Trump's Big Experiment: Throw 20K Fans Together, Eliminate Social Distancing, Make Masks Optional, Add One Pandemic. Track the Results...

There's no denying Trump is very popular with his base. Happy y'all are so pleased with his performance.

But, for the majority of Americans (read: 55%+), we don't like his racist, xenophobic, blame-everyone-but-him, conspiracy theory driven, p*ssy grabbing, misogynist, self-centered, self-promoting, Russian-loving, greed-driven, lying bullcrap.

And, for that reason, Donald going buh-bye January, 2021.

Enjoy the ride on the short bus in the meantime.

There's no denying Trump is very popular with his base. Happy y'all are so pleased with his performance.

But, for the majority of Americans (read: 55%+), we don't like his racist, xenophobic, blame-everyone-but-him, conspiracy theory driven, p*ssy grabbing, misogynist, self-centered, self-promoting, Russian-loving, greed-driven, lying bullcrap.

And, for that reason, Donald going buh-bye January, 2021.

Enjoy the ride on the short bus in the meantime.
"We don't like all these things even though as Democrats those are staple characteristics of our party so we are going to elect someone just like him only with more dementia."

Solid hill to die on there.

Biden is Clintoning himself. She chose for whatever reason to avoid press conferences and selectively campaign and it cost her the election. He watched 2016 and is doing the exact same thing. What's the point of the campaign if you're going to spend 80% of it underground and pop up with a few weeks to go saying orange man bad?
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Also they're in the "autonomous zone" but the first question they have is "where are the cops?". Lul. And those dudes with "backpacks" are clearly armed, shouldn't that be a no no in such a peaceful place?

Which one of the soykids is going borrow some nads to try and disarm those private security guys?
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There's no denying Trump is very popular with his base. Happy y'all are so pleased with his performance.

But, for the majority of Americans (read: 55%+), we don't like his racist, xenophobic, blame-everyone-but-him, conspiracy theory driven, p*ssy grabbing, misogynist, self-centered, self-promoting, Russian-loving, greed-driven, lying bullcrap.

And, for that reason, Donald going buh-bye January, 2021.

Enjoy the ride on the short bus in the meantime.
For a second I thought you were talking about Bill Clinton. Guess times have truly changed and the left is finally morally outraged that there’s a misogynist in the White House.
We can agree to avatars when you lose. Long term, for the full duration of the presidency.

So... what you're proposing is the winner chooses an avatar that the loser must use for the duration of the resulting president's time in office?
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