Trump Secret police

Another moron So you think just because this moron is Black he validates the absurdity?
You're entitled to call it like you see it. As am I.
As is their right. Aren't you a state/local rights guy?
The right thing to do is to stop and arrest those who are trying to break into and do vandalize your own precinct. The right thing to do is to stop and arrest those who are vandalizing private businesses. The right thing to do is to stop and arrest those who are setting fires in a city park.
No, its not.

The freedom to peacefully assemble and express, share, defend, and promote collective ideas is. That peaceful part, that's the part you people have a hard time handling because you're emotional thinkers and logically crippled.
Damn there sure are a lot of Spock worshipping weirdos on here.
The right thing to do is to stop and arrest those who are trying to break into and do vandalize your own precinct. The right thing to do is to stop and arrest those who are vandalizing private businesses. The right thing to do is to stop and arrest those who are setting fires in a city park.

Dont forget whack people, who ask who they are, with batons. Totally reasonable. As well as gassing and shoving the Mommies. I guess some people get off on that kind of stuff though.
Dont forget whack people, who ask who they are, with batons. Totally reasonable. As well as gassing and shoving the Mommies. I guess some people get off on that kind if stuff though.
Did the Portland Police do that?

That's who we were discussing.
Saying I post someone's videos just because they're black and not because I agree with them sounds racist.
I was thinking that very thing.
I judge by the content of the person and not their skin color.
Itโ€™s a shame that the leftists canโ€™t put their klan heritage behind them.
I've said this before and I'm starting to hear other people mumble this, but Trump had better be careful with this. With all of these agent provocateurs and Antifa/Soros guys running around, this is setting up really nicely for a Kent State/false flag event... the media would love nothing more than to spin a story with "Federal" agents shooting "peaceful" protesters.
If the people of those cities started shooting them Iโ€™m good with it. Trump needs to let these thugs burn their own cities down, who cares what happens to Portland or Chicago? As long as they keep it to large democrat led cities Iโ€™m fine with it, they voted for communists so they need to be punished. If the people of those cities care about law and order they will fight back, if not then they get everything bad that happens to them
r/politics is a dangerous place for any sane person to hang out in. That sub is full of socialists. I've been temp banned a couple times for daring to disparage the one true savior of our times, Saint Bernie.

Ended up there a few times and realized quickly that I had chosen poorly.
Dont forget whack people, who ask who they are, with batons. Totally reasonable. As well as gassing and shoving the Mommies. I guess some people get off on that kind of stuff though.

Don't travel to an area of town where civil unrest is unfolding and expect to protest peacefully. Not a good choice and shows either a lack of common sense or their intentions of peacefully protesting are FOS.
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Don't travel to an area of town where civil unrest is unfolding and expect to protest peacefully. Not a good choice and shows either a lack of common sense or their intentions of peacefully protesting are FOS.
Id also suggest the protection force not be the aggressor.
They watched as the "demonstrators" tried to break into a PPD precinct, they watched as the "demonstrators" vandalized their building and private businesses, they watched as the "demonstrators" set fires, including a large fire in a city park.

And did nothing.
Exactly as they were told by the mayor.
If the people of those cities started shooting them Iโ€™m good with it. Trump needs to let these thugs burn their own cities down, who cares what happens to Portland or Chicago? As long as they keep it to large democrat led cities Iโ€™m fine with it, they voted for communists so they need to be punished. If the people of those cities care about law and order they will fight back, if not then they get everything bad that happens to them
Been a couple days since I've seen you call for the murder of millions of people you disagree with politically. Slipping.
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