Trump's Big Experiment: Throw 20K Fans Together, Eliminate Social Distancing, Make Masks Optional, Add One Pandemic. Track the Results...

its pointless. He wants to be the victim his whole life, let him. its his right and should be allowed to be just what he wants It’s the land of the free.

The most victim-like idea in this thread is the notion that people should be in jail for burning the American flag
Threats are speech, expression, however you want to define it. ALL of us support limiting free expression, it’s a line-drawing exercise so that strawman is trash
Nope. You can say whatever the hell you want. You just can’t threaten specific individuals in doing so or you open yourself up to consequences.
It’s amazing the way your butt hurt clouds your judgement. I am free to express whatever I want as long as I don’t threaten an individual with my expression. It’s quite simple if you could just apply enough baby powder and relax 🤷‍♂️

He's still upset because President Trump is doing the right things for America and Trump's still winning...
Such a copout. By that logic, you endorse someone going into a black neighborhood and burning a cross in the middle of it, then using the defense “what? It wasn’t directed at any one person, just all of the people living here”

No, I don’t endorse that. What you just described is an actual criminal act like trespassing, possibly obstruction of traffic, possibly property damage, and violation of various city ordinances.

Stupidity in and of itself is not a crime. Based on your above scenario, I would have no problem if the residents of the neighborhood got together and beat the living **** out of the cross burner. And as long as they don’t block or harass any emergency services personnel on the scene, we’ll call that scenario a draw.
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Nope. You can say whatever the hell you want. You just can’t threaten specific individuals in doing so or you open yourself up to consequences.

And the same is true for specific groups, you just disagree with how this country has defined the issue and are accusing ME of being mad about it
Was I wrong on any part of that? 🤷‍♂️

The rally was a flop and you're equivocating.

The streaming numbers were heavily weighed by bots and people watching in spite of him.

There's no positive spin here, ND40. The only regret I have is that it wasn't packed with tens of thousands in hopes that they all got covid, with a chance that with enough coughing, they could hack up a big lugie of stupid.
Let's get back on point. Only 6500 people turned out for Trump's latest $hit show.
There was just under 6,200 people in attendance. The arena was less than a third of the way full. It's hysterical how bad the Trump Campaign was snowed by all of those fake ticket requests. They legitimately believed that they were going to have an overflow crowd outside, waiting to hear a 2nd speech from Trump. Let's just say that social distancing was easily achieved inside of the Bank of Oklahoma Center last night.

.... but what about those one million ticket requests?
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By this logic, burning a cross in someone’s yard = bad, but burning a cross in the town square where you just lynched a black man = fine. It’s the same intimidation tactic in both cases
I don’t agree with either .... burning the flag or the cross
There was just under 6,200 people in attendance. The arena was less than a third of the way full. It's hysterical how bad the Trump Campaign was snowed by all of those fake ticket requests. They legitimately believed that they were going to have an overflow crowd outside, waiting to hear a 2nd speech from Trump. Let's just say that social distancing was easily achieved inside of the Bank of Oklahoma Center last night.

.... but what about those one million ticket requests?

That's still 6,190 more than what Creepy Joe Biden can get to attend his sleep fest boring rally.
The rally was a flop and you're equivocating.

The streaming numbers were heavily weighed by bots and people watching in spite of him.

There's no positive spin here, ND40. The only regret I have is that it wasn't packed with tens of thousands in hopes that they all got covid, with a chance that with enough coughing, they could hack up a big lugie of stupid.
No the rally was fine they just over hyped. We saw crowds all week on the news down here there were a LOT of people there but not hundreds of thousands. Tulsa expected 100k and that is for their planning not appeasing Trump.

This narrative that it was a flop while totally ignoring creepy joes inability to fill a room with a hundred people will backfire.

The campaign is back on. The Dems will have to answer instead of pushing this broken narrative or they will lose in Nov.

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