Trump's Big Experiment: Throw 20K Fans Together, Eliminate Social Distancing, Make Masks Optional, Add One Pandemic. Track the Results...

You do realize that this troll job makes your side just look petty.

Not sure how you think this helps.

We already view the left as childish and this just helps solidify it.
That works both ways with how Trump and the Right conduct themselves. We view him and his more fervent supporters as equally childish and petty. Just read his rage tweets for starters.
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That works both ways with how Trump and the Right conduct themselves. We view him and his more fervent supporters as equally childish and petty. Just read his rage tweets for starters.

Ok so when has a trump supporter....

Burned a building down?

Torn down a state monument?

Thrown a rock through a business's window?

Burned a business down?

Burned a police car?

Vandalized a building?

Taken control of 6 blocks?

.....cause that would all be future Biden voters there.
Ok so when has a trump supporter....

Burned a building down?

Torn down a state monument?

Thrown a rock through a business's window?

Burned a business down?

Burned a police car?

Vandalized a building?

Taken control of 6 blocks?

.....cause that would all be future Biden voters there.
Awful big assumption you are making there. I imagine you spoke to all of them about who they plan to vote for?
Awful big assumption you are making there. I imagine you spoke to all of them about who they plan to vote for?

How can you expect anyone on here to respect you when you give responses and make post like this?

Have some dignity. You could have just not replied.

There is being partisan and then way>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>over here is you.
I’m sure the campaign really appreciates your unintended promotion too. Just like your shade on who was watching the streaming calling it a train wreck. The fact is they were WATCHING and that’s all that’s needed. Mission accomplished.

The joygasm the left is having over numbers is probably going to crash and burn hard. It seems lots of folks couldn’t make it in to the rally arena due to issues at checkpoints and the viewers from home streaming numbers that I’m seeing in various places are in the 500k+ ballpark.

99k on RSBN on YouTube stream, 200k on yahoo stream, 177k on Fox stream, 77k of Facebook stream. The final numbers across all streams will be interesting.

I’m also seeing where a lot of the Boomer base are saying they stayed home and watched it.
Never heard of this movie, I'll have to check it out.
Yeah and it’s a chic flick that I’ll admit I like to watch. Annette Bening does it for me.

Yeah, I haven't seen it in years but it had an amazing cast Michael Douglas, Benning, Michael J. Fox, Martin Sheen, Richard Dreyfuss, Wendie Malick & John Mahoney among others.

Directed by Rob Reiner, written by Aaron Sorkin
Trump blamed protesters for the arena not being more full and also said that because more testing means higher numbers of known coronavirus cases, his direction was to curtail it. “So I said to my people, ‘Slow the testing down,’” he said, as the audience cheered. A White House official said later than the president was kidding.

"We should have legislation that if somebody wants to burn the American flag and stomp on it, just burn it, they go to jail for one year,’’ Trump said.

Come on, man. Seriously. This. Is. Not. Russia.
Weird..because it seems a lot of yall want it to be the Soviet Union..
Interesting seeing people circle jerk over the crowd size. A few days ago it was doom and gloom that the large crowd was going to infect everyone with covid. Now that the crowd was small due to covid (keep dreaming about Tik Tok lol) the circle jerk moves the goal posts to try and lash out at Trump for small crowd size. So much desperation.
Oh I heard him go on the attack on creepy joe and there were lots of roars too. In fact I heard lots of Center right things come up to roars.

You know you are just another sheep. “Creepy Joe” hiding in his basement. Fox News and now Trump mantra. Trump is a sheep too owned by the Fox News script writers

So you watched? Me too ! What I saw was a whiny little pu$$y with his whiny little explanation of why his slippery leather soled shoes caused him to baby step down. 3 degree slope. Laughef my a$$ off. His shoes are 3” inch high heels. All the girls have trouble walking down hill in high heels. LOL

Trump is the most unmanly president the likes of which the world has never seen

What did you think of his little nugget that he called off testing of COVID because the numbers looked bad

Biden doesn’t need to campaign. Dotard is self destructing in front of our eyes each and every time he opens his buffoon mouth or tweets an unreadable tweet. LOSER. No winner there. Never had been throughout his whole life

BTW go on Netflix. Watch the Dan Rather interview of Trump in I think 1999. Who do you see in all the backgrounds ? Why Roger Stone of course. Manafort May have been there too

Get a grip on yourself and try not to have a melt down

Repeat after me. Tump is a whiny little pu$$y
You know you are just another sheep. “Creepy Joe” hiding in his basement. Fox News and now Trump mantra. Trump is a sheep too owned by the Fox News script writers

So you watched? Me too ! What I saw was a whiny little pu$$y with his whiny little explanation of why his slippery leather soled shoes caused him to baby step down. 3 degree slope. Laughef my a$$ off. His shoes are 3” inch high heels. All the girls have trouble walking down hill in high heels. LOL

Trump is the most unmanly president the likes of which the world has never seen

What did you think of his little nugget that he called off testing of COVID because the numbers looked bad

Biden doesn’t need to campaign. Dotard is self destructing in front of our eyes each and every time he opens his buffoon mouth or tweets an unreadable tweet. LOSER. No winner there. Never had been throughout his whole life

BTW go on Netflix. Watch the Dan Rather interview of Trump in I think 1999. Who do you see in all the backgrounds ? Why Roger Stone of course. Manafort May have been there too

Get a grip on yourself and try not to have a melt down

Repeat after me. Tump is a whiny little pu$$y


Trump does consistently blame the press for making him look bad, but I do think he brings most of it on himself. (also, why play Victim? Has he forgot what he and FOX did to Obama?) That said, after his speech, both CNN and MSNBC were very dour about what I felt was an obvious joke about more Covid testing.

Anyway, I watched most of the speech, but always cringe when he starts fearmongering and making every person who isn't going along with the cult mentality a devil from hell. I personally find him and his butt kissers to be the most corrupt in my lifetime including Nixon and Clinton. That is my observation, so no need to come on here and tell me who is worse or they all did it. When so many Generals and people who were formerly considered respectable (even by the Republican party) come out and speak of this, then I tend to believe it. There is just so much you can overlook--unless you would go along with party no matter where it leads you, and that's a frightening concept.

I'm not thrilled with Democrats and their obvious (and often silly) pandering. I am glad to see Joe has come out and said he has no intention of defunding police. There is really no need to go from one extreme to another. That said, I have seen the memes that white folks were slaves, and I find that to be dismissive to real concerns, since I know their kids and spouses weren't sold, it was not a lifetime and in modern times they didn't get treated like second class citizens. I know that Aunt Jemima must have been a wonderful lady, but if the actual company thinks it was racist, then maybe they know something. Why must our country be drug kicking and screaming over changing something that obviously upsets a large segment of the population? I am a history buff, but have no problem with putting the statues and flags in museums or at the battlefields. In a few years, it will be behind us and either be accepted, grudgingly accepted or forgotten just like every other progression.

EDIT: tl:dr I do think that there must be something to the young people buying (?) up tickets, because the campaign obviously felt there was going to be enough there to set up a spot for overflow.
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Looks like Brad Parscale got his ass chewed out last night and he's tweeting out his frustrations.

Boy howdy, that was original.

I'm sure you've never called out any Trump Humpers for whining that people who don't agree with them have "TDS." I just think it's funny that gets thrown around all the time and here we have people throwing Obama into a conversation for no reason.

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