Trump's Big Experiment: Throw 20K Fans Together, Eliminate Social Distancing, Make Masks Optional, Add One Pandemic. Track the Results...

You know you are just another sheep. “Creepy Joe” hiding in his basement. Fox News and now Trump mantra. Trump is a sheep too owned by the Fox News script writers

So you watched? Me too ! What I saw was a whiny little pu$$y with his whiny little explanation of why his slippery leather soled shoes caused him to baby step down. 3 degree slope. Laughef my a$$ off. His shoes are 3” inch high heels. All the girls have trouble walking down hill in high heels. LOL

Trump is the most unmanly president the likes of which the world has never seen

What did you think of his little nugget that he called off testing of COVID because the numbers looked bad

Biden doesn’t need to campaign. Dotard is self destructing in front of our eyes each and every time he opens his buffoon mouth or tweets an unreadable tweet. LOSER. No winner there. Never had been throughout his whole life

BTW go on Netflix. Watch the Dan Rather interview of Trump in I think 1999. Who do you see in all the backgrounds ? Why Roger Stone of course. Manafort May have been there too

Get a grip on yourself and try not to have a melt down

Repeat after me. Tump is a whiny little pu$$y
Oh the irony is rich in this post pointless
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LMAO I wander back in here this morning seeing the circle jerk over crowd size continue while completely ignoring creepy joe’s inability to fill out a facility that was less than 1% as big. He literally only had 20 people at Philadelphia 😂

As long as Trump is having rallies in front of thousands of people while joe is making proof of life videos and occasionally wandering out in front of under 100 people the Dems are in trouble.

Out of curiosity anybody got the streaming numbers for joes middle school home room ho down? 😂
There is freedom of speech but you can't yell "Fire" in a theater.

You can have freedom but if your a US citizen you shouldn't be allowed to desecrate the Flag of the United States of America.


No one should be in jail for burning a damn flag, that’s incredibly stupid
Turn your words in to action is a phrase I’ve heard so does that mean words aren’t action? By turn freedom of speech wouldn’t include action like burning a flag

Action has been defined as speech for decades now, starting with the courts whose job it is to interpret the Constitution, but idk maybe we should tell them that there’s a phrase you’ve heard and they’ll all change their minds
Action has been defined as speech for decades now, starting with the courts whose job it is to interpret the Constitution, but idk maybe we should tell them that there’s a phrase you’ve heard and they’ll all change their minds
Oh you have a point. So burning gay pride flags and any other symbolic symbol should be free speech too.lets not stop there let’s look at mlk statue even tho he was peaceful.
Oh you have a point. So burning gay pride flags and any other symbolic symbol should be free speech too.lets not stop there let’s look at mlk statue even tho he was peaceful.

Again, many of the boundaries have been carefully defined over time, so feel free to throw out your random thoughts on the matter but much of this is easily available online
No, I’m not supporting hate crimes but burning the American flag isn’t one of them
It’s hate period. Just not suitable to left wing advocates. How about we all take a step back and start respecting each other again? Might get further along that way. Just another of one of my random thoughts
It’s hate period. Just not suitable to left wing advocates

Not everything that tangentially relates to the word “hate” is a hate crime

Do you also think burning crosses is the same as burning the American flag? Just want to see how far your “both sides” BS goes
So cut with the veil. Assembly of the Clan is lawful as far as I’m concerned. And if they want to burn crosses in doing so then so be it. But they are trash.

And yeah I’m totally ok with burning any flag or any cross or any item as long as they are not targeted at an individual. It is completely just another form of expression. It only becomes an issue when it is directed at a specific individual. And no it’s stupid to extrapolate that out to a whole class of individuals. That’s common sense and proper context for the burning or defacing of any of these items. Live with it.

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