Trump's Big Experiment: Throw 20K Fans Together, Eliminate Social Distancing, Make Masks Optional, Add One Pandemic. Track the Results...

I have noticed on several editorial cartoons lately that the lefty loon media is called "MS Media".... a not so thinly veiled reference to Gates and all the strings that he pulls from behind the scenes...

I am not a conspiracy guy by nature, but old Bill sure does always seem to be in the thick of the BS these more and more ways. From having a huge program 18 months ago roughly where a mock "SARS" Type pathogen came from China and wrecked the being front and center when the actual virus hit the US if he should be part of shaping policy?? Or as a random computer billionaire would have any special insight about the spread of a pathogen and our strategy to stop it???

It just seems really weird that Gates seems to always be in the shadows these days...pulling strings and inking deals that have zero to do with his area of expertise. It seems that cartoonists have noticed this trend also, including at the front of this thread.

What do yall think about Gates always snooping around? What's his angle???
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This is a dumbazz the other 4o Trump threads were not enough...I thought surely it was LG ...again...but no...

I hear the faildozer backing up again...
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I have noticed on several editorial cartoons lately that the lefty loon media is called "MS Media".... a not so thinly veiled reference to Gates and all the strings that he pulls from behind the scenes...

I am not a conspiracy guy by nature, but old Bill sure does always seem to be in the thick of the BS these more and more ways. From having a huge program 18 months ago roughly where a mock "SARS" Type pathogen came from China and wrecked the being front and center when the actual virus hit the US if he should be part of shaping policy?? Or as a random computer billionaire would have any special insight about the spread of a pathogen and our strategy to stop it???

It just seems really weird that Gates seems to always be in the shadows these days...pulling strings and inking deals that have zero to do with his area of expertise. It seems that cartoonists have noticed this trend also, including at the front of this thread.

What do yall think about Gates always snooping around? What's his angle???
His angle is money, power, control. Control as much as you can and control where the money goes. I hate going all conspiracy theory, but im going to for a minute. With all the technology we have in todays world Gats controlling the internet is probably a more powerful position than being the president. He can Theoretically shut down the internet, that means no SM, no news, and would also take out many of our defense systems and military operations as well. Now Im not going to go all lizard squad and illumaniti, but I do believe there is some sort of higher social group that involves guys like Gates, Jobs, Musk etc....
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So Trump will hold a political rally in Oklahoma this Saturday. It's expected to sell out the venue, and roughly 20K fans will attend.

The plan is to disregard all social distancing, scan people for fevers before allowing entry, provide hand sanitizer, provide optional masks.

What could possibly go wrong? Well, this is the chance for all those here who think CV19 is a scam to prove everyone else wrong.

Trump, obviously, won't wear a mask. I'm curious as to what % of attendees will, and how the organizers will arrange folks. Specifically, the folks behind Trump who appear on TV are, of course, hand-picked from attendees prior to the start of the rally. Will organizers target folks who won't wear a mask? This would drive home an intended statement that the virus is "done" and there's "nothing to worry about". Conversely, they could select mask wearers to convey "hey, still be safe". I suspect the former.

Will Trump's rally result in subsequent viral infections? If yes, on what scale?

The outcome could have bearing on stuff that's important to nearly everyone here: TN football.

MSM will no doubt track what happens with the virus post-rally, so please post updates here.

Place your bets.
So.....what about this on the same day?
Judge denies emergency request to stop Trump's Tulsa campaign rally due to coronavirus fears

The decision came after local lawyers asked the court to block the event unless organizers agreed to take steps to adhere to the administration's own social distancing recommendations to limit the spread of coronavirus. Paul DeMuro, one of the attorneys on the lawsuit trying to block the rally, said that -- despite the emergency motion to block the rally being denied -- the case will head to the state Supreme Court.
"The lawsuit is still intact and moving forward," DeMuro told CNN. "We will continue to fight in the Oklahoma Supreme Court."

Citing Tulsa health department statistics showing that the highest new coronavirus case count occurred this Monday, the lawyers are suing the parent company of the Bank of Oklahoma Center, the venue slated to host the rally, alleging "despite this alarming uptick in COVID-19 infections in Tulsa County, ASM Global plans to bring tens of thousands of people into an enclosed arena in downtown Tulsa for a political rally on June 20, 2020 ... without putting precautions in place to prevent the spread of the virus."

"We're not asking to stop the rally. So you need to understand that, first, if Joe Biden, if the Thunder (the NBA team in nearby Oklahoma City), if Garth Brooks was wanting to have a 19,000-person event and this center on Sunday, without abiding by the government mandated CDC guidelines, with respect to mass events, we'd be making the same allegations and filing the same lawsuit," DeMuro said.

"All we're asking, it's very simple: If the President wants to hold a rally here, he needs to abide by the social distancing guidelines of his own (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)."
Both sides are doing it. I wasn't being sarcastic earlier, I mean who cares? If people want to go to a rally, that is on them. If they want to go to a protest, that is on them.

Sounds simple enough....right.....

Everyone should go about their lives however they see fit, but, do not throw your opinions onto others who think and feel differently, go about your life, and also do not complain about your choices, whether you go out and get sick, or if you complain when you voice your opinion and someone else disagrees no matter your stance or political affiliation or where you fall on the political spectrum.
So no curfew for rioters and looters but people peacefully sitting waiting to get in for a Trump rally there is now all of a sudden curfew.

Who in their right mind would wait in line for days to attend a Trump pep rally?
Trick question.

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