Tyler Bray still undrafted (merged)

really, you know Matt Simms got invited, don't think they ever see him as a starter. They guy are responding to, has a legit point.

he didn't say no team thought he would be a starter. he said that no team thought he could make their team better.
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Not in front of cameras, though I was never in that position.

While Bray is immature, part of his problem comes from not having coaches tell him to knock that crap off.

Which comes from fans who would not have tolerated watching a few super talented players on a semi-talented team ride pine while it lost games.
The only way to explain Da'rick and Bray not being drafted is this. Incompetence abounds in 90% of the workforce, and apparently the NFL is no exception. I saw Da'rick use a 3rd rounder (the honey badger), and he hasn't even played football for over a year and got kicked off for drugs. That fact that a team hasn't taken a chance on Da'rick is just plain stupid.
Either that, or they took a look at Tennessee's won-loss record, and decided that certain players didn't play well with others, and didn't get the team concept.
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Not in front of cameras, though I was never in that position.

While Bray is immature, part of his problem comes from not having coaches tell him to knock that crap off.

Difficult to do when the HC has cut his own legs in dealing with other players.
As I said, he had his own issues. But you're out of your mind if you don't think playing for Dooley was a huge negative.

Having Dooley means nothing to Bray's draft status. If he could play in the league he would have been drafted and yes I really do not care for Bray, but that does not make me any less vol fan than you. In addition I just noticed that Rogers from Vandy is just 3 spots below Bray for best available. Bray is still #3 at this point, let's just be honest...he is going very late in the draft if at all. I mean JC went in the 6th round. Time to get real here.
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What's wrong with having an opinion? I don't like Brays attitude as well as many other fans.
He flicked off the specific Auburn fan that hit him in the head with a cup of ice. Would prefer thst he hadn't done it, but he wasn't taunting anyone.

Really? He found the one fan who hit him with ice and gave him the finger? Thinking that he would know it was specifically meant for him? Come on now. Take off the crimson glasses for just one second.
The only way to explain Da'rick and Bray not being drafted is this. Incompetence abounds in 90% of the workforce, and apparently the NFL is no exception. I saw Da'rick use a 3rd rounder (the honey badger), and he hasn't even played football for over a year and got kicked off for drugs. That fact that a team hasn't taken a chance on Da'rick is just plain stupid.
Agreed Rogers to me is more mystifying than Bray. Someone will get a steal with Rogers.
He went on tv four to five months after his last game and said that. Good for him. Please explain how the coach is supposed to know he is only giving a 70-80% preparation effort if that effort is better than the other QBs? I just can't blame Dooley for it. I'll concede maybe 5% Dooley at most but the rest is on Bray and Bray only. Do you blame teachers when kids who don't study that hard fail a test?

Are you kidding me. We paid CDD millions to know that. Again our coach gave 70% so it was ok for the players to do the same.

It is up to the teachers to inspire, motivate, and teach kids how to prepare for this test. So yes they would be to blame. My 9 year old would rather go play some basketball than study. Is she a bad kid? Lazy? Not smart? Or does she need to learn how to prepare for this test, and every other test she will ever take? Kids think they know everything. strong roll models help them learn the importance of preparation, and hard work. Will you stop acting like Bray is 35, and has learned everything about life already. He is just a kid, and needed a stronger coach to help him reach his true potential.
By this point either guy would be better off simply going undrafted so that they could just choose to sign with whichever team best suits their situation.
Having Dooley means nothing to Bray's draft status. If he could play in the league he would have been drafted and yes I really do not care for Bray, but that does not make me any less vol fan than you. In addition I just noticed that Rogers from Vandy is just 3 spots below Bray for best available. Bray is still #3 at this point, let's just be honest...he is going very late in the draft if at all. I mean JC went in the 6th round. Time to get real here.

So you don't like Tyler Bray as a person or QB?

Bc if its just the QB thing, there is no reason to act the way you people are. It's just a game. No reason to get enjoyment out of someone's else's problems.

If you hate him as a person? Idk....what to tell you. If you hate him as a person you have major issues.
I really did think a team would have taken a chance by now on both Bray and DaRick. There must be something out there about both we just don't know about.

They are gay, herion addicts, serial killers, racists, compulsive gamblers, tax cheats and park in handicap spaces but they have great raw talent.
What did Bray do that warranted him being kicked off the team? By any coach?

The truth may be something we never know and maybe he did not, but there was something there...like a bad cancer that we saw a few times...I think because Bray was quiet we saw it less verbally expressed.

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