Tyler Bray still undrafted (merged)

You aren't 100% certain of any of that. It is pure speculation and to argue otherwise is moronic.

If he doesn't make it in the NFL I'm not going to lose any sleep, but I'm sure not going to sit behind a computer screen and bash a kid that provided me and my family with a few, not many, but a few good afternoons.
I have had many good afternoons before, and will have after, Tyler Bray. I don't depend on college kids for my good afternoons.

As to your first point, I believe that you must have missed Bray's statement , after the Kentucky game in 2011, about wanting the season to end , and also the upper classmen's statements, especially Tauren Poole, about the younger players not giving effort to help get them to a bowl game. I seem to remember that Bray and Da'Rick were the main two objects of his derision. As far as getting Dooley fired, I would be willing to bet on it.
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The man limped his way back onto the field after an injury in the MS State game and played another down.

The man played another down after he broke his hand in the Georgia game. They had to make him come off the field.

He put up record numbers and had to sit and watch as our defense kept him out of national attention.

We have all seen him shed tears over a loss.

He took beating after beating while wearing a UT jersey.


You people talk about him like he purposely destroyed everything that is UT. You talk about him like he was constantly getting arrested for drugs and alcohol and spitting on UT. Did everyone forget the talk of him crying outside the locker room after the loss against UGA this past year? A game where we put up 44 points but allowed 51. Bray was a good QB.

If Bray has pro success every one of you will suddenly be Bray fans. I've never heard him say a negative word about UT or any of its fans. He is going to be in the pros representing our school. Quit being douchebags and support him.

It's seriously embarrassing.

I agree A 1000 percent! We can say all we want he should have stayed, but who.would volunteer to learn a third offensive scheme and basically a third coach.
I really did think a team would have taken a chance by now on both Bray and DaRick. There must be something out there about both we just don't know about.
Taunting the opposing sideline with his hands on his hips and his head tilted like a sorority skank whose boyfriend is hitting on someone else wasn't exactly one of the program's prouder moments.

I bet this guy was all for greg mcelroy giving Auburn fans the finger a few years ago too. Now that's class.
Remember the KY game?

After the loss the comment was made that Bray and Rogers did not want to go to a crappy bowl.

Remember the Andy game in 2012 with Bray standing on sidelines pouting ?

That type of action among others is why they have not been drafted.

Attitude matters, sure, but the NFL is a business and they employee plenty of guys who make Bray and Rogers look like the most positive, helpful, and cheerful guys in the world. Immaturity is common in college players and neither have done anything special publicly that makes up for this big of a fall.

Even the Kentucky game... unless it was a matter of point shaving or gambling (and there was never any implication of that) the rumor of not wanting to go to lesser bowl game isn't enough. There's gotta be something more going one here, imo.
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They hated on Crompton too. Don't remember people being called out this much for it then.

They are many differences in the two.

Jonathan put up with more Shat from media and fans than any qb in TN history . He held his head up, worked hard and became a good qb.

Bray has 5 x the talent Crompton has but Bray did not put in the work, he gave, up in games. A leader does.not act.as Bray did.
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Attitude matters, sure, but the NFL is a business and they employee plenty of guys who make Bray and Rogers look like the most positive, helpful, and cheerful guys in the world. Immaturity is common in college players and neither have done anything special publicly that makes up for this big of a fall.

Even the Kentucky game... unless it was a matter of point shaving or gambling the rumor of not wanting to go to lesser bowl game isn't enough. There's gotta be something more going one here, imo.
Maybe Minnesota will take Bray this round. They have three picks this round and Bray would provide them with a solid back-up behind Ponder. Plus Bray would be reunited with CP.
I think there's something we simply don't know about both Tyler Bray and Da'rick Rogers. It makes zero sense for either to have fallen like this let alone both of them.

Their attitudes were not a very well kept secret. Dooley must have swallowed gallons of gall to keep them in games for the fans.
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Not bashing but dayum! I cant think of anything that could be more humiliating for an guy as arrogant as Bray. I dont know if anyone begged him to stay but I'm sure he was told that he might benefit if he did. Well, that thought will haunt him for the rest of his life.
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Again. You can't quantify that. You act like a player has a progress bar above their head. Doesn't work that way.

He went on t.v., and said he didn't give 100%. This is a fact. I'm not saying its all on CDD, but crap rolls uphill.

I am a true vol fan. Spend thousands every year on the Vols. I'm telling you right now I'd rather lose every game watching my team give everything they have, than win sometimes giving half ass effort. Effort, and preparation are on the coach. If you don't give all you got ride the pine no matter how talented you think you are.:hi:
I have had many good afternoons before, and will have after, Tyler Bray. I don't depend on college kids for my good afternoons.

As to your first point, I believe that you must have missed Bray's statement , after the Kentucky game in 2011, about wanting the season to end , and also the upper classmen's statements, especially Tauren Poole, about the younger players not giving effort to help get them to a bowl game. I seem to remember that Bray and Da'Rick were the main two objects of his derision. As far as getting Dooley fired, I would be willing to bet on it.

To my first point, I believe that 18 year old kids, especially collegiate athletes, say things that they don't mean out of spite in the heat of the moment after a loss simply to be a smarta$$ to the media.

Maybe you are right, maybe he didn't try and maybe he did want to get Dooley fired, but neither of us know for sure and I just choose to give the benefit of the doubt.

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