Trump's Big Experiment: Throw 20K Fans Together, Eliminate Social Distancing, Make Masks Optional, Add One Pandemic. Track the Results...

Correct, his supporters decided not to attend on their own.
Yep. That’s a fair statement. I don’t know why anybody would attend EITHER candidates rally in the current environment though with the risks. But he’s having them and campaigning and it’s going to force Biden to answer. Frankly I expect the media to keep pushing the narrative that his rallies are a risk to try and put off the Biden gaff tour as long as possible. We will see which camp wins out.
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So what's the point of bragging about a teenagers prank?

Because it clearly had the effect of making the campaign think they'd be met with hordes of adoring fans. They planned accordingly. Instead they got a half empty arena with no overflow outside. Because they were expecting so much overflow they had planned an outdoor session for both Pence and Trump. Both had to be canceled at the last minute to avoid further embarrassment (and campaign ad fodder for the Dems).
Because it clearly had the effect of making the campaign think they'd be met with hordes of adoring fans. They planned accordingly. Instead they got a half empty arena with no overflow outside. Because they were expecting so much overflow they had planned an outdoor session for both Pence and Trump. Both had to be canceled at the last minute to avoid further embarrassment (and campaign ad fodder for the Dems).
And it reads just as meaningless now as it did the first 10 times you typed it. Because he IS at least campaigning and not sending out proof of life videos every three days.
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Because it clearly had the effect of making the campaign think they'd be met with hordes of adoring fans. They planned accordingly. Instead they got a half empty arena with no overflow outside. Because they were expecting so much overflow they had planned an outdoor session for both Pence and Trump. Both had to be canceled at the last minute to avoid further embarrassment (and campaign ad fodder for the Dems).
Even Joe was expecting a full house. I see empty chairs.

And it reads just as meaningless now as it did the first 10 times you typed it. Because he IS at least campaigning and not sending out proof of life videos every three days.

Every week Joe's polling lead widens. I seem to recall someone saying something about trying to fix things that aren't broken.
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Here is an absolutely riveting account of Biden’s recent rally success for you to counter Trumps rally tonight. Enjoy 😂

What Joe Biden’s Event Was Like

Further down they have this tidbit on the review of Bolton's book:

The Trump administration doesn’t want John Bolton to publish his tell-all book. The president’s critics say Mr. Bolton should have testified in the impeachment proceedings. So both camps might enjoy The New York Times’s book review:

“The Room Where It Happened,” an account of his 17 months as Trump’s national security adviser, has been written with so little discernible attention to style and narrative form that he apparently presumes an audience that is hanging on his every word. …
The book is bloated with self-importance, even though what it mostly recounts is Bolton not being able to accomplish very much. It toggles between two discordant registers: exceedingly tedious and slightly unhinged.​
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Because it clearly had the effect of making the campaign think they'd be met with hordes of adoring fans. They planned accordingly. Instead they got a half empty arena with no overflow outside. Because they were expecting so much overflow they had planned an outdoor session for both Pence and Trump. Both had to be canceled at the last minute to avoid further embarrassment (and campaign ad fodder for the Dems).
Got it. Gotta make fun of Trump for being prepared after insulting him for not being prepared.
Got it. Gotta make fun of Trump for being prepared after insulting him for not being prepared.
It's making fun of Trump for boasting about the nearly 1 million ticket requests received for the rally. It should have been apparent to him that almost all of them were from people who actually don't like him and had no intention of attending the rally. The Republicans are underestimating the amount of enthusiasm which really does exist on the Democratic Party side. It's just not an enthusiasm for seeing Biden elected... it's enthusiasm for seeing Trump defeated and humiliated and it's very real.
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It's making fun of Trump for boasting about the nearly 1 million ticket requests received for the rally. It should have been apparent to him that almost all of them were from people who actually don't like him and had no intention of attending the rally. The Republicans are underestimating the amount of enthusiasm which really does exist on the Democratic Party side. It's just not an enthusiasm for seeing Biden elected... it's enthusiasm for seeing Trump defeated and humiliated and it's very real.
The Democrats can have all the enthusiasm they want. I doubt the average American has the same enthusiasm though. Which is exactly what the Democrats are missing
The Democrats can have all the enthusiasm they want. I doubt the average American has the same enthusiasm though. Which is exactly what the Democrats are missing
Strange comment. The average American is more likely to be a Democrat than a Republican. Remember that the Democratic Party candidate has won the popular vote in 6 of the last 7 presidential general elections.
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