some gotcha answer. I've been consistent over the years that the ability to walk away is the best thing anyone can do. If I get to a point where I feel my family is threatened then I have options and I live in FL.

Good to see you willing to turn the other cheek , I read somewhere that it was a virtuous thing , that a lot of us struggle with .
Your response is exactly why they do it.

If people only protested in ways that everyone could easily ignore or feel good about, it wouldn't be a protest.

Do I agree with flag burning? Oh heck no. I'm a Flag Code guy through and through. But I understand its efficacy at getting others' attention.

Lol. People are going to ignore it regardless. In this instance what is the point in burning the flag you represent?
Lol. People are going to ignore it regardless. In this instance what is the point in burning the flag you represent?

To make sure the world knows this person lives in a country so horrible that it....well it....I mean it....something....who knows.
To make sure the world knows this person lives in a country so horrible that it....well it....I mean it....something....who knows.

It’s crazy. All these leftist mobs are nothing but attention whores. BLM has to loot and destroy to show their oppression. Alphabets have to have “pride” parades and s**t constantly. You have to love everything about them or you’re a bigot, homophobe, etc. You can’t say their “lifestyle” is a mental illness yet the gay guy that just came out in the NFL donated a large sum of money to some alphabet group that helps prevent suicide in the alphabet community. Talk about irony.
Lol. People are going to ignore it regardless. In this instance what is the point in burning the flag you represent?

For one simple reason attention. This current generation seems to crave it in any form and I can only surmise that is because they aren't receiving enough at home.
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Personally, and this is JMO, I think Americans who burn the U.S. flag take their freedoms for granted and don't put enough thought into why they have those freedoms, and the sacrifices that were made in honor of that flag so that they could have that freedom. I'm not sure they appreciate that they live in a country where they are allowed to do such things. In a lot of countries, it would get you arrested. I just don't understand it as a form of protest.
It’s ironic too given that burning the flag is also done to retire a flag.
A man begins to verbally berate your wife, what do you do? Turn to her and argue for his freedom of speech? Just curious to how you would respond?
Before, during or after she rips out his tongue and knees him in the crotch?
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In what way? That's just some ridiculous hypothetical to produce some gotcha answer. I've been consistent over the years that the ability to walk away is the best thing anyone can do. If I get to a point where I feel my family is threatened then I have options and I live in FL.
That's the problem with trying to have a real conversation with you. You think everything is leading up to a "gotcha" moment. It's why you come across as so uptight. Sometimes questions are just questions and not elaborate traps.

As for the original topic, it's Newton's Third Law of Motion applied to the flow of life. For every action, there's a reaction. Or put another way, actions have consequences. You may have a right to do something, but be prepared for the response.
It’s crazy. All these leftist mobs are nothing but attention whores. BLM has to loot and destroy to show their oppression. Alphabets have to have “pride” parades and s**t constantly. You have to love everything about them or you’re a bigot, homophobe, etc. You can’t say their “lifestyle” is a mental illness yet the gay guy that just came out in the NFL donated a large sum of money to some alphabet group that helps prevent suicide in the alphabet community. Talk about irony.

Talk about irony, the left hates him now since it came out he's a registered Republican.
One of my friends committed suicide a few weeks ago, within a week of coming out. I haven't mentioned it here because I'm still mourning his loss along with many other people.

Part of the pain with why he waited so long is because of the mockery he knew his wife and children would face. He was not wrong.

When I read the dehumanization that several members here foist on those made differently by God, I understand why the suicide rate is so high.
Not to mention it’s basically sh**ting on the country you’re representing. I’m all for free speech and what not, but damn…..

Demonstrating to the world that one can express a very heightened form of free speech without having to worry about backlash from the state sounds pretty dangerous for other countries. I bet China, Russia, Iran would cut it off immediately lest their own citizens get the idea.
One of my friends committed suicide a few weeks ago, within a week of coming out. I haven't mentioned it here because I'm still mourning his loss along with many other people.

Part of the pain with why he waited so long is because of the mockery he knew his wife and children would face. He was not wrong.

When I read the dehumanization that several members here foist on those made differently by God, I understand why the suicide rate is so high.

Sorry for your loss.

Suicide is such a cowardly act by an adult that is mentally healthy. The damage to kids left behind is immeasurable. That said, I still believe this is a type of mental illness/disorder. Medical community has done such a disservice with their approach.
One of my friends committed suicide a few weeks ago, within a week of coming out. I haven't mentioned it here because I'm still mourning his loss along with many other people.

Part of the pain with why he waited so long is because of the mockery he knew his wife and children would face. He was not wrong.

When I read the dehumanization that several members here foist on those made differently by God, I understand why the suicide rate is so high.
This is a very sad situation on several levels….. did his wife know he was gay before he came out?
So he comes out and admits he’s gay only to kill himself a few days later?

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