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“False narrative” being our nationally accepted and heavily thought out hate crime laws, and “they aren’t” being one random guy on the Internet’s opinion
Oh it’s more than one random guy on the Internet. Pretty much all of our hate crime laws are trash and over reach. Try again snowflake.
Hate crime for you is whatever thought police concept you can sell.

Yes saying KKK members shouldn’t be burning crosses is definitely just an example of the PC thought police going too far, we should just have Klan rallies out in the open amirite?
Yes saying KKK members shouldn’t be burning crosses is definitely just an example of the PC thought police going too far, we should just have Klan rallies out in the open amirite?
Yep we should! If they obey the law they are entitled to their own speech and opinions. I think they should take their hoods off too so I can see who the trash is and not associate with them!
If you want to burn a cross in your own yard go nuts.
And if you burn it on somebody else’s property it’s a property damage crime.

Actually no if it’s an individuals yard that’s a pointed threat I have a problem witH that

If it’s a public place with no specific target it isn’t a hate crime.
Yep we should! If they obey the law they are entitled to their own speech and opinions. I think they should take their hoods off too so I can see who the trash is and not associate with them!

Good for you, but many people only stop associating when they’re part of the group being directly threatened. Most don’t care if it’s not directed at them
Oh wow. That hurt! LOL Breathe in once in a while seems like your brain is starving for Oxygen. Or maybe you’re just nuther brain dead rightie.

It wasn't meant to hurt. You think it's a game like musical chairs. What are you like 12? I guess you don't have any new material on girls basketball. So you are over here with the age odd "racists" chants. Your posts reeks of guilt and virtue signaling. Your impact to society is probably talking points.
Gotta go kids. Girlfriend wants to play cards. Have fun beating the snot out of each other. Left making valid points right replying with alternate facts and previously disproven gibberish they can’t let go of because they got nothing else. Every rightie who approves of Trump? Go watch a rerun of last night. Every nitwit there acting like jerks was the symbolic you. That’s what the sane world sees
“I can put an American flag in my yard but when I fly a Nazi flag people get mad??? How hypocritical!!!!”

One is a hate crime, the other isn’t. Much like my example above, they’re completely different categories even though they are “both flags”, and that’s obvious
Burning a rainbow flag or an American flag or a confederate flag or a Nazi flag or an Alabama flag is all protected. And you have the right to wave a Nazi flag on your property No matter how stupid it is

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