Trump Secret police

Trump did not create some secret police force. I do agree the federal government should not be involved in what is a state and local matter. Federal government has become overreaching. The funny thing is, liberals seemed to want that until Trump. Now it's a bad thing. I hope they remember that going forward. Government should be limited.

Many (most?) people have a pretty easy time justifying federal use of force as long as it coincides with their ideas.
Nice of you to give Trump a free pass when it comes to his serial lying. So let me get this straight, Trump is full of crap but it's OK because people recognize that he's full of crap yet they are unable to decipher when the media is lying to them. The irony here of course is that you have obviously bought into the narrative that the media is the enemy but the guy with the bully pulpit who we are actually supposed to rely on for factual information gets off scot-free. Come on dude, reallly?
I take it you're one of those sheep that believes what the "news" tells you without question? Trump is a politician. Serial lying comes with the job. Do you get your jimmies all worked up at every Democrat lie as well? I doubt it. Trump's sphere of influence is limited by time. It could end as early as this election. I didn't give him a "free pass", I just know it has an expiration date. The media has no such constraints. They will continue to pump their bias into our living rooms attempting to shape how and what we think. If you cannot recognize how the media has changed over the years, how politicized it has become, then you are willfully ignorant. But hey, enjoy your ride into an Orwellian society.

To all the dummies who don't know the difference, domestic terrorism and violent crimes are separate issues.

White nationalist are the overwhelming majority of domestic terrorists in the US. That is a fact. Nothing to argue.

If you support this kidnapping program you are Un-American. Nothing to argue.

K, have you considered that thru facial recognition (which we know they have) this just may have been a fugitive from justice, or someone that committed a crime during the riots.
Just a thought.
To all the dummies who don't know the difference, domestic terrorism and violent crimes are separate issues.

White nationalist are the overwhelming majority of domestic terrorists in the US. That is a fact. Nothing to argue.

If you support this kidnapping program you are Un-American. Nothing to argue.
What’s your opinion of the trained Marxists that co-founded BLM?
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If you think an American Gestapo is funny because its "your side" doing it you hate America more than I already knew.
If you think an organized movement to disrupt America is a good thing because it's "your side" doing it you hate America about as much as we had already figured.

See how that works?
Maybe by your definition which we both know just means white.

If you go by who has contributed more to society and done more to help America then you are barely even an American and I'm a huge freaking patriot.
I've done more for America and Americans today than you have in your entire life. Fact.

Paying a debt to society doesn't = contributing to society..
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Ok genius murder, arson, assault etc are violent crime. They CAN be domestic terrorism depending on the reason for the act.

More data for your imaginary enemy:

Of all the hate crimes committed in total in the US only 65% were committed against another person, 37% were committed by non-whites, for a grand total of on average 3k crimes of any form including non-violent ones. For a frame of reference, there were 1.2 million violent crimes committed in the US in 2019. So, let’s just say all 3k hate crimes committed in the US were violent it would represent 0.0025%. Keep bringing up your imaginary enemy Don Quixote!
To all the dummies who don't know the difference, domestic terrorism and violent crimes are separate issues.

White nationalist are the overwhelming majority of domestic terrorists in the US. That is a fact. Nothing to argue.

If you support this kidnapping program you are Un-American. Nothing to argue.

Whataboutism. Classic. If you support BLM you are in-American. Nothing to argue.
Trump did not create some secret police force. I do agree the federal government should not be involved in what is a state and local matter. Federal government has become overreaching. The funny thing is, liberals seemed to want that until Trump. Now it's a bad thing. I hope they remember that going forward. Government should be limited.
I said nothing about a secret police. I agree with you that the feds have become overreaching and it is true that democrats tend to like fed overreach in some areas. I do think that this type of issue will be ongoing for some time.
Whataboutism. Classic. If you support BLM you are in-American. Nothing to argue.
I think he is getting more and more upset by the day because the reality that the problems he faces are his own doing is beginning to become unavoidable in his day to day existence. Gotta lash out at the White man as much as possible.
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Whataboutism. Classic. If you support BLM you are in-American. Nothing to argue.
The problem is there are so many who don’t distinguish between the extremist BLM organization funded by Soros and the BLM phrase itself.

There’s a HUGE difference.
Maybe by your definition which we both know just means white.

If you go by who has contributed more to society and done more to help America then you are barely even an American and I'm a huge freaking patriot.
Care to explain what you have done that makes you such a huge freaking patriot?
I love America. i hate ignorance and racism. Too bad there is so much in American and on VN.

You are a great example.

If you really loved America you would be condemning Marxists groups, violent acts committed by black people, the rioting, burning and destruction of public property and these racist blacks who were harassing creaking children,

But no you don’t do that. Your usual defense is blah, blah white nationalism, racism, racist and Trump. You have shown your true colors time and time again.

Since you think there are a lot of racists on VN, let’s do a little poll. I will do it.
So you lack the ability to discern the difference between protesters and rioters? But I'm sure you can tell the difference between a bad cop and all the good ones out there, right? All this media hate has come from Faux News and the GOP. When you run a campaign based on "alternative facts" (which means lies and nonsense) and your propaganda machine blasts traditional journalistic news sources that weren't lying when they were reporting what Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, et al.. did.. and suddenly they're just out to slur this minority party that somehow runs a "democracy." Enough of my rant... the lesson here is, protesters are not rioters (though I am quite sure some have reacted to violence), not all cops are bad, but you'll sure say the latter before you'll ever admit the former.

Plenty of protestors rioted and looted. That doesn’t make them all criminals. There were many that protested peacefully. Also, the vast, vast majority of cops are good. Some bad. It’s just that the only things that get reported are bad things because that’s what gets ratings. Think about the COVID crap. How many times do you see the MASSIVE recoveries being reported? Or the ones who had it and barely even knew it? Or all the negative cases? Yeah you don’t. Most don’t want to hear those things.
They're also asking the Fed to give them money to rebuild after the riots they won't deal with. I'm all about pushing gov't down to the most local level, but that would entail actually governing at the local level. There are (former) business owners begging gov't to do something. Too bad their local gov't are telling the local police they can't arrest the domestic terrorists who are burning down and looting the local business.

It's pretty arrogant of you to sit safely at your keyboard, losing nothing, and telling the local businesses not to hope someone comes in and helps. Pushing government down to the most local level isn't a call for anarchy and seeing people victimized by the politically-driven inaction of their local government.

Domestic terrorists? Where did you get that? This was a situation where some bad guys took advantage of a demonstration for fair treatment to vandalize some businesses. Yes, that is wrong the guys doing the vandalism (breaking in and looting were some scum taking advantage of a situation) need to be brought to justice.

I use to work in downtown PDX, I know the area pretty well, I actually lived close enough in that I walked to work. It's a beautiful city and yes it has problems like every large city. They have work to do for sure. But.... Domestic terrorists???? Come on.......
Domestic terrorists? Where did you get that? This was a situation where some bad guys took advantage of a demonstration for fair treatment to vandalize some businesses. Yes, that is wrong the guys doing the vandalism (breaking in and looting were some scum taking advantage of a situation) need to be brought to justice.

I use to work in downtown PDX, I know the area pretty well, I actually lived close enough in that I walked to work. It's a beautiful city and yes it has problems like every large city. They have work to do for sure. But.... Domestic terrorists???? Come on.......
Yes. I said it. Organized riots.

Vocabulary aside, you are either claiming that the federal gov't never has jurisdiction outside of DC, or you are claiming to know the names and charges of those rounded up.

Given that the local state and city officials requested that the feds leave and stay out of it, the blame DOES go to the fed level and that is Trump these days. This is no stretch at all. It's real and it shows a desperate president trying to make an issue for political gain.

Which is it? Will you please tell the class the names and charges of everyone that was arrested by the federal police, so as to establish that they had no jurisdiction there?

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