Trump's Big Experiment: Throw 20K Fans Together, Eliminate Social Distancing, Make Masks Optional, Add One Pandemic. Track the Results...

Interesting seeing people circle jerk over the crowd size. A few days ago it was doom and gloom that the large crowd was going to infect everyone with covid. Now that the crowd was small due to covid (keep dreaming about Tik Tok lol) the circle jerk moves the goal posts to try and lash out at Trump for small crowd size. So much desperation.
Come on guys! I was told that this protesting “****” wouldn’t go over in a conservative area? If these MAGA guys are as macho as you claim, why didn’t they force their way in????
Guess you missed all that pep in his step. That's a defeated man -- and one who knows as much -- walking there.
Guess to me he looks like a 74 year old man who’s tired after a long day going home. But then again I don’t care either way
Awful big assumption you are making there. I imagine you spoke to all of them about who they plan to vote for?
All he’s asking for are some examples ..... the thing is.... you can’t give him any because all of those things are on the hands of democrats and liberal a-holes
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Fun fact: Trump supports defunding the police.

If it was Trump personally who owed? They would be stiffed without question. Trump has never been a bill he would like to pay unless it was a payoff to Stormy and the iother 19 or so all with accompanying NDA's of course
But Tulsa better collect from the Campaign before November or Trump will like;ly override the Accounts Payable group and deny payment. LOL Trump is an upstanding whiny little pu$$y only becasoue he wears those 3 " lifts

All the sheep now gotta take a swipe at Obama after Trump flails badly last night. What? No slam downs about Hilary because Trump acted like a fool last night? Well we know he has about 10,000 votes from last nights embarrassment of a crown together with about 3o frm this forum. so,,,,

That's all you guys got. Trump F's up and out come the Obama, Biden, and Hilary slams. Now children!!!! LOL
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I wish I could feel bad for you FLYVOL. I'm a compassionate guy but I can't feel bad that you got nothin but this. Got LAME? LOL
If it was Trump personally who owed? They would be stiffed without question. Trump has never been a bill he would like to pay unless it was a payoff to Stormy and the iother 19 or so all with accompanying NDA's of course
But Tulsa better collect from the Campaign before November or Trump will like;ly override the Accounts Payable group and deny payment. LOL Trump is an upstanding whiny little pu$$y only becasoue he wears those 3 " lifts

All the sheep now gotta take a swipe at Obama after Trump flails badly last night. What? No slam downs about Hilary because Trump acted like a fool last night? Well we know he has about 10,000 votes from last nights embarrassment of a crown together with about 3o frm this forum. so,,,,

That's all you guys got. Trump F's up and out come the Obama, Biden, and Hilary slams. Now children!!!! LOL
Ouch..well the Dems certainly won the rally war last night. It seems there might have been only 5.3 million unique viewers across all platforms streaming the rally from home. What a huge campaign loss for Trump as far as getting out in front of voters.
Guess you missed all that pep in his step. That's a defeated man -- and one who knows as much -- walking there.
Doesn’t take a lot to trigger you Dims. He could still run circles around Pedo Joe. Is he still in his basement wearing a suit?
Doesn’t take a lot to trigger you Dims. He could still run circles around Pedo Joe. Is he still in his basement wearing a suit?

Yep, sitting back, sipping a nice bourbon, and watching the Trump campaign step on every rake in the yard.
I wonder if Donnie Exotic is taking hydroxychloroquine in hopes that it will protect him from Bolton's tell all.
Yep, sitting back, sipping a nice bourbon, and watching the Trump campaign step on every rake in the yard.

The panic is setting in, I've now seen two Trump TV spots attacking Biden - ironically on China and having diminished mental capacity.

It's a textbook case of accusing your opponent of that for which you are guilty.

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