Tyler Bray still undrafted (merged)

Bray should have started taking the game serious a couple of years ago.
He would have been an early round pick and an instant millionaire.
Instead he thought he had the world by its bally-wallys because he was TB.

Uh-oh. That didn't work out so well, did it?
Weird to root agisnt him but I never think he will amount to anything.

All he has is an arm. Immature and stupid is a deadly combination.
We can agree to disagree, the point is that I'm not the one talking trash about someone who possesses more talent that I ever had like I could do any better.
I put forth more effort every day in my business than Bray ever has. I am almost certain that he threw 2 games while he was at my alma mater.....the Kentucky game in 2011 because he and Da'Rick wanted to hang up the cleats instead of practicing for a bowl game, and Vandy in 2012 because he wanted to get Dooley fired. To me, those are not forgivable. He was more interested in himself than in his teammates.
Bray's talent is undeniable. However, he hasn't/doesn't/won't do what he should do to translate his talent into being a dynamic leader on the field. It's a shame, for Tyler, that he came out this year. A team may try him as an UDFA, but the cold shoulder by NFL execs in the draft confirms what Suzie Kolber said on ESPN earlier: "all arm, no head."
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Originally Posted by VolBraniac
I had hoped he would drop in the draft and expected he would. It sends the clear message to recruits.

You may go to UT, a bigtime SEC school, but that isn't enough for the NFL.

Clean up your act.

You're part of the problem, Cuonzo. You could care less about anything except W/Ls. Yeah, let kids come in thinking they are hot shots and act out.

No wonder you dislike Butch who won't put up with that urban BS.
Fans have a right to say whatever they want and it's not your job to censor them. Defend Bray all you want, but you're not the hall monitor here with the right to tell others what to say. Honestly, threads like this crack me up.

I personally hope for nothing but the best for Tyler. But he is largely responsible for a lot of the negative perception about him from fans. He was a great talent, but he was arrogant and undisciplined and he didn't always represent the team or the school the way we should expect of our players.

Post of the day!
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They hated on Crompton too. Don't remember people being called out this much for it then.

Crompton was arguably the worst QBs in SEC history until halfway through his senior year.

I'd say it's a slightly different situation.
Well, I be danged! I have been saying that on here for the last few years and have gotten BLASTED for saying it.....

Now, maybe, just maybe, Gruden's comments might FORCE some of you to take off your orange glasses when you assess Bray's talents!!!! GO VOLS! :salute:

And, maybe some of you will quit trying to blame CDD for Bray's immaturity!

Good post. I have been blasted because I said that no matter who was Bray's coach, that it would have made little difference. I said that Bray did what Bray wanted to do, and that he didn't take to coaching. Isn't it fun being proven right? Go Vols.

Amen! This site has very few that r able to see how current trends turn out in the future. When put it out there people just can't comprehend the possibility so they bash it. I remember when I said Dooley is going to sit Bray in the Vandy game if he doesn't come out to play. Got bashed every which way for that one. But expected it from the folks on here.

I agree on the behavior but disagree on the punishment. CBJ would have sit him a few games after a stint like that. Just ask Marlin Lane. Also look at how much rope DuhRick had before he hung himself.

You do realize the 2 situations can't be compared right?? Dooley couldn't use the threat of sitting him like CBJ would be able to now. Dooley had to give them the rope just so he had players with talent on the field. Imagine Dooley sitting/kicking-off DR, Janzen Jackson, Bray when they first had issues?? Remember Dooley had a very depleted roster from the start. Kiffin did it purposely. That's why there were 0, yes that's right 0 QBs on the roster when Dooley took the team over. I'm sure Dooley would have loved to have BJ Coleman, Nick Stephens, Taj Boyd on campus for Bray to sit behind, learn from, compete with, etc. Now imagine that scenario and tell me how different things could/would have been the last few yrs under Dooley.

Point blank: Dooley had no leverage and Brays upbringing/attitude (parents fault) was simply the worst combo imaginable at the time that the AD was in a hot mess and the NCAA on campus.
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I'm not sure how much Bray bashing is going on, but there's some, so here's my two cents:

1. When Kiffin left, Bray said he came here for Tennessee and not for Kiffin.
2. The more I learn about Dooley, the less I care about the lack of maturity issues with Bray- he didn't have a coach to help him grow as a leader.

I'm a fan. I wish he had stayed. Under this staff, he'd become a 1st rounder. But he didn't, and I hope the best for him and his NFL career.
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At this point it would be better for Bray not to be drafted.. Then he could go to whoever he thinks gives him the best chance to make the team, as opposed to being drafted by a team that he has a poor chance of making.
You're part of the problem, Cuonzo. You could care less about anything except W/Ls. Yeah, let kids come in thinking they are hot shots and act out.

No wonder you dislike Butch who won't put up with that urban BS.


I don't think recruits are paying a single bit of attention to the 6th round of the NFL draft.
Bray prep isn't quantifiable. It's on Bray as he is the only one who knows. What if his 70-80% was better than the back ups? Then what?

Gruden ask about his preparation. Bray said 7 or 8 on a scale of 1-10.
It's up to the coach to get 100% out of players. It's hard for an 18 y.o. Kid to give his all, all the time. That's where coaching comes in. If sports were just about talent we would not have coaches. How many time have you heard it said that coach x "gets the most out of his players"?

If back ups are giving 100%, and starters are not. I play the guy that gives 100%. Otherwise your whole team starts to think it's ok to give 70%, and you go 5-7. How many times did a CDD coached team hit a rough patch in a game, and just fold? I'd rather lose giving 100% than lose giving 70%.
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was really hoping my bengals would have given darick a shot in the 6th but they went with cobi hamilton instead. solid player but i really wanted rogers.
Wasn't that his first game back from a broken thumb and didn't the program report he had 100+ degree fever from the flu?

Bray had no business playing in that game. We could have won easily with a healthy Worley.

That loss was all on Dooley.
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Originally Posted by VolBraniac
I had hoped he would drop in the draft and expected he would. It sends the clear message to recruits.

You may go to UT, a bigtime SEC school, but that isn't enough for the NFL.

Clean up your act.

You're part of the problem, Cuonzo. You could care less about anything except W/Ls. Yeah, let kids come in thinking they are hot shots and act out.

No wonder you dislike Butch who won't put up with that urban BS.

You are a riot.

I will personally delete my account if you find any post by me that is not 100% in support of Butch.

Now, back to Bray. Other than him throwing a beer bottle and playing chicken on a jet ski what exactly has he done to embarrass this program?
I don't think recruits are paying a single bit of attention to the 6th round of the NFL draft.
You don't think (potential) Vol recruits don't know that the starting QB for Ut with one of the strongest arms, 6'6" height, with stats out the yazoo...is undrafted at this time?

And (wondering) why?

There is a very clear message her re: TB. And if recruits don't know it, they will when they hit the campus.
Now, back to Bray. Other than him throwing a beer bottle and playing chicken on a jet ski what exactly has he done to embarrass this program?

Taunting the opposing sideline with his hands on his hips and his head tilted like a sorority skank whose boyfriend is hitting on someone else wasn't exactly one of the program's prouder moments.
It does say something when everyone around Bray is getting picked up. Disappointing. I don't care what people on here think about his character, he played here during tough times and I'm not going to root against a guy I have never met. To bad he can't come back, not sure he would if he could though.

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