Trump Secret police

Seriously ?

To all the dummies who don't know the difference, domestic terrorism and violent crimes are separate issues.

White nationalist are the overwhelming majority of domestic terrorists in the US. That is a fact. Nothing to argue.

If you support this kidnapping program you are Un-American. Nothing to argue.

This goes for any subject, for that matter. But still, LEO can't expect to indiscriminately assault the citizenry, and hope things improve.

Agree. You also can't expect violent riots to end if you continually refer to them as peaceful protests and take virtually no action to stop them.

Competent leadership is absent across the board.
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Agree. You also can't expect violent riots to end if you continually refer to them as peaceful protests and take virtually no action to stop them.

Competent leadership is absent across the board.
If it weren't for Covid, I doubt the violent people/cells would be so willing to show their cowardly faces.

It's an anarchist opportunist's dream scenario. Very different challenges, and absolute distinctions between motivations on "all sides".
This is what is ridiculous, or rather, insane, as you repeatedly are an emotional fireball of energy everyday screaming about what drives you nutty, whilst doing nothing other than driving yourself nutty posting and talking about what drives you nutty.

Instead of......never posting on here or wasting one moment of your day or night, conviction, dedication, sacrifice, work, devotion, to work and try and get your words out, to make people feel or want to listen to what you have to actually try and do something with real conviction instead of passe side line reporting and screaming on Volnation.

To each their own.......go for a walk and smile buddy it's Friday. We are alive for the moment this very second, go enjoy it instead of worrying about things you are not willing to go change, or simply, can't.


Go out and help those nearest to you in kin and proximity, regardless of politics, with whatever you can for as long as you can.

Do it today.
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If it weren't for Covid, I doubt the violent people/cells would be so willing to show their cowardly faces.

It's an anarchist opportunist's dream scenario. Very different challenges, and absolute distinctions between motivations on "all sides".

Woof woof, Oddball!
They = criminals, rioters and thugs. If you think that means black People then that’s on you. But other than a few videos of blacks attacking white people It’s mostly been a White people virtue signaling movement.

You can’t use the black people assaulting white people examples because they’ll tell you that’s just everyday criminal behavior.
If it weren't for Covid, I doubt the violent people/cells would be so willing to show their cowardly faces.

It's an anarchist opportunist's dream scenario. Very different challenges, and absolute distinctions between motivations on "all sides".
100% correct.
Interesting. Your post EXACTLY REVEALS the true motivation behind this: political. Trump is doing this simply as a platform to accuse Dems of being weak on crime. Thats it. Pure and simple political theater.

Would you say that Dems are weak on crime?
Interesting. Your post EXACTLY REVEALS the true motivation behind this: political. Trump is doing this simply as a platform to accuse Dems of being weak on crime. Thats it. Pure and simple political theater.


It’s pretty simple LG. Set aside Trump, your ideology, your poorly trained critical skills and just consider these facts.

Feds have property that is theirs in said city

City has no desire to maintain order where rioters are running wild

Feds have obligation to protect the property of the people

Feds have their own police force

With all of the things listed earlier set aside, what conclusion are you to draw?
Interesting. Your post EXACTLY REVEALS the true motivation behind this: political. Trump is doing this simply as a platform to accuse Dems of being weak on crime. Thats it. Pure and simple political theater.


So should Trump just sit back and do nothing? Let Federal, commercial and private property be destroyed? Should he let sissy wanna be thugs threaten the livelihoods of the good citizens of Portland? Because we know if he did that, well you and the other mouth breathers would be blasting him for not taking action.

Why don’t you quit spewing your BS and please explain what Trump should do in this situation.
So no thoughts on the un-American and unconstitutional acts? That is the conservative problem. You have no morals and no backbone. You only care about keeping your party in power.

So no thoughts on the actual kidnapping of Americans? Its telling you seem more offended that I pointed it out than that it is happening.
Wow literally the most ridiculous post I’ve ever read and I’ve read utrex’s religious postings. Literally Democrats are willing to crap on liberty freedom and free speech And that’s everything this country has ever stood for just to take the power. Including inciting a socialistic/communistic society. If this was a kidnapping then where’s the ransom demand or the dead body? I’ll admit it the day they come for my guns we will have a problem. A major one and I’ll probably never be posting again.
Wow literally the most ridiculous post I’ve ever read and I’ve read utrex’s religious postings. Literally Democrats are willing to crap on liberty freedom and free speech And that’s everything this country has ever stood for just to take the power. Including inciting a socialistic/communistic society. If this was a kidnapping then where’s the ransom demand or the dead body? I’ll admit it the day they come for my guns we will have a problem. A major one and I’ll probably never be posting again.
All politicians are crapping on liberty freedom and free speech. Open your mind to calling out all sides
Wow literally the most ridiculous post I’ve ever read and I’ve read utrex’s religious postings. Literally Democrats are willing to crap on liberty freedom and free speech And that’s everything this country has ever stood for just to take the power. Including inciting a socialistic/communistic society. If this was a kidnapping then where’s the ransom demand or the dead body? I’ll admit it the day they come for my guns we will have a problem. A major one and I’ll probably never be posting again.

Based on what I read about an interview with some DHS officials, they pretty much admitted to doing exactly this. They said somebody shined a laser pointer at the feds, so they went to the area it came from, found a random guy to question with no evidence it was him, forcibly put him in a van, and drove off to interrogate him against his will. All kind of problems with this, even if pointing a laser pointer at a cop is a crime, they had no probable cause to detain this guy. Forcing him into a van and hauling him off for interrogation without probable cause is crapping on "liberty freedom" (whatever that is).
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This goes for any subject, for that matter. But still, LEO can't expect to indiscriminately assault the citizenry, and hope things improve.

We can go back and forth all day. You cant expect LE to be target practice for rocks, glass bottles, molotovs, etc., and as a protestor not to expect LE to counter with defensive positions and then deploy against you.

If you've noticed, LE doesn't even engage until those sh*tbirds attempt arson or damage to the federal buildings. So who's actually the aggressor ?

Stop destroying every damn thing in plain sight.
We can go back and forth all day. You cant expect LE to be target practice for rocks, glass bottles, molotovs, etc., and as a protestor not to expect LE to counter with defensive positions and then deploy against you.

If you've noticed, LE doesn't even get engage until those sh*tbirds attempt arson or damage to the federal buildings. So who's actually the aggressor ?

Stop destroying every damn thing in plain sight.

I've not followed too closely, just seems if the buildings weren't burned down in the last month or so, it probably wasn't such a target, anyway. But it has a lot of attention now.

I'm cynical enough to believe that Trump's motives aren't so pure here, as stirring things back up works to serve his "Law and Order" campaign. Honestly, whose interests would it serve to set a federal building on fire? Could be some person(s) driven by any agenda, including expanding Fed's paramilitary presence around the nation. So easy to take cover with the protestors and scapegoat the innocent.
Pushing the protestors out of the Square for his cheap photo op, sending federal agents to Dem controlled cities. And your best argument is "good people on both sides?"

Wake up. Trump is an egomaniac and an authoritarian.
And being a lawyer who is suppose to be able to give equal representation, how would you classify the otherside?
Of course you end riots by force. Who cares how they were started. The only reason the riots are even still happening is because they know the police are scared to do what they need to do.

Of course, I'm open to better arguments. She suggests ideas that have been proposed by, say, Tim Scott. And then subsequently shut down by the left and ignored by the rioters. It seems Jo isn't even listening to the rioters, because they are asking for none of those things on her list. Coddling and appeasing the upset toddlers is about 0-15 across the country but maybe these city officials just haven't hit the perfect tone of voice yet in apologizing for nothing.
I’ll admit it the day they come for my guns we will have a problem.

You're going to be so underfirepowered as to be absurd for you to even attempt to derail such power.

A major one and I’ll probably never be posting again.

If you have to stand in front of a moving train, I support your right to do so.

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