Trump Secret police

They're not fully responsible for the entire situation but they are responsible for the escalation that their presence incites. Try to understand this
The chaos they are causing for destructions sake cannot go unchecked. If the local government won't the federal government has to. After all the feds will be the ones paying for it when all is said and done anyway.
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They're not fully responsible for the entire situation but they are responsible for the escalation that their presence incites. Try to understand this

As long as they do their job escalation is moot. At this point anybody with two brain cells to rub together doesn’t give a f*** about the pos rioters/protesters/looters/blm/antifa.
Republicans: Lebron hypocritically refuses to stand up to China for oppressive tactics against protesters.

Also Republicans: the protesters in Portland wouldn't stop protesting so that's what they get.
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Republicans: Lebron hypocritically refuses to stand up to China for oppressive tactics against protesters.

Also Republicans: the protesters in Portland wouldn't stop protesting so that's what they get.

This was never about protesting in Portland. If it were, that ceased to be after day one.

There have been some metro areas that have focused on protesting with minimal to zero violence. Portland isn't anywhere close to making the list. It's become a haven for those that seek to destroy our way of life.

Amateur domestic terrorists in the making.
This was never about protesting in Portland. If it were, that ceased to be after day one.

There have been some metro areas that have focused on protesting with minimal to zero violence. Portland isn't anywhere close to making the list. It's become a haven for those that seek to destroy our way of life.

Amateur domestic terrorists in the making.

Had Obama done this to quell white supremacists you and your friends here would be apoplectic with outrage, and you know it.
My point was, do they have to tell the accused what they are charged with, or hold media interviews and clear with people on the internet?

The reason for the question is, we're on page 17 of "trump's Secret Police" thread where outhouse investigators are claiming "disapperared" based solely on video snippets, without knowing why they were arrested, what investigation led up to it, or what charges give federal jurisdiction. This point is after I've posted numerous links to the US AG saying, "We have an ongoing federal investigation with evidence that the national violence is coordinated and foreign-supported/sponsored."

Just wanted clarity on your post.

There seems to be a lot agenda in here, with little actual knowledge, and a lot of ignoring what the Feds have actually claimed.
Well, the trial is supposed to be both fair and public so the nature of the charges should be in the public record.

But beyond that, you’re right, there’s no law or rule that I’m aware of that says they have to explain themselves, publicly. The remedy is political. People see this and hopefully enough of them realize it looks a hell of a lot like what China does to political dissidents and decide they’re not going to vote for an administration that does this without offering a public explanation of what they’re doing and why.*

Hard to say whether it moves the needle, because I decided a long time ago I wasn’t voting for him, and my imagination isn’t up to the task of envisioning what it would take for anyone to leave his corner who hasn’t already done so.

*- What is the point of grabbing people off the streets and then releasing them? Intimidation? Cover for something else? Information gathering... Maybe you’re hoping some of them don’t invoke their rights? But the government is supposed to have probable cause to arrest/Involuntarily relocate someone for questioning, so if they’re following that stricture then the absence of charges seems weird.
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There won't be much sympathy on this forum. It is a strange combination of "it ain't my backyard", "yeah, stick it to those liberals on the West Coast", or basically wanting the city to burn because they lean left.

There was a very telling interview a few months back with a rather vehement Trump supporter that was surprisingly dissatisfied with Lord Red Hat. Her chief complaint was, and I quote because I will never forget this, "He isn't hurting the right people."

Some on this board have the same opinion. A poster I normally don't mind, and randomly agree with some times, went off on a rant the other day about how much he hates liberals, how much his Church hates liberals, and then proceeded to compare LGBTQ to pedophiles. He was channeling the same thought process that lady was.

And this isn't just a problem with Red Hats. There is hatred on the Left as well. Look at how the DSA has co-opted protests against police brutality into their normal game of "if you disagree with anything we say, you are a racist fascist that hates poor people and should be canceled and have no voice." Then there is BLM, which began as having a message that was absolutely worthy of discussion and protest. But there are fragments of the movement that are populist, Marxist idiots that have no issue being racist, misogynistic, or homophobic against anyone that disputes or disagrees with their views.

I wonder sometimes if we are just too far gone in our political differences. Sorry for the rant, but getting caught up on the forum today really makes me doubt things will ever chill out. There is just too much hate and anger in society.

That’s a lot of words to describe what my philosophy about huge urban cities and their leaders is .. “you reap what you sow “ . It’s literally that simple . If the citizen burn down their own cities , destroy them , loot all their resources, and you allow it .. it’s your own damn fault. I am over this stupidity and really couldn’t care less if they burn them all or don’t .
That’s a lot of words to describe what my philosophy about huge urban cities and their leaders is .. “you reap what you sow “ . It’s literally that simple . If the citizen burn down their own cities , destroy them , loot all their resources, and you allow it .. it’s your own damn fault. I am over this stupidity and really couldn’t care less if they burn them all or don’t .
That is not what I was saying at all.
That is not what I was saying at all.

It kind of was and you had already said earlier that some posters had said to let it burn . I think most people are over the little tantrums the rioters are throwing which in turn leads to people just being indifferent to it all . I’ve also watched people tell others not to worry what some cities are doing about Covid or the mayor and governor because they don’t live there, so do we worry about them burning down Portland or not ? This is were I am , on the sidelines saying ..meh you all sowed this little garden in paradise so now it’s time to reap what you sowed. 🤷‍♂️
Republicans: Lebron hypocritically refuses to stand up to China for oppressive tactics against protesters.

Also Republicans: the protesters in Portland wouldn't stop protesting so that's what they get.
Totally related.... Did you just graduate from Luthers School of Terrible Analogies?
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It's sad that so many posters cheer on Gestapo tactics, would've loved Nazi Germany ala 1939.
Well Tyler, when the "protest" come to your town dont stop them, give them what they want and watch it all burn that will surely relieve their oppression.

At this point these protesters don't even remember who George Floyd is. This is a bunch of spoiled ass white kids hiding behind BLM to destroy
It's sad that so many posters cheer on Gestapo tactics, would've loved Nazi Germany ala 1939.

Right. Because those pesky Jews were rioting, destroying property and assaulting people all over Germany? Complete disconnect. Thanks for playing. Better luck next time.
It kind of was and you had already said earlier that some posters had said to let it burn . I think most people are over the little tantrums the rioters are throwing which in turn leads to people just being indifferent to it all . I’ve also watched people tell others not to worry what some cities are doing about Covid or the mayor and governor because they don’t live there, so do we worry about them burning down Portland or not ? This is were I am , on the sidelines saying ..meh you all sowed this little garden in paradise so now it’s time to reap what you sowed. 🤷‍♂️
Why do you keep saying you're on the sideline. You're here everyday going after anyone that speaks out against Trump, and blame Democrats for everything. You're the starting right guard for team Trump.
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Right. Because those pesky Jews were rioting, destroying property and assaulting people all over Germany? Complete disconnect. Thanks for playing. Better luck next time.
So it's all black people that riot, destroy property, and assault people? I guess they're just getting what they deserve then, huh? Good to know where you stand.

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