Trump vs DeSantis 2024

DeSantis gets frustrated very easily in debates, and Trump gives zero fs about going low.

Trump is not going away quietly, and he sees himself as the only reason DeSantis is in the position he’s in today.

Get your popcorn ready.

Oh, I agree with that. Trump gives himself too much credit if he thinks he's the catalyst behind DeSantis. I've only seen DeSantis debate a couple of times. Looked like he did just fine to me, pretty relaxed and landed body blows when he needed to.
Primaries debates mattered for Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio. Both were considered strong candidates…and both got sent packing long before the convention.

Trump wasn’t on anyone’s radar 10 years ago as a viable candidate, let alone the favorite. Who’s to say it can’t happen again?

Regarding Biden, Democrats want someone else to run in 2024 more than Republicans want Biden to run again in 2024. I’d be surprised if we don’t see someone other than Trump or Biden in the next general election.

I hate to tell you..Trump won the primary the day he held that rally in Mobile and only reason Jeb was the fav was on name alone. Nobody wanted him..hence he was out early
If Trump indeed announces he's running for president sometime soon, will Desantis even run?
All I know is I am voting for either one over this pile of **** we have now.
Will he be prepared for what's going to hit him?

I think this'll backfire on trump. He was on his way out, this might be the final nail for alot of Rs. Honestly, these midterms, Trump has made nothing but bad moves. I think he's toast.
Man, I totally hope this 4 inch pecker throwdown is on pay per view.

Do you selectively go looking for tweets from nobody or anybody to prove your points?
Or will will consider MuskTwit some abomination that you cancelled but still promote?

You have issues, deep issues.
DeSantis hasn’t spoken a single ill word against Trump, and Trump has gone full rage and shot himself in the foot.
Desantis is a fraud ...I'm not a trump guy .But even I can see Desantis is propped up by the MSM and democrats to be a Trump wanna be ...Most people didn't know who Desantis was before Covid ...Hope you folks look in to him a little deeper ..He stands up there just like Obama and tells u what u want to hear ...All republicans will turn on trump ..Ask yourselves why ?
DeSantis hasn’t spoken a single ill word against Trump, and Trump has gone full rage and shot himself in the foot.

Trump is setting up the obvious and only claim he has left for next week:

"Republicans didn't win like they should have? Their candidates weren't loyal enough to me and my 2020 stolen victory.

I, and I alone, can fix it."
Desantis is a fraud ...I'm not a trump guy .But even I can see Desantis is propped up by the MSM and democrats to be a Trump wanna be ...Most people didn't know who Desantis was before Covid ...Hope you folks look in to him a little deeper ..He stands up there just like Obama and tells u what u want to hear ...All republicans will turn on trump ..Ask yourselves why ?

Um, DeSantis propped himself up as a Trump wannabe.

That was his messaging to Florida voters from Day One.
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