Trump's Big Experiment: Throw 20K Fans Together, Eliminate Social Distancing, Make Masks Optional, Add One Pandemic. Track the Results...

I have absolutely no doubt that’s exactly how Dems will respond when Trump wins again. Impeach!

It’s hilarious how much Dems talk about Trump being inappropriate yet praise idiots like this.
You're right. That was very inappropriate of her to call him a motherf**ker. She should have called him a daughter f**ker.
You're right. That was very inappropriate of her to call him a motherf**ker. She should have called him a daughter f**ker.
Ha! Maybe Trump doubles down and gets both. I’m glad to see you do have some sense of humor. I’m sure you apply it to Biden as well, right? If not you really should. None of them should be above some ribbing.
I’m not deflecting anything. I’ve already said they over hyped it. And I offered my own opinion on the ridiculously large ticket amount.

And I’m spot on in my assessment of the lib and media BS here. I offer the media sites today and the BS narrative shown by you and others as proof.

Show me how your candidate can get to a 6200 draw at a venue for a similar city? And why are you ignoring his pitiful showing in Philly?
I will say this... The crowd for the Tulsa rally sure put on an impressive display of social distancing. I doubt that any of them will get sick. That really cuts into the Democratic Party argument (including the OP of this thread), that it was ever dangerous. LOL.
No the rally was fine they just over hyped. We saw crowds all week on the news down here there were a LOT of people there but not hundreds of thousands. Tulsa expected 100k and that is for their planning not appeasing Trump.

This narrative that it was a flop while totally ignoring creepy joes inability to fill a room with a hundred people will backfire.

The campaign is back on. The Dems will have to answer instead of pushing this broken narrative or they will lose in Nov.

Lol. Okay.
Give me a break. Event organizers had taken the steps of planning a 2nd speech for Trump to give outside of the arena for people who couldn't get seats. There were very few people in the upper deck. I have seen the pictures. That isn't anyone's "narrative". That is exactly what happened. The Trump Campaign legitimately believed that the arena would be full, and they had even made preparations to accommodate people who couldn't get seats. As it turned out, the arena was less than a third of the way full. The Tulsa event was a flop. To portray it any other way, is being dishonest about what actually happened.
You win.
I will say this... The crowd for the Tulsa rally sure put on an impressive display of social distancing. I doubt that any of them will get sick. That really cuts into the Democratic Party argument (including the OP of this thread), that it was ever dangerous. LOL.
LMAO they’re being dangerous with the rally 😂
I will say this... The crowd for the Tulsa rally sure put on an impressive display of social distancing. I doubt that any of them will get sick. That really cuts into the Democratic Party argument (including the OP of this thread), that it was ever dangerous. LOL.
But rioting and protesting somehow boosted people’s immune systems.
I’m not deflecting anything. I’ve already said they over hyped it. And I offered my own opinion on the ridiculously large ticket amount.

And I’m spot on in my assessment of the lib and media BS here. I offer the media sites today and the BS narrative shown by you and others as proof.

Show me how your candidate can get to a 6200 draw at a venue for a similar city? And why are you ignoring his pitiful showing in Philly?
Shhh. Let them have this “win”. This is all they have.
Give me a break. Event organizers had taken the steps of planning a 2nd speech for Trump to give outside of the arena for people who couldn't get seats. There were very few people in the upper deck. I have seen the pictures. That isn't anyone's "narrative". That is exactly what happened. The Trump Campaign legitimately believed that the arena would be full, and they had even made preparations to accommodate people who couldn't get seats. As it turned out, the arena was less than a third of the way full. The Tulsa event was a flop. To portray it any other way, is being dishonest about what actually happened.

I went off to a card game and while gone North 40 willynilly continued to hyperventilate. He’s losing every discussion but he’s just one of those guys who has to have the last word however wrong he is. sadlilfeller
Creepy joe can’t win a campaign with proof of life videos from his basement while his water carriers try to deflect to Trump events that are drawing 500x more people live and live streaming. People won’t show up at polls and vote for that.

Vegas disagrees.
At the moment they do. Yep. 5 months of actual campaigning to go though and I’d put money in Vegas that proof of life basement videos won’t cut it.

Keep pumping it in. I look forward to making fat ****ing stacks off you and the herd's poor betting predictions.

VN Store
