Trump's Big Experiment: Throw 20K Fans Together, Eliminate Social Distancing, Make Masks Optional, Add One Pandemic. Track the Results...

You don't know who that is a picture of do you? I bet you don't know why he's wearing the aviator goggles and helmet either. I'm sure pguard doesn't have a clue as well.
No... and it's really not important to me either. I complimented they guy's avatar. Does everything around here have to be a *** damn fight or a pi$$ing match? Get a life.
You know what is funny about this? This right-wing web site ("") is including the television viewership among cable news channels who did not actually televise Trump's speech. It's fair to include the Fox News viewers from Saturday night because Fox News did televise Trump's speech from start to finish. However, both CNN and MSNBC, cut away from the Tulsa rally once Trump's speech began. They only televised the rally to the extent that they could point out how Bank of Oklahoma arena in Tulsa, Oklahoma was at less than half capacity. After that, they shifted back to the studio for critical analysis of what Trump was saying... without actually having to televise the speech itself. This has been the policy of MSNBC for quite some time when it comes to Trump's speeches in both press conferences and especially in his campaign rallies. MSNBC likes to fact-check Trump in real time, and can't do it while carrying a speech live.

The only way to arrive at 11.77 million viewers on television during Donald Trump's speech is to include both the CNN and MSNBC's audience in addition to the Fox News audience (7.661+2.2+1.9 = 11.761). However, it is very dishonest to do this... because as I just pointed out - they did not carry the speech. They discussed it in real time, but they did not show it with sound... only Fox News did that. Whatever broader point was attempted is lost amid this dishonest representation. They should have just touted the Fox News audience of 7.661 million viewers - which is very strong for a Saturday night. Don't get me wrong. They did more than that by including the viewers from both CNN and MSNBC, though. So it ends up just looking like partisan spin. The Fox News viewership was very good, and should have been enough for "" to promote, without having to lie.

Fox News Pulls In Huge Number of Viewers for Trump's Tulsa Campaign Rally


President Trump's rally in Tulsa on Saturday proved to be a big win for Fox News as they were the most-watched network in all of television for the weekend, beating out all broadcast and cable programs, according to Nielsen Media Research.

Airing all of his rally on Saturday from 8-10 PM, Fox News averaged 7.7 million total viewers and 1.5 million viewers in the with 25-54 age demographic, meaning they had more combined in both total viewers and the age demo than CNN and MSNBC.

Fox News Pulls In Huge Number of Viewers for Trump's Tulsa Campaign Rally
Fox News Pulls In Huge Number of Viewers for Trump's Tulsa Campaign Rally


President Trump's rally in Tulsa on Saturday proved to be a big win for Fox News as they were the most-watched network in all of television for the weekend, beating out all broadcast and cable programs, according to Nielsen Media Research.

Airing all of his rally on Saturday from 8-10 PM, Fox News averaged 7.7 million total viewers and 1.5 million viewers in the with 25-54 age demographic, meaning they had more combined in both total viewers and the age demo than CNN and MSNBC.

Fox News Pulls In Huge Number of Viewers for Trump's Tulsa Campaign Rally
I already said that Fox News drew very good numbers for their coverage of the speech. What I objected to, was the web site ("") trying to inflate those numbers by also including the CNN and MSNBC audiences. Those two networks did not actually show the Trump speech in real time, with sound. That was dishonest. The Fox News viewership alone should have been good enough for "" to boast about. They didn't need to lie... but they did.
You know what is funny about this? This right-wing web site ("") is including the television viewership among cable news channels who did not actually televise Trump's speech. It's fair to include the Fox News viewers from Saturday night because Fox News did televise Trump's speech from start to finish. However, both CNN and MSNBC, cut away from the Tulsa rally once Trump's speech began. They only televised the rally to the extent that they could point out how Bank of Oklahoma arena in Tulsa, Oklahoma was at less than half capacity. After that, they shifted back to the studio for critical analysis of what Trump was saying... without actually having to televise the speech itself. This has been the policy of MSNBC for quite some time when it comes to Trump's speeches in both press conferences and especially in his campaign rallies. MSNBC likes to fact-check Trump in real time, and can't do it while carrying a speech live.

The only way to arrive at 11.77 million viewers on television during Donald Trump's speech is to include both the CNN and MSNBC's audience in addition to the Fox News audience (7.661+2.2+1.9 = 11.761). However, it is very dishonest to do this... because as I just pointed out - they did not carry the speech. They discussed it in real time, but they did not show it with sound... only Fox News did that. Whatever broader point was attempted is lost amid this dishonest representation. They should have just touted the Fox News audience of 7.661 million viewers - which is very strong for a Saturday night. Don't get me wrong. They did more than that by including the viewers from both CNN and MSNBC, though. So it ends up just looking like partisan spin. The Fox News viewership was very good, and should have been enough for "" to promote, without having to lie.

If it makes you feel better, we will only count the 7.7 live viewers...Mkay?
I already said that Fox News drew very good numbers for their coverage of the speech. What I objected to, was the web site ("") trying to inflate those numbers by also including the CNN and MSNBC audiences. Those two networks did not actually show the Trump speech in real time, with sound. That was dishonest. The Fox News viewership alone should have been good enough for "" to boast about. They didn't need to lie... but they did.

Relax Francis
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There's no denying Trump is very popular with his base. Happy y'all are so pleased with his performance.

But, for the majority of Americans (read: 55%+), we don't like his racist, xenophobic, blame-everyone-but-him, conspiracy theory driven, p*ssy grabbing, misogynist, self-centered, self-promoting, Russian-loving, greed-driven, lying bullcrap.

And, for that reason, Donald going buh-bye January, 2021.

Enjoy the ride on the short bus in the meantime.
There's no denying Trump is very popular with his base. Happy y'all are so pleased with his performance.

But, for the majority of Americans (read: 55%+), we don't like his racist, xenophobic, blame-everyone-but-him, conspiracy theory driven, p*ssy grabbing, misogynist, self-centered, self-promoting, Russian-loving, greed-driven, lying bullcrap.

And, for that reason, Donald going buh-bye January, 2021.

Enjoy the ride on the short bus in the meantime.
You want to make an avatar bet for the election?
There's no denying Trump is very popular with his base. Happy y'all are so pleased with his performance.

But, for the majority of Americans (read: 55%+), we don't like his racist, xenophobic, blame-everyone-but-him, conspiracy theory driven, p*ssy grabbing, misogynist, self-centered, self-promoting, Russian-loving, greed-driven, lying bullcrap.

And, for that reason, Donald going buh-bye January, 2021.

Enjoy the ride on the short bus in the meantime.
Had to check if this was from today or 2016.
No... and it's really not important to me either. I complimented they guy's avatar. Does everything around here have to be a *** damn fight or a pi$$ing match? Get a life.

Not trying to start a fight, more of a question to you, not so much to pguard. The avatar is John Belushi who was an actor in the movie 1941. A spoof on ww2. Really funny movie, but some may take some of its connotations the wrong way as society does so frequently now days.
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Not trying to start a fight, more of a question to you, not so much to pguard. The avatar is John Belushi who was an actor in the movie 1941. A spoof on ww2. Really funny movie, but some may take some of its connotations the wrong way as society does so frequently now days.
I do remember that movie... it was terrible.

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