Trump's Big Experiment: Throw 20K Fans Together, Eliminate Social Distancing, Make Masks Optional, Add One Pandemic. Track the Results...

Fear porn?

Curious as to why the number of Covid patients in the ICU wasn't spelled out.

And then you have this statement that further muddies the water.

More than 12,500 people have been hospitalized with virus infections in Florida since the start of the pandemic, according to the state's Department of Health (DOH). The number accounts for all patients admitted to medical facilities, so Thursday's daily total is unclear.
Wow they found some hospitals with less than 10 ICU beds that are full. Statewide they have 22% capacity. ICU capacity runs high 60’s to low 70’s in normal conditions. But it’s almost the end of the world, keep believing.
He forgot the part where its been reported that when people get tested they may keep them in the ICU for up to 5 days waiting on results thus driving up the numbers, but whatever makes him sleep better at night.
Its none of your business really but, they are there peacefully waiting unlike your side who if asked to leave a rally would start rioting.
I just find the fact that people would wait in line for days to attend a Trump pep rally bizarrely fascinating.
Waiting in line for days for anything is bizarre.
I agree. I was trying to think of anything that I would be willing to wait that long for.........came up with nothing.
Maybe a UFO landing and the first public interaction with alien life.
I agree. I was trying to think of anything that I would be willing to wait that long for.........came up with nothing.
Maybe a UFO landing and the first public interaction with alien life.

Nope, not even that.
That the difference between us and you, we are still excited about Trump, none of you are excited about O’Biden
There has never been a politician I was excited enough about to wait in line for even half a day.
You guys are a cult.
I agree. I was trying to think of anything that I would be willing to wait that long for.........came up with nothing.
Maybe a UFO landing and the first public interaction with alien life.
Students camped out in the UC for Florida tickets, there are things that are worth it.
The last three and a half years are what caused me to question the theory.

It doesn't just coincide with the current president or anyone that voted for him.

I asked the same question about anyone that would vote for Clinton and now Biden as well.

"The world is fully of stupid people."

- One of my former bosses
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Guidelines for gatherings during Covid-19

The rally violates virtually every one of the guiding principles for gatherings issued by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, putting it in the "highest risk" category. It's large and it's indoors. Social distancing almost certainly will not be possible if the arena is filled to anything close to capacity. Attendees will likely be yelling and chanting (and expelling droplets farther and faster than if they were speaking quietly). There might be social pressure to not wear masks, as many Trump supporters have mocked the use of masks during the pandemic, and Trump told the Wall Street Journal that he thinks some people wear them to signal disapproval of him.

"We know what makes transmission of the virus occur more frequently, and that includes close contact, particularly without masking, crowds, [being] indoors versus outdoors, the duration of the contact, and then shouting also increases the possibility of transmission," said Catherine Troisi, an infectious disease epidemiologist at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. "There are going to be tens of thousands of people in attendance. So, it is a great place to spread virus. And from what I understand, these are not just people who live in Tulsa. There are people coming in from far away to go to the rally, so they'll be returning to their home cities, and so that we may see spread outside of the Tulsa area."

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