Trump Secret police

I take it you're one of those sheep that believes what the "news" tells you without question? Trump is a politician. Serial lying comes with the job. Do you get your jimmies all worked up at every Democrat lie as well? I doubt it. Trump's sphere of influence is limited by time. It could end as early as this election. I didn't give him a "free pass", I just know it has an expiration date. The media has no such constraints. They will continue to pump their bias into our living rooms attempting to shape how and what we think. If you cannot recognize how the media has changed over the years, how politicized it has become, then you are willfully ignorant. But hey, enjoy your ride into an Orwellian society.

I love it when you step right in it. Yes, you just gave him a free pass.....again. The lame excuse that everybody does it so it's OK, nice. It's amazing what the Trump Cult can rationalize away these days
I love it when you step right in it. Yes, you just gave him a free pass.....again. The lame excuse that everybody does it so it's OK, nice. It's amazing what the Trump Cult can rationalize away these days
lmao Not a free pass. Also, not a Trumper. I noticed you skipped over the hard questions to push your "muh Trump" argument.
I love it when you step right in it. Yes, you just gave him a free pass.....again. The lame excuse that everybody does it so it's OK, nice. It's amazing what the Trump Cult can rationalize away these days

Trump lies. And? Do you not think all politicians lie?
Trump's descent into full blown wannabe authoritarian dictator continues with another assault upon or constitutional rights and freedom. In yet another un-American and unconstitutional act is kidnapping citizens on American streets. Sickening.

They (minorities) deserve it according to some.
United States

This is from Wikipedia but it seems very thorough. I don't exactly know what you can ascertain from it other than a lot of different people have been involved in domestic terrorism.

A non-exhaustive list of examples of U.S. attacks that have been referred to as domestic terrorism:

United States

This is from Wikipedia but it seems very thorough. I don't exactly know what you can ascertain from it other than a lot of different people have been involved in domestic terrorism.

A non-exhaustive list of examples of U.S. attacks that have been referred to as domestic terrorism:

Interesting that they do not list any ambushes and killings of Police Officers.
Trump's descent into full blown wannabe authoritarian dictator continues with another assault upon or constitutional rights and freedom. In yet another un-American and unconstitutional act is kidnapping citizens on American streets. Sickening.

Amazing that complete and utter lawlessness can be ignored. These ****ers are destroying **** left and right while local authorities do nothing. It’s funded and coordinated. I agree, send in some black cans and grab a few of the instigators. Try out a little water boarding and follow the money trail.
Not to the degree that Trump does.
Everybody lies, but everybody does not lie equally.
All politicians lie, but all politicians do not lie equally.
Your a ****ing moron.
Trump wears it on his sleeve. He’s a narcissist. It’s the sociopaths like Hillary and Obama was hat scare me. Wake up!!
United States

This is from Wikipedia but it seems very thorough. I don't exactly know what you can ascertain from it other than a lot of different people have been involved in domestic terrorism.

A non-exhaustive list of examples of U.S. attacks that have been referred to as domestic terrorism:

So you pull a list of terrorist and the first one was led by Obama's idol, friend, and mentor.
Trump's descent into full blown wannabe authoritarian dictator continues with another assault upon or constitutional rights and freedom. In yet another un-American and unconstitutional act is kidnapping citizens on American streets. Sickening.

Portland deserves whatever comes from their mamby pamby, subservient, gutless failure to deal with these derelicts.
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I would suspect the competent but corrupt A.G.Barr is calling the shots on this particular violation of habeas corpus
"Prosecutors are charging protesters with federal crimes, exposing them to long prison sentences, in another example of the Justice Department’s grotesque overreach under Attorney General William Barr."

The Halted Progress of Criminal-Justice Reform
So no thoughts on the un-American and unconstitutional acts? That is the conservative problem. You have no morals and no backbone. You only care about keeping your party in power.

So no thoughts on the actual kidnapping of Americans? Its telling you seem more offended that I pointed it out than that it is happening.
Kidnapping? Are they holding them for ransom or are they selling them into the sex trade?
"Prosecutors are charging protesters with federal crimes, exposing them to long prison sentences, in another example of the Justice Department’s grotesque overreach under Attorney General William Barr."

The Halted Progress of Criminal-Justice Reform
Did I really just read that? That article is seriously bemoaning the fact that--and accusing our Attorney General of--enforcing the federal laws that are on the books? This is seriously the angle the left is trying to play? Really?

They're trying to convince us to feel sorry for two liberal lawyers who burned down property with Molotov Cocktails, because the federal sentences for burning down buildings with Molotov cocktails are stiff? I mean... It's not like attorneys would have known they might get into a lot of trouble for--you know--rioting and arson and stuff.

I'm in awe that things have gotten this idiotic.
Kidnapping? Are they holding them for ransom or are they selling them into the sex trade?
I'm still waiting for a list of names that were arrested, with their charges. That's the ONLY argument these mouth breathers can make for unconstitutionality and lack of jurisdiction.
I would suspect the competent but corrupt A.G.Barr is calling the shots on this particular violation of habeas corpus
Violations of habeas corpus, huh? Finally! Someone who can prove all this. Post the names and charges of everyone that was arrested, or you just look foolish.
One, a social media post is not enough to convince me this is real.

Two, even if real, I'm sure this was thought up well before Trump. Probably some more Patriot Act BS. IF REAL.

Three, just in response to the specific targeting reference, remember when the IRS was used to target conservatives? Did that outrage you as well?

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