Trump at least 99 percent sure to run: good or bad for nation, GOP?

I don’t think I’ve used the word “numbers” in this entire thread. I even chided you for reliance on Biden’s stated number goals in lieu of looking at his actual plan and execution. Whatever numbers Trump was hitting, Biden exceeded them by a wide margin. You can find a graph of vaccinations per day and see how contrived this argument is.

It’s so on-brand for this forum to persist in arguing about the dumbest criticism of a public figure, despite the availability of myriad other valid criticisms.
Biden's stated ultimate goals were accomplished with the existing infrastructure. How was his plan executed so well when that's the case? It appears that was the natural growth path of the numbers anyway
Biden's stated ultimate goals were accomplished with the existing infrastructure. How was his plan executed so well when that's the case? It appears that was the natural growth path of the numbers anyway
At most one can say Biden didn't derail the Vax train Trump had rolling out of the station. And that is noteworthy considering what happened in Afghanistan.
Understood. The best answer is no answer when inability to delineate your newly modified criteria or embarrassment to share how and why you modified is self evident.

I think it’s pretty evident that they weren’t modified at all, but needed further exposition for somebody trying to ignore context to make a devastating internet argument. Exposition has been offered. Question answered. You persisting in the same course after you didn’t get the answer you expected isn’t my fault.
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At most one can say Biden didn't derail the Vax train Trump had rolling out of the station. And that is noteworthy considering what happened in Afghanistan.
I am perfectly ok with that assessment. And you're right, given what we now know about how admin that was quite the accomplishment. Also quite the accomplishment since about 6mos earlier Biden and Dems were stating it was impossible
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Biden's stated ultimate goals were accomplished with the existing infrastructure. How was his plan executed so well when that's the case? It appears that was the natural growth path of the numbers anyway

“hIS pRe-iNnAuGuRatIoN gOaLs weRE tOo CoNserVaTivE!!!!!1!!!one!!!”

“hIS pRe-iNnAuGuRatIoN gOaLs weRE tOo CoNserVaTivE!!!!!1!!!one!!!”

Or they were just nonsense from a group that didn't understand what was already happening. If the infrastructure to hit their lofty goals was already in place it stands to reason that further success was likely due to that same fact. He just got out of the way which appears to be quite the accomplishment for ol Joe
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Or they were just nonsense from a group that didn't understand what was already happening. If the infrastructure to hit their lofty goals was already in place it stands to reason that further success was likely due to that same fact. He just got out of the way which appears to be quite the accomplishment for ol Joe
Nonsense from a group that doesn’t understand what’s currently happening is the BEST way to measure what actually happened later. Pick a lane, FFS.

This take would make perfect sense coming from someone who was in a medically induced coma from December through April. Were you in a medically induced coma for those four months?
Nonsense from a group that doesn’t understand what’s currently happening is the BEST way to measure what actually happened later. Pick a lane, FFS.

This take would make perfect sense coming from someone who was in a medically induced coma from December through April. Were you in a medically induced coma for those four months?
If your ultimate plan is already being accomplished before you can even implement it then you weren't paying attention to what was already in place. If the numbers are already going in one direction and your plan does nothing to change that then it's not a great plan.

If a business made protections like the Biden admin did they would be ridiculed for not knowing what they were doing. However when a politician one agrees with does it they're lauded for a week executed plan. Interesting and your constant ad hominem are noted
I think it’s pretty evident that they weren’t modified at all, but needed further exposition for somebody trying to ignore context to make a devastating internet argument. Exposition has been offered. Question answered. You persisting in the same course after you didn’t get the answer you expected isn’t my fault.
I understood your answer. If you find fault with my assessment of your answer, that's on you.

There is no devastating internet argument because there is no argument. You can desperately want an argument but I find no value in it.

I think what is most obvious about my first reply is that so much of what happens under one administration actually started or was conceived under another administration. So if, "It was executed under Biden’s administration", is how you credit an administration (using the date of election as the line of demarcation) then same applies with previous administrations. That's assuming you desire consistency of thought and position. You may not be concerned with consistency. And that is your prerogative.
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I understood your answer. If you find fault with my assessment of your answer, that's on you.

There is no devastating internet argument because there is no argument. You can desperately want an argument but I find no value in it.

I think what is most obvious about my first reply is that so much of what happens under one administration actually started or was conceived under another administration. So if, "It was executed under Biden’s administration", is how you credit an administration (using the date of election as the line of demarcation) then same applies with previous administrations. That's assuming you desire consistency of thought and position. You may not be concerned with consistency. And that is your prerogative.
Your failure to understand that there was no inconsistency is on you.
At most one can say Biden didn't derail the Vax train Trump had rolling out of the station. And that is noteworthy considering what happened in Afghanistan.
Primarily due to an unwillingness to acknowledge defeat, there was very little coordination between the outgoing Trump administration and the Biden transition team in December and January. It was a factor here. At most, one can say Trump placed his ego above doing what best served the country.
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If your ultimate plan is already being accomplished before you can even implement it then you weren't paying attention to what was already in place. If the numbers are already going in one direction and your plan does nothing to change that then it's not a great plan.

If a business made protections like the Biden admin did they would be ridiculed for not knowing what they were doing. However when a politician one agrees with does it they're lauded for a week executed plan. Interesting and your constant ad hominem are noted
This isn’t difficult:
1. “I’m unfamiliar with the publicly recorded actions taken by arguably the most scrutinized man in the world.”
2. “My opinion about the results achieved by that man should be taken seriously.”

You can only pick one. Stop insisting that Biden did nothing to facilitate the vaccine distribution and I’ll stop making fun of you.

Also, there’s no ad hominem. Ad hominem would be if I just made fun of you personally without addressing your comments. I pointed out the problems with your argument like 5 posts ago (and again here) and you just keep repeating them. I got bored and started making fun of you for making the same bad argument over and over and over and over again. That’s not ad hominem.
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Based on Rocky's metrics, I would like to inform the board Presidnet George H Bush is responsible for the fall of the Berlin Wall on Nov 9, 1989. Well done, Bush. Well done.
Knew you had that “devastating internet argument” queued up. It suffered a bit by the fact that you completely failed to set it up, but you persisted and delivered it anyways. Proud of you.
Speak of the Trump cult of personality and it shall appear. It was executed under Biden’s administration and was executed well. He absolutely gets credit for it.


Or you could have actually gave credit to both, you partisan ass.

Or you could have actually gave credit to both, you partisan ass.
I actually did, you illiterate ass.

My opinion is consistent when it comes to similar comparisons. Most of these aren’t similar at all. Maybe the Carter/Reagan comparison, but Trump probably deserves more credit here than Carter does for that.
First sentence: so what?
Second sentence: inaccurate. Also, so what?
Third/fourth sentence: Trump deserves credit for whatever role Warp Speed played in having the vaccine ready for distribution and for the speed with which it was accomplished.
  1. If Trump runs, the nomination is his, no GOP of note (DeSantis, etc) will challenge him. Dems will have a hard time tossing Harris overboard as much as they would like to because she is a black female and Identity rules all today on the left.
  2. 2024 is still a long way away. My suspicion is if you arent happy with Biden now, you really really wont care for him by then.
  3. The one person in politics less popular than Biden is Kamala.
  4. Republicans are very likely to take the house and if they can ensure less cheating in big swing states, take back the senate in 2022. That is going make Biden/Harris look even more dithering and useless but then also less dangerous without Pelosi and Schumer driving legislation the public hates. GOP could take over and then be stupid so that Dems gain back some advantage.
  5. Dems will bide their time, using the trillions of dollars they have taken out of the economy to pad their nests to grow the next wave of leftist revolutionaries - that's the whole purpose of all this spending after all. The globalist elite who run them think long term. They just need to keep pumping them out of the universities and within another generation, today's progressive will be tomorrow's conservative. You run the education system, the media and all cultural levers and eventually, people lose sight of shore in the vast ocean of lies. Plus the old who know better die off. Mao did this well, playing the education long game.
  6. Trump is highly likely to win against Biden or Harris if congress can keep mail in cheating down.
  7. Many conservatives would love to have a Trump who was not Trump, without all the crudeness, etc. Problem is there are very few conservatives who can withstand the enormity of the abject bile the next GOP candidate will have heaped upon them by virtually EVERY SINGLE media outlet, internet platform etc. Trump is a crude ass of a fighter, but he is a fighter and most candidates are just wanting to get along. Also, they get used to the cushy life and want to pad that retirement. Houses in Martha's Vineyard dont come cheap, you know. Trump is just one of the few who is all too happy to say FU! in your face! Everyone else is too scared to lose their job, their livelihood, their social standing, even ability to function - and when China exports its social scoring system here, it will be at another level. I hate to say it, but America is really no longer a place where freedom of thought and expression is welcomed.
  8. Trump has a cult of personality that just baffles me. Its Kennedyesque - Meanwhile, Melania Trump, unquestionably the most attractive, graceful first lady in eons, was completely panned. She was also the first immigrant to the first lady perhaps since the early founding.
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Trump can win the nomination using the same formulae he did before if he chooses to run. I think it would be bad for the Rs because the Trump years conjure up too many negatives for too many voters culminating with that horrorshow at the Capitol that most Americans don't want to see repeated.

I agree. He needs to go away.

We need someone that can actually lead and get re-elected. We need atleast 8 years to fix this mess. Best case scenario we get 16 and the VP is such a great VP they just continue the process as the next Pres.
  1. If Trump runs, the nomination is his, no GOP of note (DeSantis, etc) will challenge him. Dems will have a hard time tossing Harris overboard as much as they would like to because she is a black female and Identity rules all today on the left.
  2. 2024 is still a long way away. My suspicion is if you arent happy with Biden now, you really really wont care for him by then.
  3. The one person in politics less popular than Biden is Kamala.
  4. Republicans are very likely to take the house and if they can ensure less cheating in big swing states, take back the senate in 2022. That is going make Biden/Harris look even more dithering and useless but then also less dangerous without Pelosi and Schumer driving legislation the public hates. GOP could take over and then be stupid so that Dems gain back some advantage.
  5. Dems will bide their time, using the trillions of dollars they have taken out of the economy to pad their nests to grow the next wave of leftist revolutionaries - that's the whole purpose of all this spending after all. The globalist elite who run them think long term. They just need to keep pumping them out of the universities and within another generation, today's progressive will be tomorrow's conservative. You run the education system, the media and all cultural levers and eventually, people lose sight of shore in the vast ocean of lies. Plus the old who know better die off. Mao did this well, playing the education long game.
  6. Trump is highly likely to win against Biden or Harris if congress can keep mail in cheating down.
  7. Many conservatives would love to have a Trump who was not Trump, without all the crudeness, etc. Problem is there are very few conservatives who can withstand the enormity of the abject bile the next GOP candidate will have heaped upon them by virtually EVERY SINGLE media outlet, internet platform etc. Trump is a crude ass of a fighter, but he is a fighter and most candidates are just wanting to get along. Also, they get used to the cushy life and want to pad that retirement. Houses in Martha's Vineyard dont come cheap, you know. Trump is just one of the few who is all too happy to say FU! in your face! Everyone else is too scared to lose their job, their livelihood, their social standing, even ability to function - and when China exports its social scoring system here, it will be at another level. I hate to say it, but America is really no longer a place where freedom of thought and expression is welcomed.
  8. Trump has a cult of personality that just baffles me. Its Kennedyesque - Meanwhile, Melania Trump, unquestionably the most attractive, graceful first lady in eons, was completely panned. She was also the first immigrant to the first lady perhaps since the early founding.
Cliffsnotes: Nothing to see here but delusional rambling
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The one person in politics less popular than Biden is Kamala.
Was this assessment determined from an index, a polling service analysis, or a survey? I ask because it sure didn't come from the most recent presidential election. The two most unpopular people in politics received over 81 million votes.
Was this assessment determined from an index, a polling service analysis, or a survey? I ask because it sure didn't come from the most recent presidential election. The two most unpopular people in politics received over 81 million votes.
I think that’s got to be your hard “no” if you’re a Republican. President Kamala isn’t a lock, but the anti-Trump vote makes it more likely.
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Was this assessment determined from an index, a polling service analysis, or a survey? I ask because it sure didn't come from the most recent presidential election. The two most unpopular people in politics received over 81 million votes.
Yeah, almost a year ago. Joe doesn’t take questions from the media and Harris is doing her damnedest to avoid going down (see what I did there?) with the Biden ship.
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I think that’s got to be your hard “no” if you’re a Republican. President Kamala isn’t a lock, but the anti-Trump vote makes it more likely.
Harris vs Trump would be a squeaker. I could see Trump winning it, but it would probably all boil down to Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Arizona and Georgia would flip back to Trump. I think Kamala would hold onto Michigan.

I think Harris gets slaughtered by any other viable Republican with the possible exception of Ted Cruz.

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