Trump's Big Experiment: Throw 20K Fans Together, Eliminate Social Distancing, Make Masks Optional, Add One Pandemic. Track the Results...

California requiring face-mask use for most public activities

California said it will now require the use of face coverings for most public activities, according to the state's COVID-19 website on Thursday. "Over the last four months, we have learned a lot about COVID-19 transmission, most notably that people who are infected but are asymptomatic or presymptomatic play an important part in community spread," the California Department of Public Health said in a statement. "The use of face coverings by everyone can limit the release of infected droplets when talking, coughing, and/or sneezing, as well as reinforce physical distancing." Masks will be required of those who are waiting in line to enter a public space and who are inside any indoor public space, who are visiting the doctor or any healthcare facility, who are taking any kind of public transportation, or who are at work where they interact with the public, the state said.
California requiring face-mask use for most public activities

California said it will now require the use of face coverings for most public activities, according to the state's COVID-19 website on Thursday. "Over the last four months, we have learned a lot about COVID-19 transmission, most notably that people who are infected but are asymptomatic or presymptomatic play an important part in community spread," the California Department of Public Health said in a statement. "The use of face coverings by everyone can limit the release of infected droplets when talking, coughing, and/or sneezing, as well as reinforce physical distancing." Masks will be required of those who are waiting in line to enter a public space and who are inside any indoor public space, who are visiting the doctor or any healthcare facility, who are taking any kind of public transportation, or who are at work where they interact with the public, the state said.

Just don't need one for a protest or riot.
So Trump will hold a political rally in Oklahoma this Saturday. It's expected to sell out the venue, and roughly 20K fans will attend.

The plan is to disregard all social distancing, scan people for fevers before allowing entry, provide hand sanitizer, provide optional masks.

What could possibly go wrong? Well, this is the chance for all those here who think CV19 is a scam to prove everyone else wrong.

Trump, obviously, won't wear a mask. I'm curious as to what % of attendees will, and how the organizers will arrange folks. Specifically, the folks behind Trump who appear on TV are, of course, hand-picked from attendees prior to the start of the rally. Will organizers target folks who won't wear a mask? This would drive home an intended statement that the virus is "done" and there's "nothing to worry about". Conversely, they could select mask wearers to convey "hey, still be safe". I suspect the former.

Will Trump's rally result in subsequent viral infections? If yes, on what scale?

The outcome could have bearing on stuff that's important to nearly everyone here: TN football.

MSM will no doubt track what happens with the virus post-rally, so please post updates here.

Place your bets.
How many buildings will be destroyed?
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How many people will die?

Which is more important to you... stuff or people?

Let me understand your 'logic' the marxist protestors were fine getting close to each other. No concern of gettimg sick. Suddenly going to a campaign rally its bad. You then claim that people are more important than buildings yet your comrads killed multiple cops? Brilliant logic
Let me understand your 'logic' the marxist protestors were fine getting close to each other. No concern of gettimg sick. Suddenly going to a campaign rally its bad. You then claim that people are more important than buildings yet your comrads killed multiple cops? Brilliant logic

Marxists?? That's cute. Some of you guys use it all the time yet have no clue as to its meaning.

Protesting is one of the purest forms of patriotism
Did I miss a memo about a blue font now being required in the PF or do some people in here nowadays just have an inability to detect obvious smart assery and/or sarcasm in written form? 🤦‍♀️
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So Trump will hold a political rally in Oklahoma this Saturday. It's expected to sell out the venue, and roughly 20K fans will attend.

The plan is to disregard all social distancing, scan people for fevers before allowing entry, provide hand sanitizer, provide optional masks.

What could possibly go wrong? Well, this is the chance for all those here who think CV19 is a scam to prove everyone else wrong.

Trump, obviously, won't wear a mask. I'm curious as to what % of attendees will, and how the organizers will arrange folks. Specifically, the folks behind Trump who appear on TV are, of course, hand-picked from attendees prior to the start of the rally. Will organizers target folks who won't wear a mask? This would drive home an intended statement that the virus is "done" and there's "nothing to worry about". Conversely, they could select mask wearers to convey "hey, still be safe". I suspect the former.

Will Trump's rally result in subsequent viral infections? If yes, on what scale?

The outcome could have bearing on stuff that's important to nearly everyone here: TN football.

MSM will no doubt track what happens with the virus post-rally, so please post updates here.

Place your bets.

If there is a burst of cases, he will just claim its a media hoax.

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