Trump's Big Experiment: Throw 20K Fans Together, Eliminate Social Distancing, Make Masks Optional, Add One Pandemic. Track the Results...

Gotta go kids. Girlfriend wants to play cards. Have fun beating the snot out of each other. Left making valid points right replying with alternate facts and previously disproven gibberish they can’t let go of because they got nothing else. Every rightie who approves of Trump? Go watch a rerun of last night. Every nitwit there acting like jerks was the symbolic you. That’s what the sane world sees

If you guys are around others please wear deodorant today.
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Burning a rainbow flag or an American flag or a confederate flag or a Nazi flag or an Alabama flag is all protected. And you have the right to wave a Nazi flag on your property No matter how stupid it is

Burning rainbow flags isn’t protected
Care to give your own answer?

Not directed at a specific minority group on the basis of race/sexual orientation/similar protected reasons.

White, Christian flag lovers try harder to be victims than maybe anyone else on the political spectrum
Not directed at a specific minority group on the basis of race/sexual orientation/similar protected reasons.

White, Christian flag lovers try harder to be victims than maybe anyone else on the political spectrum
No the flag is the victim we just call it down the line. As opposed to the people calling everyone racist who doesn’t agree with them.
Not directed at a specific minority group on the basis of race/sexual orientation/similar protected reasons.

White, Christian flag lovers try harder to be victims than maybe anyone else on the political spectrum

So basically, you endorse prosecution for a thought crime where the “victim” is an idea, or an emotion, but not an actual person.
So basically, you endorse prosecution for a thought crime where the “victim” is an idea, or an emotion, but not an actual person.

Such a copout. By that logic, you endorse someone going into a black neighborhood and burning a cross in the middle of it, then using the defense “what? It wasn’t directed at any one person, just all of the people living here”
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This is a “limitation on people’s freedom of expression,” genius
It’s amazing the way your butt hurt clouds your judgement. I am free to express whatever I want as long as I don’t threaten an individual with my expression. It’s quite simple if you could just apply enough baby powder and relax 🤷‍♂️
It’s amazing the way your butt hurt clouds your judgement. I am free to express whatever I want as long as I don’t threaten an individual with my expression. It’s quite simple if you could just apply enough baby powder and relax 🤷‍♂️

You are very slowly approaching the point
Let's get back on point. After saying one million Trumpsters wanted to be in Tulsa, only 6500 of them turned out for Trump's latest $hit show.
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Nope. I’m pointing out you can say whatever the hell you want but you can’t threaten another individual. That’s basically assault.

Threats are speech, expression, however you want to define it. ALL of us support limiting free expression, it’s a line-drawing exercise so that strawman is trash

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