Tyler Bray still undrafted (merged)

Bet both Duh'Rick and Tyler Brat are thinking they were really savy to leave school early. Sign of future decisions to come with those two I think.

The NFL has had a pile of superb athletes wash out without a peep from any of them. Add two more to the pile.
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If UT was the reason these kids are ring held back then I would have sympathy. I want them to succeed but the only thing holding these individuals back is themselves. Only themselves. Pwag is a guy that I am rooting for. He repped UT with class and worked his ass off. He will continue to rep UT well. Bray? Who knows. He's been a boob while here and his own mentality holds him back. No sympathy.

That doesn't mean I want him to fail. It just means I don't feel bad for him.
Wasn't directed towards you, was directed to the people that I've seen on here and twitter literally saying they hope he does not get drafted.

That is wrong for anyone to wish he doesn't.get drafted. Sorry for the mixup.
I think he is a huge gamble but do think someone will take the gamble.
Bray's not a bad guy but so many UT fans wanted to believe that he was a 1st round lock, before last season started, that when they finally realized he wasn't that big of a talent they want to knock him to convince themselves that they weren't completely wrong.
I said before the past season that Bray would not be a pick before the 5th round. Even with the dirth of QBS to pick from.


He may go undrafted but back then I didn't know he was going to implode during the past season either.
Fans have a right to say whatever they want and it's not your job to censor them. Defend Bray all you want, but you're not the hall monitor here with the right to tell others what to say. Honestly, threads like this crack me up.

I personally hope for nothing but the best for Tyler. But he is largely responsible for a lot of the negative perception about him from fans. He was a great talent, but he was arrogant and undisciplined and he didn't always represent the team or the school the way we should expect of our players.
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I said before the past season that Bray would not be a pick before the 5th round. Even with the dirth of QBS to pick from.


He may go undrafted but back then I didn't know he was going to implode during the past season either.

How did he implode?

Pretty sure you meant to say "I didn't know the defense was going to implode during the past season either".

Had that not happened, Bray would have been gone in the 1-2 rounds.
Oakland took Tyler Wilson so you can count them out. Pittsburgh took Landry Jones so you can count them out too. Houston makes sense because they have 3 picks this round and could use a solid back-up for Schaub. Cincinnati might take Bray to back-up Dalton.

Good points! I've been watching the draft so much that I'm about brain dead... which when I think about it, is my normal state. So I guess the brain is just dead.
I said before the past season that Bray would not be a pick before the 5th round. Even with the dirth of QBS to pick from.


He may go undrafted but back then I didn't know he was going to implode during the past season either.

3,612 yards, 34 TD's and only 12 interceptions counts as imploding?

Bray's getting the Arian Foster treatment for messing up in clutch times. (Not saying Bray is as good as Foster was, just that the situation seems to be a bit similar in remembering the bad)

Also yeah, he's done some immature things in the past, but you can't teach the zip and velocity and touch he has. If someone takes him in, he's got a decent shot to do well.
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I still think Bray can be a productive NFL quarterback, he now needs to go to the pass happy CFL for a year or two and prove himself.
I honestly don't care if he gets drafted. Yeah he was a decent QB for Tennessee, but he's going to be remembered for being the QB during arguably the worst period in UT football history, not to mention the first QB to lose to Kentucky since the 80s. He's forever tied to Dooley.

I would have liked to seen him win a few more games while he was here but overall I liked Bray
Fans have a right to say whatever they want and it's not your job to censor them. Defend Bray all you want, but you're not the hall monitor here with the right to tell others what to say. Honestly, threads like this crack me up.

I personally hope for nothing but the best for Tyler. But he is largely responsible for a lot of the negative perception about him from fans. He was a great talent, but he was arrogant and undisciplined and he didn't always represent the team or the school the way we should expect of our players.

He stated his opinion, just like people bashing Bray. Don't see where is he "censoring" people at all.
That is wrong for anyone to wish he doesn't.get drafted. Sorry for the mixup.
I think he is a huge gamble but do think someone will take the gamble.
I had hoped he would drop in the draft and expected he would. It sends the clear message to recruits.

You may go to UT, a bigtime SEC school, but that isn't enough for the NFL.

Clean up your act.
I honestly don't care if he gets drafted. Yeah he was a decent QB for Tennessee, but he's going to be remembered for being the QB during arguably the worst period in UT football history, not to mention the first QB to lose to Kentucky since the 80s. He's forever tied to Dooley.

I would have liked to seen him win a few more games while he was here but overall I liked Bray

I will remember him as a damn good QB that just happened to play at the same time as arguably the worst defense in UT history and how unfortunate it was.

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