Trump Secret police

I've said this before and I'm starting to hear other people mumble this, but Trump had better be careful with this. With all of these agent provocateurs and Antifa/Soros guys running around, this is setting up really nicely for a Kent State/false flag event... the media would love nothing more than to spin a story with "Federal" agents shooting "peaceful" protesters.
I've been thinking the same thing. This resembles so much the unrest in the cities in the late 60's early 70's that culminated in Kent State. I think the extreme left/anarchist/Antifa leadership is hoping for the same type of incident and the resulting "martyrdom" and sympathy/support that would result from such an incident with unrest then escalating and spreading to initiate "change in the system that kills its children."

It's a high stakes poker game played with real peoples' lives. Looks like neither side is going to back down either.
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You said that you didn't care if "they" burned down their cities and I think any logical person knows who you meant by "they". Just embrace and own the racism and hate, buddy, your leader does.
They = criminals, rioters and thugs. If you think that means black People then that’s on you. But other than a few videos of blacks attacking white people It’s mostly been a White people virtue signaling movement.
I've been thinking the same thing. This resembles so much the unrest in the cities in the late 60's early 70's that culminated in Kent State. I think the extreme left/anarchist/Antifa leadership is hoping for the same type of incident and the resulting "martyrdom" and sympathy/support that would result from such an incident with unrest then escalating and spreading to initiate "change in the system that kills its children."

It's a high stakes poker game played with real peoples' lives. Looks like neither side is going to back down either.

Pushing the protestors out of the Square for his cheap photo op, sending federal agents to Dem controlled cities. And your best argument is "good people on both sides?"

Wake up. Trump is an egomaniac and an authoritarian.
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It would seem to me the only real move the Feds have is to set up a hard delineation with them protecting all things Federal and letting the rest go to hell. It's not a happy situation but allows them to then point to the local government (mayors, police chiefs, etc) and say "These are your officials and they're failing you." Getting involved in anything seen as outside their purview only undermines their position with that narrative.
Your status as a person whether its a mom, veteran, or poofter, goes out the window when you join in violent protests. Continually bringing up those labels is just an attempt to deflect from their actions in an attempt to steer the narrative in your favor.
I'd offer that if troublemakers take cover in a crowd of peaceful protesters, the shotgun approach is an ignoramt/reckless strategy at resolvimg the situation.
They = criminals, rioters and thugs. If you think that means black People then that’s on you. But other than a few videos of blacks attacking white people It’s mostly been a White people virtue signaling movement.
100%. For the record, Portland is about 98% white.
It would seem to me the only real move the Feds have is to set up a hard delineation with them protecting all things Federal and letting the rest go to hell. It's not a happy situation but allows them to then point to the local government (mayors, police chiefs, etc) and say "These are your officials and they're failing you." Getting involved in anything seen as outside their purview only undermines their position with that narrative.

Interesting. Your post EXACTLY REVEALS the true motivation behind this: political. Trump is doing this simply as a platform to accuse Dems of being weak on crime. Thats it. Pure and simple political theater.

Interesting. Your post EXACTLY REVEALS the true motivation behind this: political. Trump is doing this simply as a platform to accuse Dems of being weak on crime. Thats it. Pure and simple political theater.

well they are and the past 2 months of riots have proven that so... don't think Trump has to do anything at this point
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Interesting. Your post EXACTLY REVEALS the true motivation behind this: political. Trump is doing this simply as a platform to accuse Dems of being weak on crime. Thats it. Pure and simple political theater.


Actually it points to your outlandish bias. Note the opening line with "real move the Feds have" being posited. There's at best little good and probably mostly bad for the Feds to play "local police". (this even setting aside any problematic legalities) Seemingly the only way anything is going to get done locally is if pressure is put squarely on the local officials with as little wiggle room as possible. This is probably best done by having a clear "We can protect ours...ask why they aren't protecting yours." approach.

If you feel there's another viable option by all means lay it out.
Interesting. Your post EXACTLY REVEALS the true motivation behind this: political. Trump is doing this simply as a platform to accuse Dems of being weak on crime. Thats it. Pure and simple political theater.



Now you're against political theater?
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Interesting. Your post EXACTLY REVEALS the true motivation behind this: political. Trump is doing this simply as a platform to accuse Dems of being weak on crime. Thats it. Pure and simple political theater.

It's no more pathetic than leftists allowing and in many cases encouraging these protests and the riots/destruction that go along with them. There is a specific reason they are hands off or in some cases active participants. The fact you call out one while glossing over the other is comical.
Actually it points to your outlandish bias. Note the opening line with "real move the Feds have" being posited. There's at best little good and probably mostly bad for the Feds to play "local police". (this even setting aside any problematic legalities) Seemingly the only way anything is going to get done locally is if pressure is put squarely on the local officials with as little wiggle room as possible. This is probably best done by having a clear "We can protect ours...ask why they aren't protecting yours." approach.

If you feel there's another viable option by all means lay it out.

Weak effort to cover for your above post. No one believes Trump is doing this out of concern for rising crime or violent protests.

Literally NO ONE IN THE WORLD believes that.
Weak effort to cover for your above post. No one believes Trump is doing this out of concern for rising crime or violent protests.

Literally NO ONE IN THE WORLD believes that.

Of course not, but now you have a problem with a POTUS using his power to help his reelection chances?
I'd offer that if troublemakers take cover in a crowd of peaceful protesters, the shotgun approach is an ignoramt/reckless strategy at resolvimg the situation.

You can't enter a crowd that has resentment towards LEO and expect that scenario to end well either.
Weak effort to cover for your above post. No one believes Trump is doing this out of concern for rising crime or violent protests.

Literally NO ONE IN THE WORLD believes that.

F Trump you dolt. I said THE FEDS and I don't care who is in charge. And of course it's political because there's literally, literally no way it couldn't be.

The protest itself is political.
Any action/inaction by officials will be political. (or viewed as such regardless)

What's weak is your lack of response to a real question in a real scenario. This shiz is happening. Take your meds, go to a counseling session, do some meditation, whatever it takes to get the focus off Trump and onto the streets where there's violence and destruction. When your head is right (assuming you can reach that mental state) read this again.

There's at best little good and probably mostly bad for the Feds to play "local police". (this even setting aside any problematic legalities) Seemingly the only way anything is going to get done locally is if pressure is put squarely on the local officials with as little wiggle room as possible. This is probably best done by having a clear "We can protect ours...ask why they aren't protecting yours." approach.

Any actual addressing of that observation you can offer without manic anti-Trumpism is welcome as is any other thoughts on what the Fed should/should not being doing directly addressing the mayhem that has broken out in several locations.

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