Trump at least 99 percent sure to run: good or bad for nation, GOP?

That was in the works before Trump left office. You can't give credit to Biden for something that was already forecasted and budgeted.

Speak of the Trump cult of personality and it shall appear. It was executed under Biden’s administration and was executed well. He absolutely gets credit for it.
Oh,,,being infuriated with Make America Great is bad, which incidentally is nationalism.
Seeing what is happening in front of our very eyes..yea...they are both bad. SMH

Trump upset everyone...tells me all I need to know if one was to be a centrist

Stop it. A nationalist doesn’t sign peace deals while in office and brings together other countries that doesn’t involve his/her own.
Trump was a hell of a lot better than Biden is by a wide margin, but we don’t need another round of that imo. I’d love to see DeSantis win this thing in a landslide.
I just disagree about COVID. The vaccine roll out was objectively impressive. Easily the best thing about this administration on easily the biggest issue. My life improved significantly after my parents and grandmother were able to get vaccinated, and I know I’m not alone in that. I don’t consider the setbacks to that improvement to be a government issue, although I’m sure there are many who see it differently. There are areas for improvement, but I think the COVID response has been a big positive.

my parents were vaccinated prior to his taking office and I within 2 weeks of him doing so

I'm not saying he performed poorly on COVID just that the wheels were in motion from zero to over 1 million doses/day in about 2 months or so. It did happen on his watch so he gets credit I guess
Speak of the Trump cult of personality and it shall appear. It was executed under Biden’s administration and was executed well. He absolutely gets credit for it.
Except Biden claimed we would reach numbers they were already in sight. He really did nothing to get it expedited other than get out of the way. I really don't believe the vax would have been in place for Biden to roll out if not for warp speed. Remember, most said the timeline was impossible
Speak of the Trump cult of personality and it shall appear. It was executed under Biden’s administration and was executed well. He absolutely gets credit for it.
Does your perspective remain consistent when the subject is:
Trump gets credit for economic recovery? Or, did he inherit the recovery Obama started?
Does Obama get credit for increased spending? Or, did he inherit QE from Bush 2?
Bush 2 credit for 9-11 attacks, or did he inherit Clinton's failure to nab Bin Laden?
Clinton credit for decreasing spending, or shared credit with Gingrich et al?
Bush 1 credit for Savings and Loan failure, or credit deregulation under Reagan?
Reagan credit for hostage release or credit to Carter for efforts before election?
Credit to George Washington, or the Framers of Constitution?
Speak of the Trump cult of personality and it shall appear. It was executed under Biden’s administration and was executed well. He absolutely gets credit for it.
Biden was playing political football with it prior to being inaugurated. Biden gets ZERO credit for the vaccine. It was a done deal before he was elected.
Except Biden claimed we would reach numbers they were already in sight. He really did nothing to get it expedited other than get out of the way. I really don't believe the vax would have been in place for Biden to roll out if not for warp speed. Remember, most said the timeline was impossible

First sentence: so what?
Second sentence: inaccurate. Also, so what?
Third/fourth sentence: Trump deserves credit for whatever role Warp Speed played in having the vaccine ready for distribution and for the speed with which it was accomplished.
First sentence: so what?
Second sentence: inaccurate. Also, so what?
Third/fourth sentence: Trump deserves credit for whatever role Warp Speed played in having the vaccine ready for distribution and for the speed with which it was accomplished.
So what? His plan centered around hitting numbers already reached. How is that an improvement?
Does your perspective remain consistent when the subject is:
Trump gets credit for economic recovery? Or, did he inherit the recovery Obama started?
Does Obama get credit for increased spending? Or, did he inherit QE from Bush 2?
Bush 2 credit for 9-11 attacks, or did he inherit Clinton's failure to nab Bin Laden?
Clinton credit for decreasing spending, or shared credit with Gingrich et al?
Bush 1 credit for Savings and Loan failure, or credit deregulation under Reagan?
Reagan credit for hostage release or credit to Carter for efforts before election?
Credit to George Washington, or the Framers of Constitution?

My opinion is consistent when it comes to similar comparisons. Most of these aren’t similar at all. Maybe the Carter/Reagan comparison, but Trump probably deserves more credit here than Carter does for that.
Trump was a hell of a lot better than Biden is by a wide margin, but we don’t need another round of that imo. I’d love to see DeSantis win this thing in a landslide.

I too hope Trump sits this election out completely but DeSantis is just another R in the Bush mold.
Apparently his one proviso is that his health is good.

None of us can predict how things will be in 2023/4. I'm guessing Biden does not run again and that the party has to let Harris have her turn. Obviously, she is extremely vulnerable unless things by then are really good. Assuming the status quo or close to it, the GOP will have an enormous built in advantage in 23/24.

If Trump runs, presumably he easily gets the nomination. Is that a good thing or a bad thing for the GOP and the nation?
I think the plan has always been for Biden to only serve one term. Not long after the 2022 mid-term elections, I expect him to announce that he won't be running in 2024.

One odd component to a potential Harris vs Trump election: Trump claimed numerous times in late December and early January that during the roll call certification on January 6th, the Vice President had the unilateral power to reject electoral college votes cast by electors who were from states the Trump campaign was contesting in court. I'm guessing that Trump will no longer believe this in 2024...

There would be a ton of tit-for-tat stuff she could throw at him. He would not like it if she responded to losing exactly the way he has. In so many ways, Trump is the classic "Can Dish It Out, but Can't Take It" type of bully. He depends heavily on the notion that his enemies won't reciprocate his petty and vindictive actions.
So what? His plan centered around hitting numbers already reached. How is that an improvement?

You’re substituting announced goals for actual planning and execution and then complaining that the former allowed him to meet the latter too easily. Is there a name for this logical fallacy or did you discover a new one?

Even if that were in any way a valid criticism, did you really ask how this is an improvement? Do you think covid just rapidly went down to 0 last March? Was it miraculously gone by Easter?
You’re substituting announced goals for actual planning and execution and then complaining that the former allowed him to meet the latter too easily. Is there a name for this logical fallacy or did you discover a new one?

Even if that were in any way a valid criticism, did you really ask how this is an improvement? Do you think covid just rapidly went down to 0 last March? Was it miraculously gone by Easter?
No, his stated vax goals were actual numbers being hit before he took office.
I think that is almost certainly correct.

Trump v. Harris would just be more of the same culture wars theme we've had for the last 15 years, and people are tired of it. Across the board.

It’s all the dims have. When you have absolutely nothing of substance to sell you try and convince the people you want to vote for you that they’re victims.
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My opinion is consistent when it comes to similar comparisons. Most of these aren’t similar at all. Maybe the Carter/Reagan comparison, but Trump probably deserves more credit here than Carter does for that.
Considering the nuance of 'similar comparisons' added in this reply, are you modifying your previous criteria of comparison between administrations?
Your previous criteria: "It was executed under Biden’s administration". IOW, If it happens during the administration, it belongs to the administration regardless of previous administration's role.
If your criteria is modified, what modifications are you now incorporating?
You say “no” but then you don’t address the substance of the post and continue with the same logical fallacy. 🤷🏻‍♂️
You claim he gets credit for numbers Trump was already hitting and that it was executed well. That's nonsense
You claim he gets credit for numbers Trump was already hitting and that it was executed well. That's nonsense
I don’t think I’ve used the word “numbers” in this entire thread. I even chided you for reliance on Biden’s stated number goals in lieu of looking at his actual plan and execution. Whatever numbers Trump was hitting, Biden exceeded them by a wide margin. You can find a graph of vaccinations per day and see how contrived this argument is.

It’s so on-brand for this forum to persist in arguing about the dumbest criticism of a public figure, despite the availability of myriad other valid criticisms.
Considering the nuance of 'similar comparisons' added in this reply, are you modifying your previous criteria of comparison between administrations?
Your previous criteria: "It was executed under Biden’s administration". IOW, If it happens during the administration, it belongs to the administration regardless of previous administration's role.
If your criteria is modified, what modifications are you now incorporating?
I think I expressed my thoughts pretty clearly in the context of the one item on your list that I found comparable.

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