Trump Secret police

Id also suggest the protection force not be the aggressor.

That goes both ways. Initiating aggressive and violent actions towards officers usually results with countermeasures the protester wasn't prepared for.
That goes both ways. Initiating aggressive and violent actions towards officers usually results with countermeasures the protester wasn't prepared for.

Protesters and opportinistic troublemakers are not synonymous. Neither are peace keepers and shadowy federal agitators. That's just how I see it.

The "protecting federal property" explanation seems to be evolving into taking up slack of local law enforcement. Slack that might not exist were it not for the presence of the federal paramilitary forces.

I guess that road show is headed to Chicago.. Do you think they will stick to the "protecting federal property" mission statement?
Protesters and opportinistic troublemakers are not synonymous. Neither are peace keepers and shadowy federal agitators. That's just how I see it.

The "protecting federal property" explanation seems to be evolving into taking up slack of local law enforcement. Slack that might not exist were it not for the presence of the federal paramilitary forces.

I guess that road show is headed to Chicago.. Do you think they will stick to the "protecting federal property" mission statement?

Actually what was announced today is different than the Portland actions. It is supplementing the role the Federal agents already play in locales in an effort to go after day to day crime rather than violent protests. I believe Loretta Lynch did something along similar lines during the last administration.
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Actually what was announced today is different than the Portland actions. It is supplementing the role the Federal agents already play in locales in an effort to go after day to day crime rather than violent protests. I believe Loretta Lynch did something along similar lines during the last administration.

Well, it could to be contentious, from many angles. It'd be unwise to have the same optics as Portland, IMO. But If the roll is to supplement FBI/DEA etc.. minus the war gear, I doubt there will be much spectacle to complain about.

It'll be interesting to see what's what.
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Well, it could to be contentious, from many angles. It'd be unwise to have the same optics as Portland, IMO. But If the roll is to supplement FBI/DEA etc.. minus the war gear, I doubt there will be much spectacle to complain about.

It'll be interesting to see what's what.

Chicago's problem is different than Portland.

It will be contentious regardless because that's how we roll. Those that didn't have a problem with the Obama version under Lynch will be screaming Nazi Stormtrooper and those who criticized it under Obama will be cheering.

I'm glad I don't live in either place because the local leadership is punting their responsibility law and order.
Just saw a pretty massive crowd gathering in Portland on a live FB stream. Apparently the mayor is there, as well.

All I know is what I see from their headlines on my Reddit newsfeed and the articles I read before realizing it was junk.

It was a lot of like โ€œTrump could face chargesโ€ stuff thatโ€™s designed to generate clicks and tends to live down to the caricature of liberal media. It might all be opinion stuff or it might be the way r/politics self-selects for that kind of article.

Speak of the devil, this is the kind of stuff I see in my feed

"...we're at an impasse regarding the recent rounding up of political dissidents in Portland because while I may have my unpopular opinion about former acquaintances weakly falling for fascist propaganda, I don't wish for even them to be rounded up by secret police. I believe some of you to be or have become despicable, bootlicking assholes who can't recognize the very tyranny you railed against for years.

your ignorance & obtuseness is embarrassing, and dangerous for people like me & my actual friends. but I don't want you to be disappeared into the night for being ignorant, misguided, or just plain stupid. and that's the difference between us. I don't want the Feds to round up the people who want people like me rounded up. this shouldn't be something I even have to say or counted as some kind of virtue. there's no honor in being better than 100% trash. it is cowardice to cheer on the Feds against people who are simultaneously "weakling leftists who are ineffective" & also "the greatest threat to civil liberties ever".

and cowards repulse me. cowards can be more dangerous than those committing violence because there are more of them to sit around & do nothing as it happens. when things get scary, you have to be brave enough to stand with people you may not like against government repression. too many of y'all are showing your fear & letting the government do things with the same justifications that have been used in every tyrannical regime in history.

it's so old hat, yet here people are falling for the same old ****. if you support the government rounding up political dissidents, be ashamed. you're a coward. you've proven you can't hack it in a real life collapse. you're also not edgy or interesting for grandstanding about civil liberties in the past only to cop out now. don't be a useful idiot for fascism. there's no leftist activist in this country that will ever be powerful enough to do to you what the government is doing to your neighbors right now. honest regards" - Meghan Kellison
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Several livestreams from Portland. The Feds have moved in with tear gas, flash bangs, and rubber bullets it appears. The mayor is also there.
edit: the link didn't share properly.
Lol. It sounded almost good. How dare you not support our right to teach fake racism to the poor teachable leftists that are just trying to peacefully burn down the federal building? Cause racism. Same old story definitely. Always playing the victim.
Where is the racism? Or is it racist because you immediately think of black people? Makes me wonder who the racist actually is...
You said that you didn't care if "they" burned down their cities and I think any logical person knows who you meant by "they". Just embrace and own the racism and hate, buddy, your leader does.
You said that you didn't care if "they" burned down their cities and I think any logical person knows who you meant by "they". Just embrace and own the racism and hate, buddy, your leader does.
lol. They = democrats bro. You must be a recent graduate of Septics School of Trying Too Hard.
Dont forget whack people, who ask who they are, with batons. Totally reasonable. As well as gassing and shoving the Mommies. I guess some people get off on that kind of stuff though.
Your status as a person whether its a mom, veteran, or poofter, goes out the window when you join in violent protests. Continually bringing up those labels is just an attempt to deflect from their actions in an attempt to steer the narrative in your favor.

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