Trump Secret police

This sort of "abduction" is wholly legal. Likely the execution of arrest warrants approved by judges.

Don't get yer britches all wadded up here folks.

Just to bring another angle in on this (or at least a similar MO) there have been many many assertions of how "no knock" warrants for arrest should be handled outside the home at more vulnerable times. I'm not sure exactly what any given person thinks that would look like but unmarked vehicles (if they see you and start running it's just a different kind of mess) and ambush takedown seem like the most natural alternative to the NK.

Anyway, just a thought, even if that's not what happened here specifically.
Just to bring another angle in on this (or at least a similar MO) there have been many many assertions of how "no knock" warrants for arrest should be handled outside the home at more vulnerable times. I'm not sure exactly what any given person thinks that would look like but unmarked vehicles (if they see you and start running it's just a different kind of mess) and ambush takedown seem like the most natural alternative to the NK.

Anyway, just a thought, even if that's not what happened here specifically.

There's inherent risk involved in any such apprehension. If I were a criminal and broke into someone's home, I'd definitely yell "FREEZE, POLICE! PUT YOUR HANDS UP NOW!!!!". So much for Mr. Homeowner's shotgun. Disarmed.

Judges handle this sh*t everyday and balance the pros and cons. Even though I hate Trump, he ain't affecting this... pretty sure. Heh.
Local politicians that refuse to quell domestic terrorism is also not what we want. I suspect this could and should have been circumvented.
True. Seems to me we are constantly accepting the lesser of two (or more) "evils" in America.

We can have a bad president or a really bad president. We can have late term or early term abortion. We can gargantuan debt for welfare or military. We can have interstate traffic blocked or buildings looted and burned. We can have local LEO neglect or Federal Police.

The Federal Police Force is a bad solution to a bad problem.
There's inherent risk involved in any such apprehension. If I were a criminal and broke into someone's home, I'd definitely yell "FREEZE, POLICE! PUT YOUR HANDS UP NOW!!!!". So much for Mr. Homeowner's shotgun. Disarmed.

Judges handle this sh*t everyday and balance the pros and cons. Even though I hate Trump, he ain't affecting this... pretty sure. Heh.
Family Hides as Robbers Break Into West Covina Home | KTLA

Just a few examples. Here's a piece addressing the realities of the above.

True. Seems to me we are constantly accepting the lesser of two (or more) "evils" in America.

We can have a bad president or a really bad president. We can have late term or early term abortion. We can gargantuan debt for welfare or military. We can have interstate traffic blocked or buildings looted and burned. We can have local LEO neglect or Federal Police.

The Federal Police Force is a bad solution to a bad problem.
No arguments from me.
The silent majority need to make ourselves heard in a new and unequivocal way.

But, between the Covid fear-mongering and all-but-race-war shoved on us by the left, they've pretty much created a state of emergency. Now they're pissed if the President starts acting like it's a state of emergency.

Stupid. But, I suspect that's been the plan. Make unfounded claims that he's a wanna-be dictation, create social unrest so that the country is about to burst at the seams, force him to act, and then say, "See?! We told you he was a tyrant!"
If they aren’t committing violent crimes boy wonder, are you suggesting that these “terrorists” are committing white collar crimes like mail fraud and identity theft? Keep fighting the good fight!
Ok genius murder, arson, assault etc are violent crime. They CAN be domestic terrorism depending on the reason for the act.
Wait.. Trump is sending in federal troops / officers to snatch kids off the streets of Portland ? 😂

Pretty much that IS what happened. Neither the governor or mayor wanted the federal officers there. Neither the mayor or governor ask for assistance. This was interference in local government by federal government....and that IS Trump these days
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Even if true, blaming this on Trump is a stretch. Threads like this are what convince me that, at least for some, TDS is real.
Given that the local state and city officials requested that the feds leave and stay out of it, the blame DOES go to the fed level and that is Trump these days. This is no stretch at all. It's real and it shows a desperate president trying to make an issue for political gain.
White nationalist are the overwhelming majority of domestic terrorists in the US. That is a fact. Nothing to argue.

You must be that local SPLC hate group expert that travels the back roads and mountains of East Tennessee looking for confederate flags.
Ok genius murder, arson, assault etc are violent crime. They CAN be domestic terrorism depending on the reason for the act.

True, but we're already in some scenarios where the veil is (at best) already very thin between the two.

28 C.F.R. Section 0.85 (I)
"Terrorism includes the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives."
Trump is a liar and certainly creates his own misleading narratives, but most people easily see through it. The media is far more dangerous because most people do not see their narratives for what they are. They want to believe their fictions created through political bias. And quite frankly, they'll still be there long after Trump is out of office. People need to stop burying their heads when it comes to politically biased media reporting.

Nice of you to give Trump a free pass when it comes to his serial lying. So let me get this straight, Trump is full of crap but it's OK because people recognize that he's full of crap yet they are unable to decipher when the media is lying to them. The irony here of course is that you have obviously bought into the narrative that the media is the enemy but the guy with the bully pulpit who we are actually supposed to rely on for factual information gets off scot-free. Come on dude, reallly?
Given that the local state and city officials requested that the feds leave and stay out of it, the blame DOES go to the fed level and that is Trump these days. This is no stretch at all. It's real and it shows a desperate president trying to make an issue for political gain.

They're also asking the Fed to give them money to rebuild after the riots they won't deal with. I'm all about pushing gov't down to the most local level, but that would entail actually governing at the local level. There are (former) business owners begging gov't to do something. Too bad their local gov't are telling the local police they can't arrest the domestic terrorists who are burning down and looting the local business.

It's pretty arrogant of you to sit safely at your keyboard, losing nothing, and telling the local businesses not to hope someone comes in and helps. Pushing government down to the most local level isn't a call for anarchy and seeing people victimized by the politically-driven inaction of their local government.
Given that the local state and city officials requested that the feds leave and stay out of it, the blame DOES go to the fed level and that is Trump these days. This is no stretch at all. It's real and it shows a desperate president trying to make an issue for political gain.

Trump did not create some secret police force. I do agree the federal government should not be involved in what is a state and local matter. Federal government has become overreaching. The funny thing is, liberals seemed to want that until Trump. Now it's a bad thing. I hope they remember that going forward. Government should be limited.

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